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Keeper of Kraata

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Status Updates posted by Keeper of Kraata

  1. Woops, did I just accidentally a diplomatic incident?

    1. Nato G

      Nato G

      You might have. Yes.

    2. Keeper of Kraata

      Keeper of Kraata

      (Warning, STRONG... everything, really.)

    3. Keeper of Kraata

      Keeper of Kraata

      Got the quote from the Abridged!Alucard in this episode.

  2. I wonder how many of the people online are just people like me who are on mobile?

    1. Nato G

      Nato G

      My modem died, so yes, I'm usually on my mobile. Then I have to go back and add pretty colours to everything whenever I get a chance to go online with a computer.

    2. Keeper of Kraata

      Keeper of Kraata

      I mean, it may look like I am always online, but I just logged my iPad in and put it down...

  3. E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy is a dollar on Steam! WHAT ARE YOU DOING

    1. Ghidora131


      Why? Are you taking a survey?

    2. Keeper of Kraata

      Keeper of Kraata

      Just one of my favorite games ever.


    1. Ghidora131


      Mm... *grabs fork & butter*

  5. Lose the 'o'?

    1. silo


      It was a necessary sacrifice :P

  6. "Welcome to the goblin space program! Would you like to be an astronaut?"

    1. Ghidora131


      "Do I get to blow something up?"

  7. "Yes, the hood is absolutely essential. Shut up, you know nothing of necrocybermancy! NOTHING!"

    1. Ghidora131


      But... I bought the season pass...

  8. Yay, broke 1K posts! Now it actually kinda looks like I've been a member for nine years.

    1. Ghidora131


      With that ugly of a face, why not? XD

  9. Don't know if you saw, but some characters want to talk to Ayiwah over in Ga-Wahi.

  10. "My spirit animal is a Vorahk!"

  11. Oh,didn't notice that until just now. Thank you!

  12. Man, the Protecters have som serious sameface going on. You know what I'm talking about.

  13. When will you be making a new topic for your art?

  14. Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la!

  15. Glamour shots of my favorite Rahkshi. I AM a nerd.

  16. "It is true that I killed my mentor... and yet, I am not his murderer."

  17. Been coughing up my lung for the past few weeks. Not stuff that was IN my lung, parts of my actual lung. Pneumonia sucks.

  18. Two more semesters...

  19. have you read the new chapter yet?

  20. Duh. Where else would he get all his ideas for his epics?

  21. I take it you have a skype. Add me, I'm ninjaxenomorph

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