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Laughing Man

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Year 17

About Laughing Man

  • Birthday 09/28/1994

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  1. you ever get so salty over your misinterpretation of an empowering post that you start harassing the poster on social media and then chain report them over minor stuff until they get their proto dropped

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    2. Laughing Man

      Laughing Man

      anybody with a shred of sense could see the case against you here (especially factoring in the social media harassment), but you're probably right, because very few people here have any sense.

    3. Laughing Man

      Laughing Man

      the entire point of the entry was screw labels, be yourself, don't worry about other people's judgments. it was literally the opposite of an attack on any minority group on BZP, especially the one I'm a part of. you chose to interpret it the way you did and then launch a campaign against me even though I removed the entry from public view and then said nothing more about the subject.


      as for the whole trap thing - again, I'm a transgender woman. you don't have t...

    4. Laughing Man

      Laughing Man

      as for the whole trap thing - again, I'm a transgender woman. you don't have the right to police what terms I can or cannot use, with pride, to describe myself. that's completely hypocritical on your part. not to mention incredibly obvious that you only even bothered making a deal out of it because you wanted to build up some BS case against me.

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