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Laughing Man

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Status Updates posted by Laughing Man

  1. =D That'd be great! Thanks!

    BTW, I approved your friends request =)

  2. I didn't do anything wrong, besides disagree with your music preferences. You're the one who blew up and started insulting me.

  3. Man~? There is no Man~! There is only ~Laughin!


    Because I accidentally hit the enter key half way through typing my new name. =|

  4. Disagreeing with someone isn't even wrong. It's just.. normal.

  5. I plan on changing it to a new variation of ~Laughin'Man~ as soon as I can.

  6. Very. And there is a really surprising twist at the end.

  7. Hope you had a great Christmas, Turkey-Eye!

    Mmm... Turkey... I'm getting hungry for that leftover turkey in the fridge...


  8. Well, I'm fighting to keep you away from my wife... But yes, this is beginning to get repetitive. =P

  9. suck it up, buttercup

  10. nope, now you're just getting paranoid

  11. Is it the scars? Wanna know how I got 'em?

  12. :o I just noticed that you were a OBZPC! Congrats!
  13. fyi some of my best friends are comic-makers, I despise no one, I just don't like sprite comics

  14. Your banner, avatar, and personal pic are all completely and totally AWESOME.

  15. oh, hey WW. long time no see.

  16. That is by far the most hilarious personal pic I've seen on this site.

  17. "So death created time to grow the things that it would kill."

  18. you've seriously never heard of Shadows Fall? they're like the grandfathers of metalcore. members of both Killswitch Engage and All That Remains were previously in Shadows Fall.

  19. Yes! Bob! The most feared veggie in the history of vegetables! Bwahahaha!

  20. You were tickling, not hugging! >=(

    *Switches to Olmak and transports everyone but Tahu01 and I to a safe dimension and unleashes a Light nova blast.*

  21. Mine sort of fluctuates from day to day... Some days it might be an 8, others a 3. Depends on how my day went, I suppose.

  22. I keep hearing about them, haven't checked them out though.

  23. +100 Awesome Points for liking Metallica.

  24. I never said it was -civil- disagreement, stop putting words in my mouth.

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