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Night Terror

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by Night Terror

  1. I think I know what do you mean in that phrase. Well... is not that you don't do your job well, but, if what I heard is correct, your arguments are not always the best...
  2. Meh, forget the game guys, we have awesome movies and comics on Bionicle.com. After all, you won't die if that game doesn't get released X day.
  3. Night Terror


    Hope you don0t get the "Guy that talks you and game freezes" glitch that I had
  4. Night Terror

    More Delays

    Because we haven't decided if somebody gets it "exclusively" first (like Cartoon Network, Jetix, or some other partner)... Uhm, if I have to tell you the truth, I would find more logical that Cartoon network gets the song 2 weeks before but... Man, they already got the game! BTW, nice Bstory update, too bad we can't choose the video we want.
  5. Night Terror

    More Delays

    Well, as I thought would happen. Who thinks that the game will be delayed until Thursday again? And about your teeth... Could you change the grinding for Gum?
  6. Eh, whyallthisnospacesintextesthingy?Isjusttoannoypeoplewhotriestoreadit? So, I start school in two weeks (Don't kill me!)
  7. Well, I'm not angry, but I'm kinda disappointed about this. But it's not your fault Well instead the Toa entering the Codrex, I expected the vehicles, but looks like in 7 days we're getting it. Also, I like the way Ghost has managed to make the Codrex. And about the game, I think it's better that you don't say anything about releases dates, I mean, it looks like he likes to annoy you by getting bugs or some other problems, doesn't it?
  8. Oh man, didn't know it was your birthday! Happy B-day 5 days late :P

  9. Night Terror


    Oh well, Congrats Lisa. And please share it
  10. Great news Bink! Too bad about the downloadable version and the spanish site (though after seeing how the english one is more complete, I like it better). Hope everything turns out well, and that you get a good job at Lego... Also... Didn't know your bike was stolen?
  11. Congrats Gata, hope you do your new job right... Otherwise, you'll get fired! :P

  12. Night Terror


    Cool, Bink's back with a present. I have the same question as Cholie, what did people over there think?
  13. Souryu Kauryba! Souryu Kauryba! PS: One comes out this month, the other has no release date (The sooner being christmas), do you really think this should be an issue?
  14. Night Terror

    Mata Nui?

    I know something, because once I saw a concept art that made me think... And trust me, you can't even imagine what is this really...
  15. Well, I might have an idea of how do you feel. Trust me, you now have to clean your head, don't worry so much about it, and then when you're more... Eh... Calmed down, if you want, try to talk to her (But I don't promise anything). And I do feel bad for you, those kind of things are ones of the worse that can happen to anyone.
  16. Well, the banner is still working, after all I copy pasted your signature link :P

    But thanks for telling. And your banner is awesome :)

  17. Night Terror


    Enjoy them Bink, you really deserve it
  18. Regarding the comment you gave me... Hi! :P

  19. Night Terror


    Thanks for answering. Well, until it's released we'll be distacted by those awesome games and serials I hope. I'm also impatient to see the new story content. Talking about it, how long takes the Takanuva blog to be updated?
  20. Night Terror


    Your theory is right. I have looked at it a bit, and, yes, that is a countdown to the codrex movie. DJ Reidak Where did you look to?
  21. Night Terror


    But then it doesn't make sense, the last countdown ends in December 15th... There must be something we're not aware of... Oh, and Binky: That means that we won't the meaning, or we won't hear the song until many moons? (And how much is a moon anyways?)
  22. Night Terror


    No, 61 days until the Mistika Mini-Movie is released. Didn't Bink and Greg tell us that it was like last years ones? No. Wait then... Uh... Something must happen... Uhh... Song release?
  23. Night Terror


    No, 61 days until the Mistika Mini-Movie is released. Didn't Bink and Greg tell us that it was like last years ones?
  24. Night Terror


    But I still don't know when the song is released, dang it! What do you mean by BStory update is still a little behind? That will be updated in some days? Oh, and I just played around with my Computer clock...
  25. Night Terror


    I love this series. And, such a coicncidence, it's aired tonight in Spain!
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