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Night Terror

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by Night Terror

  1. Night Terror


    I believe that's a typo. Thanks Greg, this guy sounds promising. Too bad he never talks, I would have liked even just one phrase in all the storyline.
  2. Those are fantastic news, but... When you say that no info until July, It's because is in July when Shadows In The Sky gets released? And that your products of next year are great, it's something that you guys have been able to see in BZP for months (Heck, everyone is gonna get a set in 2008)
  3. Night Terror

    New Serials

    Now please tell me that this is a joke... No, seriously, that's a strange but good team. I hope you put some jokes in the serial. BTW, is this the only Serial in January, or there will be something else?
  4. Night Terror

    New Comic Artist

    Umm... I want to see how will he draw the Phantoka. And thanks for doing the reasonabout the Silver Ignika. BTW, If I'm not mistaken, the web-serials will be up this Monday.
  5. * Perfect, done and ready? I hope that there's nothing like the Karzahni wallpaper... (Heck, from where does the chain come and why has he two left hands?) * So... Dark design to fit the year? * Let me guess: It's the Phantoka T * Another thing done, less to do... yet. * I don't know If that's going to be a Minimovie or what, but please: Put them on Quicktime to download! We love CGI videos! * So... BionicleStory 2007 will be nothing compared to BStory 2008? (I mean, guess that's a lot more than this year) So by Dec. 12th you need ALL 2008 or just Phantoka themed? Well, I want to see It! I hope I like It, and If I don't do... Well, I don't belive I won't. Thanks for the update Bink, hope you're not very busy
  6. Night Terror


    Bink, you're a genius. Man, aren't you tired af that much work?
  7. So, is that the bad thing that you mentioned the other day? Man, I'm very sorry. I don't want to even imagine how would I feel If I found my car as that...
  8. Well, I think I used the wrong word, sorry. But, what I meant, is that things are showed with a little more of detail. (I know that 12 pages aren't enough to tell very very well the story, like back in 2001-03, where even extra scenes were given.). But you know, sometimes, there's so many action there, that It's even hard to understand what's going on until the third time you read It.
  9. Remember what he said BFN, no issue on January. But, heck, what are we going to do with our two months storyline? We DO need them! Well, at least we'll have 16 pages, in which I hope we can fill those horrible storyline holes.
  10. So, let me guess, a 2008 style of CGI mini-movie like Creeps From The Deep, with original music? Cool! BTW, when you mean Logo, that means something like the Bohrok symbol?
  11. Oh, pretty easy: WWW.BIONICLE.COM
  12. Just: Wow. 2008 will be more exciting even that 2003, when all the Mask of Light thing. Also, this remembers me of the old Kanohi wallpapers of 2001-02. Hope that all of them are awesome as that.
  13. I can imagine the situation... Drunk1: WHat have you told me? Hip! What? Hip! Drunk2: That's what--Hip!-- I should ask you. Hip! Both: I'll take that bottle and-- You: 50 Dollars that number one wins On the other side... GIVE ME MONEY.... Adventurer: No
  14. Hey Omi, If you finally are psychologist, can I get a free session? Seriously, I hope you can do It
  15. The link to the message boareds was broken, and It was by something I don't know. So I copied the error text, and sent him It.

  16. YAY for Ad! Hope you learn a lot by yourself.
  17. OMG! Hoe much does this cost? Really, this would sell a lot.
  18. Glad to see you enjoyed Bink. Hey, I can see Tahu! TAHUUUUUUUUU!!!!! *looks at his back* "Who calls me?" No, really, It's cool. A very good Vezok statue. Also... WHAT'S BIONICLE 2007 TOUR? OMG! KALMAH HAS STOLE IT! (Since he left the Pit prison, he's waaaaaay worse) EDIT: So, I see Matoro at the other side now. Silly me Oh, that girl is looking at Mask Of Light, isn't she?
  19. Finding a very good error on Bionicle.com.

  20. Adventurer!!! Adventurer!!!!! Ignorant EDIT: Since you updated the entry... PS: Cool PSS: Lucky you. PSSS: LUCKY YOU! :angry: JK
  21. Personally, Keep It that way

  22. Hey Gata, since when you speak Spanish?

  23. No no no... Adventurer. I mean, HOW THE HECK I'M GONNA RECOGNIZE YOU?
  24. Night Terror

    2008 Faqs

    Do you guys read the Blog entry? Thanks Greg by putting up those. I didn't know that those were Av-Matoran.
  25. And If It's another guy, who's a bad guy? (Makuta's here! NO!) Now seriously, he didn't even tell you "Sorry", or not even think "Oh my..."? Then he isn't rude... A delinquent! Go to jail and then SJD@DDHD FJSN! (Sorry, needed to do It ) EDIT: Omi, I didn't know It was that bad. Sorry PS: I hate Board Messages, I mean, I tried to edit this like four times. (I'm looking at you Suverlord ¬¬)
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