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Status Updates posted by Lemonosity

  1. Dude, add me on Steam. I know you're Ian's bro. We talked. Request is under the name LSC Colossal. You met my bro Wegix or w/e.

  2. The lazer thing isn't from Arby n the Chief. It's just in it. And the Soi thing isn't from that either.

  3. Thanks for calling my gamertag awesome!

  4. Remember to shoop da whoop daily!

  5. Nice picture.

    Shoop da whoop.

  6. Did you watch the Lazer Collection? Also, what's your Gaia?


  7. Ok... I live in Arlington (Memphis).

  8. You dude, it's me. (Zachsauce)

  9. I saw the comment on my profile. When exactly is oon? :P

  10. Sigh, ok Mr. Kopakalaka. And nice Metagross.

  11. Oh, no! I started a fad, now everyone will want Kopakalaka to review their epics... What ever shall I do? I'll draw!11one

  12. Hey, can you review my epic? And nice Tanma revamp.

  13. Hey, can you review my epic?

  14. Nvmd about the post thing, but can you still read it and give a review? I feel so hated...

  15. Oh, hey, what's you CP name?

  16. Hey, can you do me a favor? After every chapter in my new epic, can you post ONCE so my posts don't fuse? It won't let me double-post.

  17. Hey, nice sig! :P Merry Christmas! What are you getting? I'm getting Lesovikk, Gadunka, and Hydraxon (no Karzahni). I also got $100.

  18. This is a comment reply. Yay!

  19. Hey, meet me under the ocean in the plastic coated starfish with yellow and periwinkle polkadots to eat vanilla-flavored moose necks with Arbiter... And he said to bring the chocolate syrup.

  20. Draxon said you had to eat paper waffles and shoe syrup, and I know just the place to get that stuff.... Mix waffles and paper, then mix shoes and syrup. And eat, then you won't not be no scared of them pancakes..... I was bored.

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