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Everything posted by Lemonosity

  1. Dude, add me on Steam. I know you're Ian's bro. We talked. Request is under the name LSC Colossal. You met my bro Wegix or w/e.

  2. The lazer thing isn't from Arby n the Chief. It's just in it. And the Soi thing isn't from that either.

  3. Thanks for calling my gamertag awesome!

  4. Remember to shoop da whoop daily!

  5. Nice picture.

    Shoop da whoop.

  6. Did you watch the Lazer Collection? Also, what's your Gaia?


  7. But the contest doesn't end for 16 days.... -K- Gah, you're right. My watch's date is broke'd. It says 15. Thanks for reminding me! I so stupid; _I-r_E-n_D-o_
  8. I am so close to done-ness right now. But I can't find the other side to my red pod! If I don't find it in six days, I am doomed. DOOMED, I TELL YOU.
  9. Why didn't you tell me about this? I TRY to enter, most likely can't. I got all of the X-Pods (except for the first green, because I got the black version of it). I've seen one entry (The Thyng) and it was good. This might be a rough competition. You know what it is; _I-r_E-n_D-o_
  10. Ok... I live in Arlington (Memphis).

  11. You dude, it's me. (Zachsauce)

  12. I saw the comment on my profile. When exactly is oon? :P

  13. Sigh, ok Mr. Kopakalaka. And nice Metagross.

  14. Oh, no! I started a fad, now everyone will want Kopakalaka to review their epics... What ever shall I do? I'll draw!11one

  15. Hey, can you review my epic? And nice Tanma revamp.

  16. Hey, can you review my epic?

  17. Nvmd about the post thing, but can you still read it and give a review? I feel so hated...

  18. Oh, hey, what's you CP name?

  19. Hey, can you do me a favor? After every chapter in my new epic, can you post ONCE so my posts don't fuse? It won't let me double-post.

  20. Hey, nice sig! :P Merry Christmas! What are you getting? I'm getting Lesovikk, Gadunka, and Hydraxon (no Karzahni). I also got $100.

  21. Lemonosity

    New Comic Artist

    I liked the teaser in the Nov. Lego Magazine. I think that person would do good, but the new artist has already been chosen. Well, I can't wait to recieve the new comics. chibi-IRENDO
  22. This is a comment reply. Yay!

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