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Status Updates posted by Skorpyo

  1. I meant the other one, but okay


  2. Oh, wow, they're back... Thanks for letting me know! The thing is the NR still has to make the Comic, not host it,so it'll still be a bit. But it is coming!


  3. DUDE





  4. You don't have to close it for us. I'll make something soon enough. If you want to close it anyway, whatever, but yeah, I don't mind.


  5. Hello? Auto has a question in PATS, and we think you can answer it


  6. Um... Hi. By now you must have noticed I have bad people skills.

    *Looks down & kicks rock.*


  7. Niiice! So can you still do PU when it comes back, or is your back-ness a temporary thing...?

  8. Well enough. Currently trying to change my name, though I know I can't until the 21. Yourself?


  9. Not bad, how're you?


  10. Hello? Did you get my PM?


  11. Hey you sig says you still need a banner for your Comics so why don't you use one of the ones I chucked in your topic a while back?

    Not saying you have to, just noticed you're still trying to get a banner together so yeah :)


  12. fff. Well! I-I-I have NEVER been more insulted!(;p *koff*IhopeyourealizeIwasjeskidding*weez*)

  13. I need to send you something.

    Tidy up the ol' inbox.


  14. I will get you a Comic by Monday;Promised.


  15. OK, you can PM your request now


  16. Hi!

    How did you change your name after 13 days?


  17. Check out PATS, please


  18. Well? WELL?


  19. Hey, Reese. Adding you to friends now...

  20. Hey; You can PM me whatever you need now, I cleaned the old inbox


  21. Hey! Sorry about that! I just sent you a PM explaining things and with one of the sheets! Thanks for being so patient!


  22. PM away


  23. *Poke*

    Now that you're back you should check out my new series snooze

    cause I'll pay you in Monopoly money if you do B)

    No wai in all seriousness I'm not gonna make you read it, I'm just blatantly advertising is all B}

    Yeah you rock l8r


  24. I know

    That's why I love/hate it :P


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