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Everything posted by Skorpyo

  1. Still not going, I'm afraid; I was just off to temp. close the topic to preserve it until I have something done, actually, which will most likely be very soon(I now have motivation)


  2. Aw thanks Kazi :) I just saw in the recent music topic I missed yours by a bit, but happy late birthday nonetheless!


  3. Wait... What do you guys do in this? -Skorpyo
  4. How's Rift going? Need any help with it?


  5. Aw man Not gonna lie, I was very disappointed when I saw that Kahi didn't break into a nice big musical number to mark the end of the C3 That was the part I was most looking forward to Oh, yeah, the stuff; The Impossibles looks veddy nahs, interesting concept with the 2.5D kinda thing Maybe this paired with the Kanohi of Comedy stuff just might start a trend of Comic Makers learning 3D Modeling and doing stuff like this; The story's interesting too, so I'm looking forward to this I am very, very excited for Tavakai's movie cause it's not about another freakin war The ICC game looks nice, I might attempt to try it but I'm using a Mac so it probably won't run anyway; Looks worth trying to get it to work, at least Nice showing this year; Can't wait for next year(Kahi get your song ready now) -Skorpyo
  6. Um Kay SUPER LONG C3 WIN WOOO kk off to actually do work on jolt kthx4comments spoofquest looks like fun and i alread commented on zakitano so SKORPYO AWAAAAAY But seriously, SpoofQuest looks like a fun read so far, Zakitano looks like he might have something(I've just never taken to Pirogi Vampire is all), and Jolt hasn't really been started but hopefully it'll be up(and over, if I'm real lucky) before the next C3(pff yeah that'll happen) Thanks for the comments, and good luck to the people at the other exhibits -Skorpyo EDIT: Woah I started writing the Jolt character personalities and this thing is gonna be sooo messed up I'm not gonna lie, it may be hard to take in on the first read, but it'll definitely be dark, so those of you who like uber-dark stories are gonna have 26 consecutive field days with this thing -Skor
  7. Alright showing I read the Newsroom here and there, so good for them that it's back, I might check it out again; Not much else to say there The Pirogi Vampire sounds like it could be interesting to people who are already fans and some others, but over it's run I've tried reading it many times and never really liked it; I dunno what it is, I think it was just never really my style of Comics, cause I never actually thought it was bad, I just never took to it. Good luck with it anyway, I might give it another try when it reopens -Skorpyo
  8. LJ's:I've never really read Lazy Life, but the story sounds interesting I guess. Good luck with it! Oni's:Sounds like a really intriguing premise; I dunno where you can go with it from what you stated, but that's the beauty of that story: At this point, it has the potential to go ANYWHERE. I look forward to August 17 Toaster's:Very mysterious, but not to the point of being frustrating and I swear to god if the whole thing rhymes like that I'll bookmark that series the day it comes out Overall, nice showing today! -Skorpyo
  9. I'm not entirely sure what to think about Shenanigans; I don't think I've seen enough of it to make any good or bad opinions, but I'm assuming it's another Quest, so... "sigh" And yeah, will other people be able to make guest comics for the Academy-thingy when it opens? If I'm only good at one thing in Comic Making, it's definitely plot/storytelling, so I'd like to see other newer Comic makers be able to make some nice stories and not just go straight to the "Studio" Yeah, for today's showing the ComicAdemy, is surprisingly, kinda the winner(Definitely not to put down other exhibits; Not to say there was a bad one, it just seems the Academy got the best reception) -Skorpyo
  10. If you're only making Comics to get popular, you're never gonna have fun with it :/ Anyway, to quote Janaro, it looks awight, and I've never really been a Delta Studios fan, but I guess I'll check it out maybe, some of this sounds like it could be interesting -Skorpyo
  11. Hey guys, this really only pertains to snooze fans. Okay, so here's the deal; I've signed up for an exhibit in the C3 2010 that's been going on(as you can see in my banner) But here's the thing; As you'll see when my article goes up, it doesn't pertain to snooze at all; It will pertain to an upcoming series of mine(though you should see that too ) "Why did you enter the C3, but without your flagship series?" you may ask And here's what my answer would be: something along the lines of "Cause there way too much that I don't want you guys finding out or guessing this early in the story-- maybe next year" But I felt bad; No spoilers or teasers for at least another year? So here's the deal: I'll give you guys two backgrounds, but no information, m'kay? Here goes; Background 1:(This is just a clear version of what the Source of the Dream really looks like; I just thought it would be interesting) That's that, then So here's Background 2, the one that really gonna get you guys thinking: What's this background? I dunno... I have no idea where it even came from... ...I just heard from where I got it that just might be a central part of Volume Four So yeah, that's all the future-of-snooze info I'm gonna give at the moment Ur wlcme c u l8r gauze -Skorpyo
  12. Um... What does that make the schedule now?(I'll assume it won't be three morning exhibits and that's it, cause I highly doubt only three people signed up) Yo this thing's gone all wiggidy-wiggidy-wack Oh and by the way, I really don't want to start getting annoying cause I feel like I am, but I just wanted to make sure you knew Part two of yesterday never went live-- I click on the link in your sig and it says I'm not authorized to see it. Not sure if you knew that or not, just pointing it out in case... -Skorpyo
  13. Skorpyo


    I always did like getting a Blog for a week, even though for like the past 3 years I've never done anything useful with it Oh well... Maybe next year I will -Skorpyo
  14. Yeah, cool it's up and everything, but I thought you said six exhibits at morning and six at night Here's one Whatever anyways the 3D stuff here sounds pretty cool, I'll probably take a look at this Topic... -Skorpyo
  15. I asked for a minor exhibit, like, 5 minutes ago for a WIP series some people might find interesting Hope I get in, no hard feelings if it's, like, too late -Skorpyo
  16. *Poke*

    Now that you're back you should check out my new series snooze

    cause I'll pay you in Monopoly money if you do B)

    No wai in all seriousness I'm not gonna make you read it, I'm just blatantly advertising is all B}

    Yeah you rock l8r


  17. Hey you sig says you still need a banner for your Comics so why don't you use one of the ones I chucked in your topic a while back?

    Not saying you have to, just noticed you're still trying to get a banner together so yeah :)


  18. Srsly, you're like the third person(myself included, sadly) I've ever seen use that kit, but it's so great and underappreciated

    So you should keep using it

    I'm gonna friend you just for that now B)


  19. Dude

    If you're upcoming comics are anything as good as the banner, they'll be mind blowing.

    You know why the banner's so great?



  20. Cool! I'm just happy you're back


  21. Niiice! So can you still do PU when it comes back, or is your back-ness a temporary thing...?

  22. DUDE





  23. PM away


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