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Wrinkledlion X

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Wrinkledlion X

  1. Wrinkledlion X
    Well, I finished my last STAR tests today. History was harder than I expected, and Science was far easier than I ever would've thought. I really should have studies harder for History and less for Science... Still, I'm fairly sure I did well.
    Yesterday I took the Math test, which was actually not too difficult. There were some types of problems I couldn't remember how to do, but overall I'm feeling fairly good about it. Thank God I remembered the quadratic formula!
    I had English on Tuesday, but, really, it's just English. Simple and not worth discussing.
    Probably the most interesting thing I did today was read the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It wasn't nearly as long as I had anticipated... I started reading it when I got to school and read it in between sections of the test-packet, finishing it by the last (And only) period, English, where I took one of those horribly annoying "Reading Counts!" tests on it.
    Very funny. I recommend it.
    Now I've got to stop procrastinating on BZPower and get to work on my Civil War Journal project...
  2. Wrinkledlion X
    You are the dancing queeeeeeeeeen!
    Young and sweeeeeeet!
    Only seventeeeeeeeeeeeen!
    Dancing queeeeeeeen!
    Feel the beat from the tambouriiiiiiiiine!
    Oh yeaaaaaah!
    You can daaaaance!
    You can jive!
    See that girl, watch that scene, dig in the dancing queeeeeeeeeeen!
    Dig in the dancing queeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!
  3. Wrinkledlion X
    Few things about our favorite Makuta:
    First, I was looking through the OGD and there was a quote asking Greg for the pronunciation of "Teridax." He wrote it as "te h-rih-dacks," but of course the word "te h" is censored to "the," so it showed up as "Theridax." Doesn't that sound so much cooler? It still has an "X,' but it doesn't sound like a dinosaur and the "th" sounds much... Grander.
    Yeah, so I now pronounce it "Theridax."
    Also, here's a quote about him:

    So it looks like we'll have a new villain, which I'm happy about. Don't get me wrong- I love Makuta, but I don't like him every year. It'll be like 2002 again.
  4. Wrinkledlion X
    I really love the Vahki slogans... So Soviet...
    "A busy Matoran is a happy Matoran."
    (Goes without saying...)
    "Pride in the elite."
    (So Soviet...)
    "For peace and the law."
    (Not the Matoran's well-being, just THE LAW.)
    "Thoughts can be dangerous."
    (Oh no, Blogalert!)
    "Might makes right."
    (It sure does.)
    "Obedience is happiness."
    (Most communist one of all.)
  5. Wrinkledlion X
    Remember late last year when I evacuated to the Target parking lot to escape the California Wildfires?
    Well, considering that every few hours we would go to the edge of a cliff and watch the fires advance down the mountains towards our homes, we had a pretty good time. Donuts every morning and massive donations of food and free barbecues from Barbecues Galore... Live music... No school... Good times...
    Anyways, I found a video over here of our "tragic and difficult experience." At 49 seconds in you can see my parents, sister, grandparents, and great-grandma. At nine seconds in, the fat guy in the chair is my (much older than me) cousin Unnar, at 27 seconds the guy behind the man in the foreground is Dwayne, the sheriff... At 1:16 my mother, grandpa, and great-grandma are there... Again at 1:32...
    So those were the hardships we faced.
    Not me, though, because at the time this was shot, my cousin Kristjan and I were giving fake surveys outside of Target and breaking open glowsticks and writing stuff on the sidewalk in glowstick-fluid.
    Good times.
    EDIT: Uh oh.

  6. Wrinkledlion X
    You know what I hate?
    When people mindlessly kill insects. I was out at P.E. the other day and there were a bunch of little beetles crawling through the grass on the field... Maybe fifty in total, but it was a big field and it was harder to accidentally step on one than to avoid them. By the time we left for the lockers the entire area was covered with smashed insects...
    They weren't stinkbugs or anything that might pose the slightest bit of harm to someone. They walked low to the ground without their abdomens poised and they had an entirely differently-shaped thorax. There was no possibility of mistaking them. The only thing similar was their black coloring. (If I had to guess, I'd say they were adult mealworms or something.)
    They're hardly sophisticated animals, but really, they're animals regardless. What moron makes a habit of killing little animals? It pisses me off.
  7. Wrinkledlion X
    I just received a package in the mail with "LEGO" printed on it... I assumed it was Brickmaster, but I opened it and found Tanma, Photok, and Solek inside, with a paper indicating that it had been ordered from Shop@Home on December 20, 2007... (Using 2nd-day shipment!)
    I already own them, so I imagine it must have been a Christmas or birthday present that got lost in the mail...
  8. Wrinkledlion X
    With many people I know (Cthulhu, BK, KB), comic-making seems to come naturally. Not me...
    But I might occasionally make comics, now that they've all started up their series again.
    This good enough?

    Uh, yeah, Cthulhu's head is on backwards in the last panel.
    You can now praise my wit.
  9. Wrinkledlion X
    Strange how 6 times 6 is 36, but 600 times 600 is not 3600. Zeros aren't proportional...
    Even stranger is that 360's square root is 18.97366596...
    Anyways, I have 3600 posts.
    Can you believe it? That's 18.97366596 more than 3581.026334...
    Just a few days ago I was at 3581.026334 posts... More or less.
  10. Wrinkledlion X
    Zombie Defense Strategy:
    Scatter LEGO Bricks outside of house. Slow-moving, foot-dragging zombies will step all over them and by the time they reach your boarded-up windows their feet will be too cut up for them to walk.
  11. Wrinkledlion X
    I just saw Iron Man and it was awesome.
    I've never read the comics or anything, but I loved the movie. Best superhero film I've seen in a while.
    Oh, and when we were buying tickets, my dad accidentally asked to see the Iron Giant. I looked at my watch and said, "Sorry, that film came out a decade ago."
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