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Wrinkledlion X

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Wrinkledlion X

  1. Wrinkledlion X
    We have morning announcements every day on the TVs at our school, and at the end of of each day's segment they show a list of birthdays... My birthday is in December, but somehow they thought it was today and so they listed me. The entire day I had droves of people coming up to me and wishing me a happy birthday... It was very strange.
  2. Wrinkledlion X
    I've determined that 2009 will be awesome. Here is my evidence:
    Red sentences are my responses.

    Then we have this:

    That's always good.
    Then there's the fact that we have a movie. Though it's obviously far too early to judge the quality of it, this will most likely contribute a lot to the basic structure of the year. Because they can't reveal movie plots too early, the books will have more room to expand on the first half of the year and the second will be summed up in the movie novelization. This allows for a more in-depth introduction to the location and could help support the added Rahi. (As mentioned in the quote.)
    This could affect the comics a great deal, too. Remember that a number of comics each year would have to be out at the same time as the movie and not give it away, so it would presumably have sidestories or other perspectives the way 2003-2005 did.
  3. Wrinkledlion X
    Has anyone here seen the movie Short Circuit? If you haven't, I suggest you do. It's a good movie.
    It's about a military robot (Number 5) who is struck my lightning and malfunctions. He develops a personality and believes he is alive. The military tries to hunt him down, and awesomeness ensues.
    Here's a photo of him.

    There's also a sequel, which is one of few sequels to be as good as the original. I suggest you rent them.
  4. Wrinkledlion X
    I just reread the excerpt Greg gave us from Swamp of Secrets and I realized what should've been obvious already- Lewa doesn't speak Treespeak! This is the first time since 2002!
    I'm pretty happy about that, myself. I remember when he first started speaking Treespeak I was irritated that he had changed so abruptly and I've still never liked that. I also reread some of the other Toa's dialog in the excerpt and it sounds a lot more classy and cool than most 2006-2007 dialog. They're speaking a bit more wordily and seriously, much like their dialog in the early years.
    The white armored figure frowned. “To whom are we meant to be heroes, and why? You say we have great abilities, but what are we meant to do with them? Too many questions, for my taste …”
    Reminds me of his lines in the first ever comic, actually.

    “You must not remove your masks, unless you are replacing one with another,” the voice said. “Without them, your strength is halved.”
    Sound like a Turaga, but it's not one. Regardless, it's awesome.

    “The gateway to another mystery, perhaps,” said Onua. “I wonder if a Toa’s life is filled with them?”
    “Then this will be just the first of many we walk through,” Tahu replied. “Let’s go.”
    See? Could you imagine the Mahri acting so dignified?
    So much of BIONICLE's feel can be traced to the dialog and I think this year may set us back on track in this respect. I know how much Greg likes the Toa Mata/Nuva, so I trust he'll be consistent and faithful in their dialog.
    I is happy.
  5. Wrinkledlion X
    I was searching on Google images for Polynesian masks and this is one that popped up. My first thought upon seeing it was, "Why, hello, Kalmah!"
    Looks like the Barraki were a bit closer to BIONICLE's roots than we thought...
  6. Wrinkledlion X
    EDIT: Oh, a hundred entries...
  7. Wrinkledlion X
    I just woke up at 6:30 PM today because of my stomach flu.
    The night before I had been vomiting and diarrhea-ing uncontrollably... It's one of the worst sicknesses I've ever had. And I've gotten sick a lot. It's all sort of a haze to me right now...
    Anyways, I woke up at 6:30 and went downstairs because I couldn't sleep. I was under the impression that it was early on Tuesday morning, so I was shocked to find the cats and dogs not put away, all the lights on, and my parents not in bed. I thought they had gone somewhere and I was very confused and angry...
    I turned on the radio to listen for if it was AM or PM at the time, but it never said, so I used the computer and went on BZPower to check how active it was. Sure enough, it was PM and I didn't have to go to school in several hours. Thank God! I waited around for a while until my mother got home and told me a very strange story.
    Apparently she had tried to wake me up this morning but found that I was in a complete delirium. (She's a psychologist at a mental hospital, so she knows this sort of thing well.) Apparently, when she woke me up, I kept on talking about her edification. Normally I don't know that word, but she says I was using it correctly and everything...
    Then for about ten minutes I answered all of her questions or commands by talking about jetpacks and water propulsion. For ten minutes. I frequently said the jetpacks on my arms hurt and then I would act as if I had something on my arms that I was trying to scrape off.
    Then, when she tried to get an actual response from me, I became very angry and indignant that she didn't understand or comprehend what I was trying to say. She decided to let me sleep after that.
    And that's why I haven't been on much today.
  8. Wrinkledlion X
    I subscribed to Brickmaster recently and I just got my first magazine today.
    It is awesome.
    They have a massive four-page fold-out on the Brotherhood of Makuta that reveals how they make Rahi by generating viruses and exposing them to Protodermis. It was a virus like this, created by MoMN, that cast Mata Nui into his sleep- It wasn't so much a spell like we always believed as a poisoning.
    There's also a profile of the Toa Ignika (He can communicate telepathically, apparently), a bonus Indiana Jones comic, instructions for a RACERS Truck, and lots of other stuff. My favorite part, however, is the bonus set.
    It's a small, relatively simple, blue, winged robot-guy. He's a bit shorter than Photok (excluding wings), but he has some pretty creative design-work. He also comes with six silver tooth pieces, which will no doubt be good for mocers. Perhaps the best thing about him, though, is his piece count: 103 pieces!
    I was previously under the impression that Brickmaster exclusive sets were small and rather jumbled, as I had only seen the 2004 welcome set, but I now know they're quite cool. With a piece-count like that I now have a lot more faith in the quality of this Fall's BIONICLE Brickmaster promo, which is said to be a Rahi.
    Then, of course, there's the Makuta-Making Contest. Details on that are posted a couple entries back among the replies somewhere... I'm very excited.
  9. Wrinkledlion X
    So cool.
    I didn't buy into all the hype, myself, but it certainly lived up to it well. I don't want to give anything away, but the movie was great. You should go see it.
  10. Wrinkledlion X
    My Avatar

    Well, I figured I'd finally explain what exactly my avatar is. You know, now that I've used it for almost five years on this site... It's gone through a lot of changes and has actually really angered people in the past... For a simple image it has a pretty colorful history.

    It started out as a really old moc, which I still have built. (Albeit a bit revamped.) It was the Nui-Zerima, which I built for BBC Contest #10. It went through several life stages, from larva to adolescent to pupa to adult... And, according to my old entry topic, it took approximately 28 Matoran to kill. I'm no longer sure of the accuracy of that statement...

    Not too long after, Areo Crunch opened up one of his Dark/Anti-Dark Avatar Shops. I had already gotten an avatar from him in a previous shop he had, so I thought I could get another cooler one and I got him a random image to modify- My entry picture for the contest. He did one of his magical mystical photoshop edits and made me this.

    I used this for a really long time... For just about everything I had on the internet. Avatars, banners, website logos, etc. I even had a forum that had a million of these tiled along the background of it. Now, because I was still a bit of a nooblet, I hadn't really thought to upload it to my own Brickshelf, so I was still using the image in his gallery. He didn't like all the bandwidth I was using, so he switched the image to this.

    That seriously messed up everything I had on the internet. All of my accounts now had a bit of purple writing for an avatar and my forum looked simply abysmal. Worse, I didn't have my avatar downloaded onto my computer so that I could reupload it to my own Brickshelf.

    I succeeded in locating a copy, however, by searching through my documents. Hidden in there was a screenshot I had taken of another forum (this one Godzilla-related) that I had used the avatar on. I cut it out using MS Paint and uploaded it to my own account where it could do no harm.

    Circa 2005 I realized that my avatar, as it was, was a bit plain. It was a cool symbol, but it was pretty much just a green square. So, in a rather lackluster attempt at coolifying it, I.. Put a border around it. Yeah! Classy! Grey!

    I just let it sit for a while as I got back into BIONICLE and BZPower. (I had a bit of a lack of interest in 2005.) The MNOLG was rereleased around this time and I was reminded of those awesome loading screens it had had. (These ones.) I went to one of billions of avatar shops and had them make me one with my current avatar inside that porthole in place of Mata Nui. After a ton of mistake-filled ones, I got this mighty fine one.

    I began to notice, not much later, the awesomeness of Bonesiii's transparent avatar, so I asked him if he'd be willing to assist me in modifying the image. He was willing, so he worked until he got this awesome current version. Though the difference isn't too noticeable in the links, the last one is a transparent .gif. So, in short, it's way cooler.

    Well, that's about it. Now you won't mistake it for anything else...
    Like a certain Keyblade Master of Light did... By mistaking it for something about Pink Floyd...
    Oh, and for that matter, happy birthday to KB...
  11. Wrinkledlion X
    Okay, this has been the awesomest birthday ever! It's probably the only birthday I've had that beat Christmas as far as presents go!
    I got:
    -Antroz (The only Phantoka I was missing)
    (The other two Matoran I already had)
    -Toa Ignika (He's so much cooler than I expected!)
    -Muaka and Kane-Ra
    -Naboo Starfighter and Vulture Droid
    -And, the coup de grâce, the Manas, which I've been asking for the past seven years!
    So coooool... And tomorrow I'm going to Disney California Adventure.
    EDIT: Oh, and this guy who seems to specialize in birthday topics made me a birthday topic over here!
  12. Wrinkledlion X
    This is about the new comic and LEGO Magazine.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Wow. 
    This one was amazing. Really.
    Matoro was the one who died, for those who don't know, and it was done very well. It had a page with him enveloped in golden light, wearing the Mask of Life, with images sort of superimposed above him of Matoro as a Tohunga and 2003-Matoran and various points of his life...
    He resurrected Mata Nui in the process and granted the Mahri lungs, transporting them to Metru Nui. There they spoke to an unusually illustrated Vakama (He looked very cool in Sayger's style), who informed them of Matoro's death.
    It was done extremely well. I've never actually been saddened by an event in BIONICLE before now. It wasn't the disappointed sad though, it was the good kind.
    I think I'm going to make a good effort to preserve this copy, along with the first one and the one where Takanuva is created. They're all high points.
    The teaser on the back is very impressive. It doesn't appear to be Sayger's work, but it looks very fitting for the Nuva. It features Antroz and Radiak battling Lewa and Tanma in flight. The style of illustration resembles a cross between Sayger (as it's fairly stylized) and D'anda (as it's pretty set accurate and detailed, but has more lines on it).
    In the magazine there is a massive foldout poster for the entire BIONICLE line, 2001-present.
    In massive letters it says "BIONICLE," with characters and things from all the years on it. Makuta 2003 dominates it at the top middle, with the Toa Mata standing in formation at the left, Bohrok, Bohrok Kal, Rahkshi, the Mask of Light, the Vahki, the Visorak, etc... Pretty much everything.
    The O and the E are filled with Visorak webs while the C has Morbuzahk vines growing on it. It seriously has everything. It then has captions summing up much of BIONICLE's history. The last one reads "AND IT ALL LEADS UP TO THIS...", with an arrow pointing to the back side of the page. On the other side is a Phantoka teaser with the Ignika and Lewa and Tanma being chased through sky by Chirox and Kirop in silhouette... With cool red eyes.
    Things are looking very good.

  13. Wrinkledlion X
    One thing that's been bugging me lately is the way that everyone's complaining about the New Nuva masks. I personally think they all have many similarities in design with their older forms. They may be shaped differently or be a different size, but ,uch of it is still there.
    First, here's a diagram illustrating the Miru Nuva's designs made by Aanchir. (In fact, those lines going back from the new version's eyes could be interpreted as highly diminished fins.)

    Next is one that I made for the Kakama Nuva. This one uses multiple colors to differentiate on the smaller pictures. (Because many of the things that are highlighted are lines or ridges, I have an unmarked version underneath.)

    I don't think a chart for the Akaku is necessary.
  14. Wrinkledlion X
    I had a fun day yesterday. For boy scouts we went to Lucerne Valley (a dry lake bed) and launched rockets. Mine had a hollow nosecone that held a payload, and I put a minifigure in it. After a couple times of launching the parachute broke so I stopped.
    My friend Nathaniel taped up the nosecone of his rocket to keep it from blowing off in the air like they're supposed to. This way the parachute didn't deploy and it just went straight down after launching, stabbing into the ground.
    I put the minifigure into it, but it didn't have a payload container, so I stuffed it into the body of the rocket. The wadding (paper tissue that keeps the flame of the engine from the parachute) was the only thing protecting him from a jet of flame that shoots from the engine to push the nosecone off.
    We launched it up about 2000 feet and watched it plummet until half of it was underground from the impact. We pulled it out and a massive, burning gash was torn into its side. The wadding was completely disintegrated and we pulled the LEGO-Man out of the gash. He was completely intact, even after being blasted with jets of fire. He had a lot of soot on him, but he was perfectly fine.
    Truly a testament to the durability of LEGO... I'd like to see MegaBloks survive that one.
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