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Wrinkledlion X

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Wrinkledlion X

  1. Wrinkledlion X
    I don't know when I'll get around to working on these, but I thought up some basic concepts for epics or short stories that I'd like to write about sometime, once my epic series is over:
    1. The failed attempts at colonization of the Kumu islets.
    2. An experiment in which two Matoran practice to develop light or shadow powers, so as to determine the practical applications of that ability. The two would eventually become enemies and descend into a deep psychosis in which their entire world revolves around killing the other, thus proving that total light, as well as total shadow, is undesirable.
    3. A Matoran scientist discovers that Antidermis, being a form of energy, can be manipulated and controlled in much the same way as a Toa controls his element, as long as the proper technology is employed. As the Brotherhood learns of his ability to control Makuta, a Makuta is assigned to eliminate him and his invention, all the while keeping the Brotherhood's involvement and his own presence a secret.
    4. Perhaps a sequel to #3, most likely related: A Makuta somehow loses control of their own Antidermis and is thrown into a state of constant shapeshifting.
  2. Wrinkledlion X
    I just saw it and it was a lot better than I expected. It was really inaccurate, but it was still plenty enjoyable. I don't see why so many people hated it... Maybe it was only reviewed by historians?
  3. Wrinkledlion X
    "I am not Hafu! I am Taipu! Why does everyone think I am Hafu, and he is me? We are not even from the same village!"
    — Taipu, Mata Nui Online Game 2
  4. Wrinkledlion X
    First, let me set up what just happened so that you understand:
    First off is my cat, Lucky. She's a very talkative Siamese cat who really, really doesn't live up to her name. We purchased her a little before I was born from an animal shelter. She was found initially with a broken leg (Causes unknown) and had tags reading "Lucky." They wound up amputating her leg and giving her to a family that had no idea as to how you take care of cats.
    They kept her perpetually in a dark garage with no windows, other cats, or human interaction and, in conjunction with her post-traumatic stress, it drove her completely insane. Luckily the shelter found that she wasn't being cared for and they took her back. At this point my parents bought her.
    The fact that she has three legs has also influenced her in other ways. She's unable to scratch one of her ears, so she constantly rubs it against pretty much all of her surroundings. At some point she rubbed up against something bad and developed an ear infection, leaving her with one ear permanently shriveled and crinkled.
    She's very happy nowadays, but all these events have made her a bit odder than even a regular Siamese cat.
    Second is our tortoise, Babs. (We just call her her "Tortoise," though, so I'll refer to her as such here.) Tortoise is in her mid thirties and belonged to my mother when she was a teenager. She's lived most of her life with my grandparents, but they have to shift between Iceland and America every six months to care for my great grandma who likes to avoid the cold Icelandic winters and the hot California summers, so Tortoise has lived with us for a while now...
    Anyways, we've been closing off a space in the front yard with boxes so that she can rampage around and eat lettuce for a few months now, because the terrarium where she lives has nesting finches in it and we don't want her to get their nesting material under her shell.
    She normally walks around for a while and then crawls into a corner between two boxes and sleeps for hours.
    So now to my story: Apparently those two boxes were moved (Most likely by our gardeners from yesterday) and my mom put Tortoise into her walking area without noticing that it was open to the rest of the yard.
    Sometime during the day, Lucky found her way under the pile of firewood we have outside and decided to sleep there... She was followed by the escaped Tortoise, however, who crawled in behind her to sleep as well.
    So I just got home from my school's open house a half-an-hour ago and found that my mom (Who's been sick at home) hadn't put the cats away. I found my other cats (Mooney, Mixie, and Johnny-Jellybean), but Lucky was nowhere to be found. I walked 'round back to look and I heard Lucky RAWW-ing at me from under the wood-pile. She was reaching her paws out from under the inch-high gap at the bottom, but she couldn't get out through the hole at the other end.
    At first I assumed a log had fallen and blocked her exit, so I cleared away the junk outside the inch-high gap and felt around with my hand, hoping not to grab any black widows. I petted her a bit and reassured her that I was getting her out, but she just RAWW-ed at me louder. So I felt to the right (Behind her) and passed through cobwebs, bits of wood, until I felt something a bit like a big rock.
    How had a rock gotten down there...? I felt more and realized that there was a leather stub-leg under the rock. It was Tortoise, who I thought had been put away by my mom.
    So I pulled out all the logs of firewood and, when I reached the bottom, Tortoise. Lucky immediately skittled out, covered in cobwebs. She was very traumatized as usual and needed quite a bit of cuddling to make her happy again.
    Anyways, it was pretty funny. Lucky crawled in and an immovable tortoise crawled in after her and went to sleep... Of all animals to be trapped by, a slow and ridiculous tortoise is probably the most embarrassing. Especially for a cat, which probably has more dignity to keep than any other animal.
  5. Wrinkledlion X
    Yeah, man. Who sent in that news on the front page?
    Yeah, me. I bet you're pretty jealous. I bet you all wish you could be me right now.
    Anyways, not much happened today. A bird pooped on my head at school, though.
  6. Wrinkledlion X
    I just realized that the Pohatu on Rockoh T3 has a flipped torso... A bit different from the classic one, but it's a nice bit of attention to detail. I now know how I'll modify Pohatu when I get this: He'll have the flipped torso and head-spikes, but the arms of the canister version and silver foot-additions with Photok's feet.
    He's gonna be cool.
  7. Wrinkledlion X
    I was looking through my old topics and I realized that I had a surprising amount of aborted epics lying around... Two were extensively primitive versions of an epic I have planned for a few years from now, one was a horrible prototype for my current epic, and another was just completely unrelated.
    BIONICLE: Legends of Nuro-Vata
    BIONICLE: Chronicles of Nuro-Vata
    BIONICLE: Rise of Shadow (Note that at the time we didn't know Matoran don't have families.)
    BIONICLE: Shadows of Makuta
  8. Wrinkledlion X
    I just realized- In this picture you can see that Tahu's spinny blade-o-matic is actually three pieces, attached through Hydraxon's tri-connector.
    This means that one could easily "adapt his weapon for a different environment" by replacing it with just one blade and making it into a sword like everyone wanted... The sword might be a bit short, but it's better than the spinny machine he has now.
    Oh, and I'm considering replacing Gahlok-Kal's shield with Tahnok-Kal's so as to make his weapon fire-themed.
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