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Wrinkledlion X

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Wrinkledlion X

  1. Wrinkledlion X
    Hey, remember that entry I made on the Hau Nuva Mistika a while back? Well, today is practically the day after February 25, so I'm gonna post that thing on the similarities between the Pakari and Pakari Nuva Mistika that I promised.
    (And it's color-coded this time.)

    First off, as I've said before, the overall shape of the masks is very similar: A sort of diamond in which the two upper tapering lines curve inward somewhat. The lower ones have a more gentle curve, and between each tapering area is a flat line.
    The only way the overall shape has actually changed is in the way it attaches to the face. On the flatter Mata-style heads, both the top and bottom pointed straight up and straight down. Like all masks since 2004, however, the modern Pakari has a back that stretches out farther in order to cover up the longer Metru head. The front also points farther forward, but this serves no purpose besides style.

    Both are covered with holes as well. Though the series of "vents" at the bottom sides of the classic Pakari are gone, there are several vents present on the foreheads of both. There are now only two, and they're vertical rather than horizontal, but they're there nonetheless.
    Also on the foreheads: On the new one there's a ridged line that separates the two vertical slits. This is present on the old Nuva form, too, though the ridges on the unadaptive one are much thicker, fewer, and less angular. (Plus the line's not between any slits.)
    On the flat sides to the middle there are two similarities: First, on the classic Pakari there is a small depression on each side that is shaped like a slightly rounded triangle, right next to the eyes. This is replicated in the new version, once again behind the eyes, but this time more angular and less rounded.
    The second is a pair of "ears" present on both the old Pakari Nuva and the new. The older ones were two small, thin flaps that stuck out. The new ones are just as thin, but stick out much farther and run along the sides more or less horizontally. They're also a lot more pointy.

    Also, though I can't tell very well based on the pictures available to me, the eyes on the new one and the 2002 version may be shaped somewhat similarly... But regardless, the main similarity is the overall shape and the vents. Most of the others are minor details, but I think the "ears" are a fairly good one.
  2. Wrinkledlion X
    Poor Carapar... I'd make him banners, too, like I did for Botar, but he was actually a significant character, so it wouldn't be particularly funny... A shame, though... Takadox will have to find a new lackey...
  3. Wrinkledlion X
    Okay, look here for a moment.
    Why do so many people want a mask that, when worn, kills them? I think some people here must have some major psychological problems to sort out...
  4. Wrinkledlion X
    Okay, everyone, you are about to be shocked by the incredibly boundless magnitude and sheer genius of my analytical mind. Never in the history of mankind has a thought as great as this thought been thought; Not by Einstein, not by Newton, not by Bonesiii- None! I am utterly alone in my ability to comprehend such wonders of science and mechanical skill!
    The patterns that run through my mind are unlike the weak patterns of other humans! They are the perfect balance between logic and fantastical thought; They walk the edge between possibility and impossibility that forms the narrow razor of plausibility...
    Now consider the following possibility! What wonders may it bring to mankind? Think- No, imagine!- How it could help the state of the world? The state of the people?!
    Consider: Chocolate oatmeal.
  5. Wrinkledlion X
    My grandpa's developed skin cancer. It appears to be a lentigo, which is treatable and rarely dangerous, but I'm still upset over it... Worsening my mood is the fact that my Icelandic pony who I've had all my life is being put down tomorrow while I'm at school, rushing to complete finals...
    God, I feel terrible right now...
  6. Wrinkledlion X
    I was driving home from the movies maybe twenty minutes ago when I saw an enormous burst of blue light emanating from the ground in the distance. It lit up the entire mountain for a split second! The sky was glowing like a single flash of a strobe light!
    We think it may have been a fairly large meteorite, because there was no thunder or other signs of lightning, but complicating the matter is the bizarre weather we've been having today... We had about a minute of heavy hail earlier today when it was still warm and sunny out.
    We looked up possible atmospheric disturbances (ie: Ball Lightning) that could cause this, but none fit what happened...
  7. Wrinkledlion X
    I just saw "Horton Hears a Who" tonight and was very surprised. I had expected it to be terrible, but it was actually very well-done and funny. It was very faithful to the book and was very respectful to Dr. Seuss' style. Immensely better than the live action ones from a few years ago.
    I had been dreading this for a while but I've now found that it stayed very close to the original book and luckily didn't have to add in a bunch of filler scenes. Unlike that horrid "Cat in the Hat" live-action movie, they picked a story that already had a complex enough plot to make up a full-length movie. (Honestly, why'd they ever try to do "Cat in the Hat?" They might as well have made "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish: The Movie.")
    Anyways, I'd recommend it. It also gave the Grinch and a Truffula Tree brief cameos.
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