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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Swert

  1. Swert

    Mann vs Machine

  2. Swert


    Don't forget to go to BrickCon! Oh and have an education.
  3. Swert

    What is wrong with me

    ... You need professional help Chols. Meet Dr. Mallet *holds large wooden mallet in hand*
  4. Navy Blue Cheddarwurst. ... megusta.
  5. Okay, I must personally apologize to all MakutaFest people who attended during that question. When writing them, we did research pretty deeply on BS01 directly, and I remembered the Taku but mistakened it for the same role as the Kewa, which is much larger and indeed the one we wanted instead. One of our biggest errors was in how BS01 worded it: "When the Great Cataclysm brought about the creation of the island of Mata Nui, many Kewa migrated there and established themselves in Le-Wahi. In the wild, they shared their nests with their relative, the Taku." Now, we do wish to apologize to everyone for that question, it was clearly made in error. Now having said that, I'm still trying to find out if there was a third bird, and I'm thinking "Husi" woulda been a much better answer. I am now taking all steps towards making BS01 more efficient in searching, including adding categories to pages specifically related to online media and/or specific sets such as the BIONICLE Master Builder set. I think, with this in mind, we'll be better off in the long run than we were. And at least we had other questions to ask, right?
  6. ................................................ Seems legit.
  7. Kothra: It was very easy, your name was on a list, I used a random generator, it came up, you won. Simple, da?
  8. I'm sad we didn't get the BS01 names in that one.
  9. Cause I have a feeling you all might want to know :PSo as you may know, MakutaFest was today. We had both trivia questions AND random drawn prizes to give out. Now, to be fair to everyone, we had 30 seconds before we allowed answers to be posted, given that there was lag and people would take advantage of that. We also posted the questions in the chat itself, so we made double sure everyone had the fair chance to win. With that, here are the winners and how they won!First question asked, strictly for testing the internet latency: Which Dark Hunter was made by former BS01 Administrator Pekel? (Primal)First winner: -TD- with this question: Which piece of the Keystone was Krika holding in The Final Battle Animation? (Torso)Second winner: (After a failed question not worth repeating here) Metax with this question: Name three of the four bands advertised for Bionicle: The Album. (Cold – Kenna – Rob Zombie – Woven)Third winner: (No BZP name known YET) Ustream name was bosto100-1 with this question: What was the first word that Turaga Nuju spoke in Matoran in one thousand years? (Hordika)Fourth winner: Despair with this question: What was the name of the precursor design of what became the beginning of the ball joint system later used in all 10 years of Bionicle? (Cybots)Grand Prize Winner #1: Tekulo: Toa of the Breeze won the Silver Kanohi masksGrand Prize Winner #2: Kothra won the Mask case. He has elected via email to have the back signed.We also had one last trivia question, for a digital image designed by me (avatar, banner, w/e) and that winner was Temporphilic with this question: Who was the inker for The Coming of the Toa comics? (Richard Bennett)And finally, we even had a third drawing for a free BioCraft Chronicles DVD set, when they make it, and that winner was Architect.So there we have it. Those are your winners, and that's that. We thank all people who came to the show and listened in, and congratulate the winners as well. Your stuff will be shipped within 2 weeks.
  10. Greetings everyone! So, that image? Yeah, it's a link. Basically that's the only way (for now) to enter for MakutaFest's Random Drawing. I wish I had posted it back on Wed, but I didn't get that chance. ENTER TODAY! : D
  11. I actually saw Usain Bolt's run in LEGO before I saw it in live video.It's still impressive either way.I'm digging the LEGO replays.
  12. Swert


    Go to BrickCon, then I'll take you out to lunch with all of us And no, I'm not at BFair. Plenty busy with other LEGO stuff here as it is.
  13. We have a chatroom set up so you can use that
  14. Hello, fellow MakutaFest-ians...? Yeah, name needs work. Anyway! So we said we'd provide details later as far as our grand prizes go, and here they are.As you know, we have two grand prizes. You have the opportunity to enter to win both, or for one of them. However, it is worth noting that if you win the first prize, you're eliminated from winning the second. The first prize we will be giving away will be the silver Kanohi. The second is the mask case. Basically what we're getting at is this: We have these. We want you to have them. Enjoy them if you win. A reminder: The silver Kanohi are all in near-mint condition, and the mask case has an optional bonus of having Dan Parker (LEGO Certified Professional) and my own signatures on the back (or front) in silver permanent marker. The winner can request this or deny it. All winners (including the TNGM) will get TbP Group business cards signed by both of us regardless.All these prizes are courtesy of City Blocks, Tacoma’s LEGO Art Center.So, to sign up, you must also pledge to join us for MakutaFest. Here is the form:I, [insert name here], do hereby pledge to attend MakutaFest 2012, and enter for a chance to win [the silver Kanohi / the mask case / both] prizes.Just post that line (and anything else you want) into a reply to this topic, and then listen in on the 7th. We will only pull your name if you sign up here, and if you attend. We will then set up a random drawing. We will announce both winners on MakutaFest itself.Oh, as for the TNGM? Those will be given away in trivia quizzes. You'll be able to win one if you answer the trivia questions. If you win a TNGM, you are not cancelled out of the random drawing, though you won't be able to win a second one :PGood luck, and hope to see everyone on the 7th at 7! (or 4, if you're from the west coast )
  15. Don't worry, LOL NO NAME, I know what it says ;D Have fun!
  16. We tried getting it on Zune Marketplace, they never approved us.It seems that iTunes is more than willing to accept any media, but Microsoft has more processes it seems.
  17. Swert

    Halfway to Virginia

    Or, driven west and came to hang out with me.
  18. So Microsoft released a new email service, based on their Outlook branding. It's similar in function (if not identical) to Hotmail, minus the UI. Oh also? Because it's new, you can register new email accounts. Through your default. I already registered a few. I might get more later, but let's not get too greedy here I should still review Office 13 : D
  19. Swert

    This was not my phone!

    It was my sister's. She had been bumped from behind by someone and dropped it.
  20. But it could easily have been. Click for larger detail Taken with -my- phone. Fortunately both phones are insured, and it'd cost me no more than say 100 bucks to replace, and Sprint's cool in that we can add it to our next bill and maybe even set up a payment plan on the bills. So we can handle the blow, but it's gonna take time. Now then, if you'll excuse me, I'll be going to work.
  21. We created a community calendar event for MakutaFest. Now you can RSVP and I'll get an idea of who's going Also I want to blog about a movie I just saw today, but I'll wait. Suffice it to say it was -amazing-.
  22. Except it's during BrickFair. Why is it at the same time as BrickFair? ... You already told us you weren't going to attend.So why are -you- complaining?Also the main reason is because that's the only day everybody who's hosting can actually do so.
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