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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Swert

  1. I've had worse.Hey guys, thanks ^^ I'll try to make it an epic one.
  2. Swert


    D: NOOO D: D: D: D: It's okay, we forgive you. You better try for 2013 though D:
  3. [Andrew] Try to fix the helmet! GOGOGO![Ray] Bash fists on the wall until something happens.Man, that's actually a pretty funny update. Like where it's finally headed.
  4. Mask of Shared Life is the first one I came up with for that mask, as anything else referring to Necro- would suggest reanimation beyond sharing life force.It's good to work with.
  5. Swert

    Smoking is Amazing

    Best wood to meat combo. Go. Beef ribs, hickory or maple.
  6. Thought about posting the topic, then I figured Janus would kill me in my sleep. Somehow.Anyway, YAAAY BIRTHDAY! Enjoy it ^^
  7. To think, I coulda kept it all for myself, too
  8. I promise ye, Mister Spock, nobody has one quite like this XD
  9. Good... good... *strokes hands menacingly*
  10. I tried clicking every one of them, I shouldn't read these webcomics after just waking up. *yawn* Dude, you signed up for this, not us :PSo far, so good. Ship is sailin' pretty smooth guys.*wishes he had a command to give, too tired to think*
  11. BS01ers love podcasts. On a serious note, I'm tired and I have to work Saturday. I think I should play MVM tomorrow (or tonight).
  12. First off, this is kinda the wrong forum :PSecond, I am well aware that nobody can make accounts, due to the fact we kept getting spambots registering every so often.I will probably reactivate registration soon-ish, but it's been unnecessary due to how little editing needs to go on any more.
  13. Alright, why am I not surprised?If anybody needs me I'll be in a corner laughing my mask off.And working on BS01. SOMEONE has to.
  14. It's finally coming. ONE DAY. BEFORE MY BIRTHDAY. It is clearly a sign. They want me to not work that weekend. I must answer the calling! "Welcome to Black Mesa Research Facility. The time is 8:20 AM."
  15. Swert

    MVM Session

    We managed to down them in like 6 tries.
  16. Swert

    MVM Session

    Oh man. I did not even begin to imagine how fun that'd be. I mean, dude. Thanks go out to TNU, MI, KZN02, Avlok and some other guy I just met who isn't from BZP for the awesome game. MANN CO WAS SAVED! NOW GIMME MY MONEY!
  17. Bryan man, you should go to BrickCon and we'll celebrate our birthdays late.Failing that, enjoy it now. See if I care *walks away sulking*... enjoy it man.
  18. I -should- update this more often. Should.

    1. Fastcar800


      Yes you should.

  19. Swert

    Wat The Cee

    I want ceechat back ;_;
  20. This also shows a bit of insight into a LEGO pro. artist's mind; This is what he buys off the clock
  21. September 15th, 2012 Swert turned 25. The world heralded an era of peace for a thousand years. Then Swert woke up.
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