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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Swert

  1. [bulltop]: Listen to the Bulltop-controlling members. You know you wanna.Man Rayg, you're finally picking up progress again. Love the direction you're taking it.
  2. Swert

    Good News / Bad News

    The laptop was bound to happen, I remember seeing at your place and realizing it is pretty old. And if mine can die out of nowhere... *sigh* At least you had a good run with it. Maybe your internship will give you one?
  3. I took some opinions I gained from people on my IM, and my limited blog comments, and I created this new revision. The old is just below it. I think I did a better job on this pass, and it looks more cohesive. I'd love it if we can find a better Missions and possible a better Saga Guides image, but I did make some major changes. In addition, I adjusted the lettering spacing so the I looks cleaner. Easier to read. I also negated almost all gray (the LEGO Black icon is staying, it's the best choice.) Comments are, again, welcome.
  4. Swerts. Everybody likes Swerts.
  5. Dude. ... Dude. Dibs on Deadpool. Anyway, I'm happy they finally announced another superhero game, and it's even more surprising given I would expect them to release it last year when Avengers hit. I suppose it makes sense to release it when Iron Man 3 hits. I look forward to it, Fall 2013 isn't coming fast enough.
  6. Awesome game, too. I'm really looking forward to the next game.
  7. Swert

    woah yessss

    Bro, please. In a few weeks, I'll be past -this- one.
  8. Swert

    Best. Class. EVER.

    And then, when you learn about bad games, you get to learn about good games. Portal, Halo 4, AC2... whatever.
  9. So, exciting times coming up here in the studio this coming beginning of the year. We're in the process of making up to 6 different events at the same time happen, including three shows in the summer, a -huge- model for Emerald City ComicCon, an event in February at CenturyLink Field (Probably the WaMu Center... but if it's the real field, I'll be a happy Swerty : D) and another couple of things I forget off the top of my head. Basically I'm busy. With any luck I'll be able to post teasers of my work, but for now I'm keeping mum. Let's just say Emerald City ComicCon will be amazing with the model we're looking at making, if only because I look forward to inviting one of the main guests to see it completed. With any luck, there will be little resistance on his part. It would be futile.
  10. Sadly I won't be attending, it happens a week after Emerald City ComicCon, and I have no place to camp out during the weekend. Maybe next year *shrug*
  11. Alright, so as mentioned on HEROsector01's main page news, we're planning to upgrade the main page to the same layout as BS01's, or close to it. One of these includes my pretty clever navigation system (yes I did actually create the concept, even if SK and Metax managed to make it all work... kudos to them, though). What comes with this navigation? An actual button grid: And if you weren't aware, BS01's main page navigation works by clicking a tile, and a menu slides from the right to the left with a list of both relevant and popular links under that subject. HS01 will have the same treatment, and I look forward to bringing it to you all. I am open to constructive criticism, and possible alternate images for the grid itself, as well as possible color changes, but the categories themselves will stay. I -might- change Saga Guides if I can get a better category there.
  12. Ah, that's fair enough. More people will be likely to check the website in my opinion, so I understand that being a priority. Question: Why did you get a new domain instead of doing biosector01.com/podcast? When it was first set up, it was determined we did not have the harddrive space capable of hosting mp3 files nor the bandwidth capable of sustaining downloads from a single source of that nature. Kraahlix also wished to have more direct control over release schedules, and at the time only I had the FTP passwords (I didn't trust anybody with that information). It's a bit different now with the current host, but it's still preferable to have an alternate site.
  13. Nobody on the active staff actually owns an Android device, so it is pointless to us. Half of the staff have iOS devices, I use WP (which I still sync with Zune) and getting a podcast approved on any new service is a tough challenge to begin with. Again, we never could get Zune Marketplace to approve it.We're sorry for the inconvenience when it comes to our podcast on your service, but the RSS is provided for that.
  14. In addition to what Six said, I think we'll just have to talk to Roa and see what can be done this year for us.Who knows, maybe we can pool together money and do something awesome for ourselves : DAnyway, sounds good staff, hope you guys have fun with it. I'll probably be skipping Bricks Cascade this year, it's a week right after Emerald City ComicCon, and I'm needed there (no complaints from me, it's free 8D)
  15. Well could be worse, could be forced to running BS01 for 6 years. And counting. Oh, and then having to pay for it cause your sponsor said "Lol nope we're done." But that's okay, cause I'm not being forced either *free will ftw*
  16. Have you tried adding the RSS to your default podcast app as a subscription? That might work to the satisfaction of all those android users, in addition to WP and BlackBerry users.
  17. Swert

    What I Got

    ... I'd post a whole topic post's worth of explanations as to why you're wrong about WP and battery life, but I'll let it slide. Something about being mauled by a few BS01 staff and one BZP reporter (you) if I did. Shame you didn't get any LEGO, but it coulda been worse I suppose.
  18. So, money got tight this year for practically everybody I know, except my brother who's been promoted to manager of his department, and my grandparents who own stock in the good stuff like PepsiCo, which isn't going anywhere any time soon. Having said that, my gifts this year were modest, small, and will probably expand in time if someone goes out and does something about it. My brother bought me XCOM: Enemy Unknown and gave me a MS Touch Mouse he bought at the company store when it was on sale for $30. The mouse retails for $80 on a good day, so I'm not complaining. He also plans to buy me a copy of W8 when he can, but I told him I'm in no rush since I'd rather upgrade the RAM first. My grandparents gave me $35 in cash, which I used $20 on groceries already. I'll be holding on to that $15 for now. My parents were impacted the hardest with a delayed paycheck causing plans to fall apart at the last minute, so they ended up snagging me three series 8 minifigs, and my understanding. I'm apparently also getting shirts as soon as they get said money. The figs were the Pirate, the bat and the Lederhosen kid. I'm fortunate enough I had none of these guys, plus I ended up not having to buy them at work, where it'd be $5 each (already opened, of course). Overall, a very tight gift-giving experience, where I ended up seeing myself giving away more gifts than I received. No complaints from me, but I do wish I had at least gotten that Surface RT I asked my brother for Oh, speaking of that, I did get to muck around with his briefly, and his Lumia 920, and I'm definitely looking forward to W8 and WP7.8 on my phone given the styling of both. I'm not looking forward to upgrading my RAM and wiping my harddrive, however. Sad panda is me.
  19. Now you know why I posted it. Wonderful discussion we had, too bad others DOn't seem to think so. RathEr odd, if you asK me.
  20. If I couldn't get it on Zune Marketplace, what makes you think it'd work on Google Play?
  21. I actually learned about this back on the 10th, when my boss Dan Parker went to Enfield, CT for a meeting. He called me up mid-day and was all "Dude, they have a 20x scale Bag-end. You've gotta see it when photos go up."I was waiting for this day to come.Also to clarify, I've read deeper into what they said as far as parts count, they clarified the software they used said "2.5 Million 1x1 bricks" which isn't the same as 2 million bricks. That's just the rough count of studs it'd have in it. This doesn't take away from the level of complexity and the level of work put into it, but it certainly took less material than one might imagine.There is also the factor they used Duplo in the walls for strength, which helps bulk up most of it.
  22. So, I'm currently off from work right now, both today and tomorrow. The rest of the week, I go in to work and do a workshop, then drop-in play days for kids paying. I also get to manage our train display (I'll link a Photosynth of it later on, need to make a better one.) In addition to all of that, I also have a Christmas party at my brother's house I'm attending. I'm happily looking forward to that, if only because my brother just scored a Surface RT from work, plus I'd love to play around with his WP8 for a second or two. (I'm a MS geek, I know that, thank you for asking.) After all that, I then work 3 more days, rounding out my end of the year and taking work off from the 29th to the new year. Maybe I'll pick AC3 back up by then. Unlikely. So yeah, tl;dr I'm busy and happy at the same time. Huzzah.
  23. Swert


    These days, with a blue screen, it's usually caused by a rogue driver going borked. The best likelihood is you need to update the video drivers, or if you did so, roll them back to a good one. That's my advice. Also guys, I doubt buying a Mac is a good solution right now, given it would mean getting used to a new system, spending more money on one in general, and also having to transfer all files and rebuy software for the new OS.
  24. Swert

    Hobbitses-es. es.

    Good... good... feed me more disinformation >: D
  25. So, unfortunately I work two days in a row starting tomorrow, and I have stuff to do on sunday, so I guess I get to go see it on Monday. Even though I read the book like twice and saw an animated version of it once, please don't spoil it Hopefully worth the money.
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