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Everything posted by 55555

  1. 55555

    Flash > Brickfair

    Gotta get your feet on the ground. Good luck. > 55555
  2. 55555

    H Y P E

    This collab will be epic. > 55555
  3. Ernie Banks: 'They were a gift.' Pitcher Pik-cher: 'Despite many peoples' accusations and his 140 mph fastball, Gorzelanny denies using the new XRM3 performance enhancing drug.' I love double headers... > 55555
  4. Hey, just saw this entry of yours. In my experience, things that are only shades of gray are dang boring. So make sure to get some color in there. > 55555
  5. I've been robbed, officer! I was so going to do that... Hm... > 55555
  6. Poll 01: 6 and 7 Poll 02: 1 and 4 Poll 03: 1 and 6 Poll 3 is tricky, wanted to vote for 2 too. :/ Sorry Oblivion. > 55555
  7. Name: 55555 Entry Name: ContructoBot Entry Pic: Pic > 55555
  8. Sprry, it isn't But thanks, and a happy new year to you. :)

  9. Let's hope 2011 is as good. > 55555
  10. 55555

    Farewell Xavier

    ...And then you can play MAG. > 55555
  11. Read Narnia. Probably in the order they were written. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Prince Caspian: The Return to Narnia The Voyage of the Dawn Treader The Silver Chair The Magician's Nephew The Last Battle The Horse and His Boy (Read this whenever. Don't skip it though, it's good. I recommend saving it to read after the Last Battle.) As for Tolkien I'm not sure. I've read LotR, the Hobbit (<One of the best books ever booked), and the Silmarillion. The Silmarillion gives you tons of info about the beginning of the Middle Earth universe, Morgoth, Sauron's beginnings, the early history of Middle Earth, and stuff like that. Some people think it's really boring. Tolkien didn't even want it published, he just had it for his own reference. But it definitely has good parts. Igh. I'd say read the Silmarillion after LotR. Never read those other Tolkien books. EDIT: My bro says to read the Children of Hurin before the Silmarillion. Because the Silmarillion has a much shorter version of the Children of Hurin in it. > 55555
  12. You should put me in this, lol. I can document the conflict with my Reporter powers. > 55555
  13. 55555


    Well, I don't want to turn negative and die, so yeah, I appreciate them. > 55555
  14. Maybe this'll kick me back into MOCing, I need something to... > 55555
  15. *sigh* I guess I have to do it. --- What does it taste like? > 55555
  16. 'It's time we talked, Mr. Ball! First off, about the way you bounce...' > 55555
  17. 55555


    Oh, they've convinced you too... > 55555
  18. 55555

    Reading Suggestions

    'Have Space Suit—Will Travel', by Robert Heinlein, is awesome. > 55555
  19. We were short on triples and double last year, methinks, so yeah. We didn't get Werth though, who I really wanted. :/ > 55555
  20. Awesome head. One of, if not THE best dragon heads I've ever seen. > 55555
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