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Everything posted by 55555

  1. I voted for Scrofadillo, some remarkably good stuff going on there. Thanks to everyone who voted for my snake! - 55555
  2. Dang man, I really want about 40 of those purple HF armor parts. We'll see. - 55555
  3. Catch those Mahi! - 55555
  4. 55555

    Blah My Head

    Paintballing is so fun. You haven't lived until you've had a paintball shootout at less than 15 feet. - 55555
  5. You'll have to be careful with it. Anyone that you CC into a PM will be able to see all other replies to that PM. SO for instance Blade send a message to MIA and I. if MIA responds to Blade's message then I can see his response. It will be good among Mafia members though, so that the Mafia can tell what the other Mafia are doing. - 55555
  6. I do really have to make an MOC with this. but not necessarily white/trans. My bro gave me the idea of using it as a dead/blind eye, which could be great. - 55555Please do that, that sounds awesome!I plan to. I do really have to make an MOC with this. but not necessarily white/trans. My bro gave me the idea of using it as a dead/blind eye, which could be great. - 55555Hey, a little touch of Sharpie could make it a healthy eye. - 55555
  7. I haven't asked him what set he got it in, I should probably do that. I would guess 2006, but that's just a guess. Yeah, I thought of it being a pearl, crystal ball could be good, there are quite a few possible uses for this in MOCs. I did buy it from the site. I do really have to make an MOC with this. but not necessarily white/trans. My bro gave me the idea of using it as a dead/blind eye, which could be great. 76 cents. They seem to have made it by accident, they forgot to put color in the mold. Not yet, but I'll most likely use it n an MOC at some point. I think that would be slightly rare. I seem to remember hearing that the lighter a Zamor was the rarer it was. - 55555
  8. Whether he has time or not is his lookout, and in the past he has consistently said that he welcomes PMs. If I were Greg I suspect I would enjoy answering PMs about something I had worked as hard on as Greg has worked on Bionicle. Personally, it matters to me. It's an opportunity to talk to the man behind the sagas that this whole site is based on. So true. - 55555
  9. Thanks for posting this, I enjoyed looking at it. Great pose. I like the rough look of it, I'll have to try a similar process. Looks like an easy way to get good looking stuff. - 55555
  10. Snagged this off a site that sells Lego stuff. The guy didn't seem to know that it was special. Here How many of these have been seen before? - 55555
  11. It's supposed to be a spaceship. Click on the link "Main", the front is on the left, the white part is the cockpit. Thanks. - 55555
  12. Ya know, I like the Gali Nuva one and it's really well done, but the green/black chick with the sword just jives with me way more. The glowing eyes, the colors, the lighting, and probably more so than the others; the pose. With the sword and the cape and the partly turned head. I just love that one for some reason. And I'd be interested in seeing your other sketches. - 55555
  13. For a contest I was participating in on another site, I was told to make a micro-scale version of an existing set or MOC. I chose Vinn's SSIC Cobra, and here's the result...MainBottomUnderside BackComparisons:HisMineComments appreciated.MOC on...- 55555
  14. The forums are back!

  15. Like your location, lol.

  16. The back legs are excellent, they look more like a hyena's than the real ones. > 55555
  17. Consider Linux, amigos. Penguin power! > 55555
  18. That VV is actually pretty nice, cooloangles. MOCing is so awesome... > 55555
  19. 55555


    Aaagh! > 55555
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