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Hapori Tohu

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Everything posted by Hapori Tohu

  1. You know those nerds who can speak Klingon and probably translate the linguistic roots of names in Star Trek? Did you ever wish you could be like them? Of course not! Me neither! But just in case you were looking for a complete dictionary of Bionicle names, locations, and their meanings (whether to learn to speak it or to translate your own name) fellow reporter Tolkien has revised his Matoran dictionary and I for one have been having a field day translating member names making fun of the nerds actually using it. Read on for links to the full entries in alphabetical order. View the full article
  2. It seems you can't get enough news for The LEGO Movie these days. The LEGO Movie website has been updated with pictures for all sets, new character bios and new world descriptions and pictures. More are still to come, but what's been revealed so far should be already be plenty to delight your inner nine-year old. It's certainly worth a look! Stay tuned to the site for regular updates.View the full article
  3. Gaming site Polygon <a href='http://www.polygon.com/2013/11/22/5133238/report-lego-the-hobbit-coming-next-year-for-all-major-platforms' target='offsite'>has a story</a> revealing that a LEGO game based on The Hobbit movies is in the works. Apparently the 2014 LEGO Hobbit sets have an ad on the back hinting at such a game. My guess is that it would likely be timed to coincide with the third movie. With as fun as the LEGO Lord of the Rings game was, I'm sure this will be a blast too!View the full article
  4. Earlier today, <a href='http://variety.com/2013/film/news/star-wars-characters-to-appear-in-lego-movie-1200860648/' target='offsite'>Variety reported</a> that Star Wars characters will appear in the upcoming LEGO Movie in their minifig forms. Which characters they'll be was not revealed, but it's certainly an interesting development all the same. Personally, I want to know how LEGO was able to get Disney and Warner Bros. to agree to it!View the full article
  5. LEGO has produced an app in iTunes that lets you stream LEGO movies to your Apple products. Called <a href='https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/lego-tv/id659284915' target='offsite'>LEGO TV</a>, it "allows you to watch LEGO movies in both online and offline mode." Check it out to get streaming your favorite brick-built shows and movies!View the full article
  6. The latest 2013 Holiday LEGO Catalog has been hitting mailboxes in the past week. In addition to featuring the new Winter Village Market set, it also contains previews of the Ninjago and Hobbit sets, which will become available in December. And they feature plenty of other themes, from Chima to Friends to Minecraft. Plus, there's now free shipping every day for orders over $75! Check to see if your copy came in!View the full article
  7. I can confidently say that the more I see about the upcoming <a href='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=balmN1LDNro' target='offsite'>LEGO Movie</a> the more excited I become. The trailers have shown a great mix of humor, animation, and story, and the new sets look amazing. Case in point: more sets have been revealed on the <a href='http://www.lego.com/en-us/movie/products/products/70800' target='offsite'>LEGO Movie product page</a>, leaving only the three suspicious aircraft-looking pieces to be revealed in the near future. The movie's release is currently set for February 7th.View the full article
  8. Time is running out to enter <a href='http://www.bzpower.com/board/index.php?showtopic=11163'>BBC Contest #66: Brains!</a> You have until 11:59 PM EST on Thursday, Nomember 21st to submit your entry. Creations must be brain-related, whether it's a human brain, a zombie, a mind-control gun, or something else. We've got lots of great prizes, courtesy of LEGO, so get building!View the full article
  9. We've seen the next line of Ninjago sets, and now we've got a preview of the upcoming season of the Ninjago television show. You can watch the trailer <a href='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIuGSfSKZPE' target='offsite'>here</a> to see what the Ninjas have in store for them next year. Between the Nindroids and mechs and new weapons, it should be pretty exciting.View the full article
  10. The following are the winners of the raffle November Raffle 4: 1. Place: 1420 Nuju Polybag @Baltarc
  11. The following are the winners of the raffle November Raffle 3: 1. Place: 1417 Vakama Polybag @Kohrak Kal17
  12. The following are the winners of the raffle November Raffle 2: 1. Place: 1393 Matoro Polybag @Danska: Shadow Master
  13. The following are the winners of the raffle November Raffle 1: 1. Place: 1391 Jala Polybag @~Shockwave~
  14. There's less than a day left to enter the current <a href='http://www.bzpower.com/board/index.php?app=raffles'>Raffles</a> we have going on. There's a bunch of rare Bionicle polybags up for grabs, so get over there and enter now!View the full article
  15. It's that time again - the LEGO CEE Team would like you to take their 4th quarter AFOL survey, <a href='http://lego.fluidsurveys.com/s/AFOL_Q4/langeng/?collector=9597' target='offsite'>right here</a>! It shouldn't take too long and it provides valuable information to LEGO about their most diehard group of fans - us. The survey will be available until November 30th, so get answering!View the full article
  16. PowerBuild has finally released its long awaited milestone in plastic-based video card technology. The PowerBuild CRLMRM IRON HD 1640 9IB 64-bit HNSL DVD Extreme x32 HD Ready ABS Support Video Card (usually referred to as PowerBuild IRON HD Video Card) features a Carl Merriam endorsed 7-blade fan, 1640 Stream Processors, a 9IB 64-bit ABS Drive and allows for third party enhancements. BZPower member Brickthing was lucky enough to acquire one on its release and was kind enough to share a picture and some details with us. Check it out and discuss this new technological advancement <a href='http://www.bzpower.com/board/index.php?showtopic=11244'>in the topic</a>! Also, in case you didn't notice, BZPower is totally a computer hardware enthusiast forum now.View the full article
  17. PCWorld has <a href='http://www.pcworld.com/article/2061970/lego-hollywood-whodunits-and-neil-gaiman-the-creation-of-wayward-manor.html' target='offsite'>an interesting story</a> about the creation of Wayward Manor, an upcoming puzzle and adventure game being made by Neil Gaiman and The Odd Gentlemen. In the early prototyping phase, they used LEGO bricks to map out locations and act out scenes to get a feel for how the game would unfold. It allowed them to get feedback and visualize the game before much work had been done creating digital assets. With Neil Gaiman involved, Wayward Manor sounds like it could be a lot of fun - I'll have to keep it on my radar until it comes out next year!View the full article
  18. It's finally time for 2014 set pictures! This year, Walmart.ca has let the cat out of the bag and has released finalized set pictures for a couple of themes, mainly most of the LEGO City sets, Ninjago, a couple of LEGO Friends sets, Creator and the new Disney Princess and Juniors themes. However, of particular interest to you may be the Hero Factory sets, which are taking on an exciting new direction and starting a new chapter of LEGO constructible action figures by featuring minifigure-sized characters in mechs. Although pictures haven't been released for all themes yet, there should already be something for nearly everyone to enjoy, so I suggest you check out the awesome new sets for your favourite themes and share your thoughts in the talkback! Click the 'more' button for links.View the full article
  19. BZPower member and artist GarryTheSkrall has once again posted some of his fantastic art, this time of everyone's favourite Dark Huntress Lariska. Employing a style that he already used in his picture of Helryx (a style I'm personally very fond of), this new piece of artwork is a treat to look at and would make a fabulous addition to the BIONICLE canon. Do you agree? Have a look and let Garry know what you think!View the full article
  20. BZPower member and artist <a href="http://www.bzpower.com/board/index.php?showuser=12341">GarryTheSkrall</a> has once again posted some of his fantastic art, this time of everyone's favourite Dark Huntress Lariska. Employing a style that he already used in his picture of <a href="http://www.bzpower.com/story.php?ID=6200">Helryx</a> (a style I'm personally very fond of), this new piece of artwork is a treat to look at and would make a fabulous addition to the BIONICLE canon. Do you agree? <a href="http://www.bzpower.com/board/index.php?showtopic=11208">Have a look and let Garry know what you think!</a>View the full article
  21. Time for another set review, once again in video form. Today I take a look at <a href='http://amzn.to/1hZis4M' target='offsite'>70113 CHI Battles</a>, one of the Legends of Chima starter sets. Will you want to zip right to the stores to pick one up, or will it leave you spinning your wheels? <a href='http://youtu.be/Ld1xXlrn1NM' target='offsite'>Click here</a> to watch it on YouTube, or read on to watch it and read my thoughts!View the full article
  22. It appears that the LEGO LotR game is the latest of the series to be released for Apple products, optimized (but not exclusively) for iPhone 5 and requiring iOS 6.0 or later. Released four days ago, the title already has glowing reviews that will entice even the most stoic gamers. Bird Man 23's five star review, titled The ring, states "My precious", either an obscure cultural reference or indicating deep emotional attachment. Adam Lukasiewicz' similar review, Hey hey hey, praises the game with similar sentiments, stating "What up?". If this sounds like your idea of a good time, feel free to drop $4.99 in the iTunes store!View the full article
  23. 2014 is coming fast, and with that means the first US convention of the year - BrickFair Alabama - is right around the corner. BZPower will be there, and if you can't make it, we'd love for you to send your MOCs. Head on over to <a href='http://www.bzpower.com/board/index.php?showtopic=11211'>this topic</a> for all the info you need on getting your creations on display in front of thousands of people. Oh, and did we mention you'll get free stuff if you mail us your MOCs? You do - check the topic to see.View the full article
  24. Yet another Cuusoo project has gained 10,000 supporters. The long running Japanese old style architecture project recently reached the mark. It will now be in the Fall 2013 Review, where the LEGO Review Board will decide if they want to make it a Lego set or not. It's exciting to see an older project gain enough supports, and it makes me wonder which project will be the next to get to 10,000. View the full article
  25. Today we take a look at a theme we haven't reviewed before: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I recently picked up 79100 Kraang Lab Escape and decided to share my thoughts - in a video! You can read on to watch it and see my summary or go right here to see it on YouTube. Is it a totally tubular turtle time? Watch and see!View the full article
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