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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Letagi

  1. Four days might be impossible. We'll see. -
  2. Letagi

    Zomg Votes

    Where's the Admiral when you need him? BtB Over Thar. --> -
  3. Letagi

    Worst Ever

    He doesn't know what teal is? Where did you hear that? Oh yeah, and he says that Red #2 Axles are stronger than Black #2 Axles. Well, one of my red ones from my T6 spontaneously snapped. No provocation. I picked up the T6, shot the left Midak, and it almost fell off. FAIL. -
  4. Letagi

    Worst Ever

    Indeed. Change it to that. -
  5. Letagi

    Worst Ever

    Bunda, I am ordering you to change Cholie's text to purple bold. Naoughw. -
  6. CF: Not sure wether I'll be able to stay for the full three days, but I'll stay for at least two. How can I contact the coordinator? Arpy: My dad only wants to stay for two days. I might be able to convince him to stay for three, though. -
  7. Letagi

    Worst Ever

    ;______________________________________; I's sad . Looks like it's a good thing I got two Dark Panthers. I might even get two more, just because of this. BUT THEY DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING ABOUT TEAL OR BURNT ORANGE OR YELLOW!!!!!!!!!!!! -
  8. Hmm... Do you think I should attend the Public Exhibition, or the Private Convention? It's one or the other, unfortunately . -
  9. Letagi

    Rule #1

    Yes. And that will be all. -
  10. Letagi


    Oh. Well, I don't have MSN, so thar. - That's not at all my fault. BtB Didn't say it was. -
  11. Letagi


    Oh. Well, I don't have MSN, so thar. -
  12. Letagi


    But I did. ;_; BtB Full WIP pics. Disapproving Letagi is Disapproving. -
  13. Letagi


    That's what you get for not giving us WIP pics... -
  14. Letagi


    IHUFTW Fix'd. Fix'd MOAR P Re-fix'd mAoR. FIX'D! That's final. P NO U. Fix'd. NO U You know, this is really, really pointless. I blame The Deev. -
  15. I see. Well, I've only seen about 60 seconds of DS9, so I'm only judging it based off of what I've heard. -
  16. Okay, I'm back. Do you even have to pre-register for the Public Exhibition? My dad says he only wants to spent two or three days in Seattle at the most. -
  17. Letagi


    IHUFTW Fix'd. Fix'd MOAR P Re-fix'd mAoR. So thar. I COULDN'T DECIDE BETWEEN BUNDA AND ROA (but yet somehow I did...) *HEAD ASPLODES* -
  18. TOS/TNG only? Maybe a little DS9? Voyager. Used to watch TNG, until the channel stopped playng it . Never seen an episode of Enterprise, and the original is good too. DS9, from what I've heard, is by far the worst. -
  19. I'm going to eat you if you don't make the arms symmetrical. -
  20. Let's see here, this method would fall under... ... The laws of the universe, because of gravity, chance, and whatevah else. ... -
  21. Ihu for me. Roa's was awesome, too, but unfortunately I could only vote for one. -
  22. What's that supposed to mean ? - :evilgrin: *** And just in case you're wondering, Bunda, I voted for you in #50. Sorry, Roa . -
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