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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Letagi

  1. Umm... Are we allowed to do that? And how do you find out who's visited in the past 20 days? -
  2. liek can we has instrucsions J/k Right. No. Anyways, nice. The head is especially awesome. So are the legs. I don't know, the Bitil wings seem slightly out of place... -
  3. Well, I'm in for real now. Hopefully I'll get more than zero comments this time around. Have a nice day. -
  4. Letagi

    A Revelation

    I shall copy you. -
  5. You know Bunda, when (more like if) I get get chosen for an invite-only BBCC and you don't, I'm going to make you suffer like you're making us suffer, and you're going to regret all this. Big time. Also, you'll be the first to get my blog approval if you give us a picture. Maybe. A REAL AND NON-EDITED PICTURE!!!!!!!!! -
  6. Letagi

    The Moc Club

    Yikes, can't let this die like the old one. I'm interested in joining. What's required, and what should I include in this "resume?" Sorry if this has been asked before. - Both of your questions are answered in the entry if you read it all the way through. I did, I didn't understand at first. Will send PM in a few days.
  7. Letagi

    Muaka Wip Pic

    There's no apple button on my keyboard - it's labeled "command." But it still works. And it doesn't clarify the picture at all. Would it be possible to fix it on Photoshop? -
  8. Letagi

    Muaka Wip Pic

    I know it's not just darkened. And Word on macs is terrible. If you right-click on a picture and say "copy," then try to paste it on Word, all that will show up is the URL. And Paintbrush, the supposed-MSPaint-mac-version-duplicate, can't even invert colours. And I don't know how to use Photoshop. Bleh. -
  9. Letagi

    Muaka Wip Pic

    I was skeptical to begin with, so laugh it up, fuzzball. NEEDZ MOAR CUZDUMLOL You know, my computer says "NEEDZ" and "MOAR" are real words. DOHIDUNNLOL Erm, right. You know, I could fix that picture on Word. I've done it with Brickfest pictures. I lightened and darkened the picture so I could read the MOC's description on the card. That'll be tomorrow's project. I have to go to bed now. It's 11:24 here. -
  10. Letagi


    Not only the tooth and the claws, but also a Cordak. Headcordak. Is aimed at the head. And it asplodes. Although in the picture it's aimed in a random direction, not at Jaller's head. -
  11. Letagi


    Maybe we're feeling sorry for you because you're going to get killed in #50? Perhaps? -
  12. You're supposed to use the tab on the side of the canister near the back of the Ignika, I think. Didn't work so well with my Bitil, but I managed to get it open without ripping the sticker. Good review. I knew Krika's mask was small, but not THAT small... -
  13. Letagi


    INDEED. What, it's true... -
  14. Ugh. I clicked it too, before I saw the warning. I assumed that since it was a BZP link it would be okay... Guess not. It was a mistake! I'm sorry! My body temperature rose by about 50 degrees as soon as I read that. EDIT: I'm PMing Kaiapu right now, and asking what's going on and wether we're in trouble... -
  15. You better add an apostrophe to the end of the word "neighbours" in your last post on the BBCC topic, or it'll sound lke you're petting the neighbours... O.o Unless that IS what you mean... -
  16. Or just use a powerwasher . -
  17. Probably a combination of the above two... Grrr... I'm no good at art. -
  18. Letagi

    Leaving Bzp

    It's obvious Toa of Air have much better foresight than rabbits/bunnehs. -
  19. Letagi

    Leaving Bzp

    Nice try. Even before I saw the white text, I was skeptical of it - why would you start a contest right before you were about to leave ? -
  20. Could I build a Hippogriff? 'Cause they're awesome. And no, I did not copy Tamaru. -
  21. Letagi

    Stillllll Evil.

    Next it'll be computers. Oh wait, they already are in control. My vacuum is a bag vacuum. And it works. Why don't you just buy a new one? -
  22. *Steals remainder of Bunneh and burns* Did you know that I didn't make a blog at BZP's sixth anniversary? I didn't see much point, since it was only a week. Hey Bunda, are you going to Brickfair (or Brickcon?)? -
  23. Letagi


    Replying to above two posts - ?????? You're getting three copies of the Lego magazine? Well, once I got a French one. Luckily, Lego realized their mistake and sent me and English one. It was the one that came with Ignition #5. -
  24. I'm going to eat you if you don't give me those ball joints and that Shadow Kraata. Not. But I want 'em. -
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