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Lhikan636 Toa of Penquins

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Everything posted by Lhikan636 Toa of Penquins

  1. me and my blog are already cool B) or is it insane i always get those messed up...
  2. click here!!! just a favor for a friend...
  3. Here, allow me to correct that reply. My answer: Yes. ok then. well my ham is done
  4. there's this circle it's the meating point of insane weird and newb i call that circle "Lhikan636"
  5. i'm just that weird and stupid and kinda krazy and hyper and i could use some food cus i'm waiting for my ham to be done and stuffs sooooo that enough reasons? actop: i like to call it bordom
  6. yeah this is randoom wait did i just say randoom? thats pretty cool well wellcome to your randoooooooom!!!!!!! ok this is like the most random thing i have ever posted sooooooooo yeah gee i wonder how long this can go on.....i gess as long as i keep typing....why do i keep typing? oh yeah i'm bored well ok linky
  7. if u is britain then taht meens u is britian! :o

  8. *from the bottom of the hole* yeah you do that nujako
  9. thats real sneaky and for your info yes i took all but one!
  10. the winners of my contest have been chosen! the drawing half: Dexstar! the MOCing half: Actop! and the prizes will be up soon
  11. you meen to say the prizes or have one dovoted to the winners?

  12. oooooohhhhh! u double posted !!! bad nujako
  13. i know but what do i need those for?

  14. yes but eggs cant exist without chikens therefore the chiken came first actually the real reason i thing so i can't say cus its religous The egg came first. A creature that had evolved into an almost-chicken laid an egg, which hatched into the first actual chicken. -Seran where are the remains of these "almost chickens"? cus that'd be flipping awesome
  15. actop: wha?

    nujako: WOOT HE'S BACK!


  16. wow! i was going to get a wii like 3 months ago but they were giving them to europe *mumbles somthing under breath* well i'm glad you had a merry christmas! i got hydraxon hewkii mahri carapar and matoro and 85 bucks in cash!!! that makes $126 so i'm gonna go out pretty soon to buy gadunka and maxilos and spinax (i also got a dart gun. oh the havoc on that christmas day morning )
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