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Lhikan636 Toa of Penquins

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Everything posted by Lhikan636 Toa of Penquins

  1. *doges shadow atack* i'm battleing makuta! :D *SMIGHTED*


  2. nive kanohi in ur personal pic! thats tizight!

    tizight=my special word

  3. NO MY PIZZA ROLLS NO URS!!!!!!111111!!!!!11

  4. My mam actually said to me that it wouldn't make a difference as I look older than I am... You're not 13 yet.... The dog dies? yeah but....it dies a....um....heroic death?
  5. i'm eating pizza rolls!!!! =D

  6. i'm eating pizza rolls =D

  7. ouch That's me scary movie as I have nightmares and start to become paranoid . that always stinks thats happened to me too somtime a while ago i don't know when but i wouldn't sleep at all Wasnt it Signs? Anyway, I saw it too, on New Years eve, and your right, it is freaky. Although the '07 Shelby in the begining was tight. Got a of it in my room. no it wasn't signs somthing else yeah but its so sad when the dog dies!
  8. it's thirteen here but luckly they didn't ask for my age
  9. i just got a tizight mp3 player! it's a sansa i've already got alot of songs on it! fav artists: the rolling stones RED all american rejects dc talk reliant k
  10. ouch That's me hate scary movie as I have nightmares and start to become paranoid . that always stinks thats happened to me too somtime a while ago i don't know when but i wouldn't sleep at all
  11. wow! i hope you had a good year nujako free of noobs well its 2008 here i come toa nuva! like ZOMG u editededed my post! i wonder why
  12. congrats brickeens! hope you like it :D

  13. i just saw i am legend that was SO flippen freaky!!! i went with my sister and her friend and her friends little bro my sister cried once and her friend twice! man now i'm all freaked out...
  14. i'm gonna stop tearing at my fingernails... yours?
  15. happy new year everybody! i'ma goin to a party tomarow B) oh yeah!
  16. woah well your birthday is closer them mine...
  17. my birthday is FINALLY coming up! on feb 16 i shall be a teenager now as many of you can imagin (by many i meen all my friends...) i shall never act like one you know like maturity, grammor, speling, puncuation and other stuffs like that so in closingyou beter watch your back on the sixteenth man
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