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Lord Kaitan de Storms

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Status Updates posted by Lord Kaitan de Storms

  1. Indeed, please check your inbox.

  2. You have the same av a ToA! XD

  3. @you av:

    Make it so, Number One.

  4. NOOOO!!! I LOST!!! *curls up into fetal position and sobs softly*

  5. Hey, we have some questions over at BIONICLE: All Out War II.

  6. Do I have your permission to use the words in the "Thanks for a Great Run" sig as the lyrics for a song for BIONICLE: Next Generation?

  7. Resi... stan... i... fu... ti... *zurgblurgzapboom*

  8. hey, are you the guy who made the "We are Here" banners?

  9. We are the Borg. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.

  10. How are things going? Will you have time to continue TAQ soon? *is hopeful*

  11. Did you get my PM? The one with the Interstellar Line profiles.

  12. I've read Julius Caesar's Conquest of Gaul. I am very familiar with the historical Vercingetorix.

  13. It's for both the significane and the awesomeness.

  14. Awesome screen name dude!

  15. Hey, Xifan isn't alone anymore! :D

  16. Ah, I see.

    Well, I'll certainly read it when you continue it!

  17. Dude, you're stealing my title as top daily poster! :P

  18. Ah, I see.

    Well, I'll certainly read it when you continue it!

  19. You ever gonna finish My Transformation II?

  20. Hey, man, congrat's on 100 posts!

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