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Everything posted by Takal

  1. Weiss' and Yang's weapons look great, KZN02. The detail on Weiss' in particular really stands out, though I suppose it might not have been entirely intentional detail. I'd love to see you work on what you've already got before moving on, though. You've put enough detail on those two that you've made it clear you can pull off the others in more detail or with more cladding. Keep it up.
  2. Thanks for the comments.Sorry it took so long to post a reply. BZP's not really my home turf and I sort-of forgot... Thanks, Torran. Looked a little bland without the crew, even with a pair of shepards. Garrus is technically cheating and his head isn't really attached in LDD, but on a physical model it would stay on so I don't really care that I've cheated in this case. Do really like the print for Kaiden's face. Not sure what it's from but it suits him perfectly.
  3. Hello, BZP. Thought it was time to build something I had any hope of finishing on LDD, so I decided upon this - an M35 Mako rover from the Mass Effect series, plus most of the named crew from ME1 (Yes I know neither Garrus, male Shep or Kaiden dress like that in ME1, and that's a terrible shot of male Shep's cheaty omni-blade). (Left -> Right: Tali'Zorah nar Rayya, Garrus Vakarian, Kaiden Alenko, Femshep, Liara T'Soni, male Shep, Ashley Williams and Joker. Couldn't see a decent way of making Wrex within the bounds of LDD, so I left him out rather than butcher him.) Here's a top-down shot, minus the crew. For the record the turret does, in fact, turn. However thanks to a design oversight (the lip at the back of the turret), it turns all of 5-ish degrees. For the sake of looking as much like the original Mako as possible, I've left it in. Similar angle from the front The hatch opens, but there's not much inside to see. So here's Kaiden Alenko, instead. Better side view. And here's with the legs more splayed, as they would be while not airborne in-game (Y'know, for those brief instants that the Mako isn't soaring gracefully through the air).
  4. I wouldn't have the xbox version if I could run the PC version right now.
  5. Thanks, Chro. The "neck" is actually supposed to be that diamond prism rising out of the torso that only comes up three studs or so. The pillar there is more of a head support, if you understand me... I'm covering it over in the next one already, but it was difficult to mount anything inside the head to attach a neck onto in this particular one... Then there's the issue of not conflicting with the ball joint inside. I thought it would end up pretty messy or rough compared with the rest of it, so I thought omitting it would be neater. Thanks for the comment. Like I said above, that's not going to be an issue with the other two who have more conventional kanohi (as I attempted with the Ruru), the first of which is completed and more true to the original (with a few little augments), which allows me to cover the neck pillar more easily. If you're interested (and good at navigation - my brickshelf's a mess of mostly old rubbish), there's WIP folders for the others. I'm not going to post links to there... I know the rules regarding WIP topics. As a heads-up, I plan to scrap the current Tarthus work and start over. It's too much like Nathek. Thanks for the comment (and the edit, Tufi).
  6. Long time no see, BZPower. I know I'm not the most active of members, but I've got a 3-part LDD project to give me incentive to post here. This is the first of the Toa I've currently got planned, and the only one completed thus far.I won't be updating the topic when I've done the others - I know the rules, and I expect the topic will be long gone anyway by the time the next is finished. Anyway, on to the MOC:IIYou can TL;DR this bit. It's the background of the buildA while ago, I built an LDD Toa Nuara to my dimensions measured in lego. It was pretty much a total failure. The limbs took ages to pose 'cause of the really incredible lag LDD generates trying to rotate body-sized lego structures, added to the difficulties of posing ball joints as opposed to hinges. On top of that, the limbs were stick-thin (I'm not exactly muscular, you see. I made the mistake of forgetting Toa are clad in quite significant armour), the... rear padding... was ridiculously disproportioned 'cause I'd estimated it and the mask (the one part I was pleased with) looked huge on top of the rest of the body, though actually the "head" it was built over was quite pleasingly proportional.I really wanted something to show for the many hours of effort I put into it, but the MOC itself was pretty much a washout. I could have revamped it (in fact, I still want to, but that's a pipe dream as of now), but I didn't want to invest that much time into building the same thing again, especially so soon. So I decided on one of the many Bionicle based Toa teams I've built over the years, and went for one I felt I wouldn't be tempted to put the same stick-thin proportions on: This one. Using what I'd learned not to do with the one failed MOC, I'd build three others.IIAnd this is what I've builtThe joints are, I admit, very gappy. In order to allow the limbs to move with a near-natural range of positions, I think it's neccessary. I replaced as many of the ball-jointed sections as I could with hinge arrays - the neck, fingers and wrists are the only joints that use the ball bearing method, which suffer heavily from lag when they're posed.The picture's not all that clear at this distance, so here's a range of pictures that cover pretty much all the surfaces in recognisable detail:Front of feet and shinsBack of feet and shinsFront of thighs, pelvis and lower armsBack of thighs, pelvis and lower armsFront of torsoBack of torsoKanohi Ruru(It's not actually supposed to be a Ruru, but that's not the topic, here)And yeah... Full body Articulation. (edited to right pic) Counting the three-hinge arrays replacing the ball joints as one joint, he has 43 points of articulation, while in practice it's 55.If you want the file to play around with, it's here. Bear in mind it's a huge, laggy model. It might not be supportable on some computers, and it'll appear to freeze whenever you edit an angle, change the group of bricks you're changing the angles around, switch the angle tool (after it's been used) for any other tool, when you load it or when you save it. These are all temporary effects, though. In the most severe cases (on this computer), they'll last three minutes at most (doing things like rotating the whole body around an extremity like a foot or a knuckle).So, comments? If you have any ideas, I'd really appreciate feedback on ideas to make the others less gappy, while still mobile. I don't think I'll be editing this one, though.
  7. Looks great, Xin. The head might be a little large for the rest of the body, but as it's mostly crest, it's fine. The white might be better in silver, though from the pics it's hard to differentiate them. Aside from that, it does remind me of a Gyrados (For the benefit of the passing observer, this is the first time I've seen it. He described the colour scheme and I associated it with Gyrados from pokemon).
  8. Very wolvish design, with an imaginative torso and shins. It did strike me as feminine from the side-angled shots, though that helmet has always seemed like that to me, which probably added to that.The weapon reminds me of a Brute Shot from Halo. Not sure if that's positive or not, but there you go.
  9. Takal

    Grad 2012

    Makes me wish we didn't have a load of exams going on on our last day... Usually the staff are lenient enough to turn a blind eye to the goings-on, but unfortunately the years below us had English exams, not just in the hall but in classrooms all over the school. ...Which is why I decided the best way to celebrate the end of 11 years of schooling was to skive a six-hour school day to spend twelve hours at a friend's house. It would have been more interesting if more friends had shared the sentiment.
  10. That is without question the best Bohrok MOC I've seen.I like how it has this sort-of eastern vibe about its design. Like a robot-dragon-ball of the orient. I'd say how awesome the shields are, and how it's great that the head still extends out, and that the headplate looks really menacing, but I'm sure you get that enough.I have to ask: can it roll?
  11. For me? Socketed pieces, large liftarms, small liftarms, gears, weapons (including spheres, spinner components etc but not Zamor Launcher parts other than the body of the weapon), armour, masks/Kraata/krana, old "hand" sockets, pins/axles, ball bearings, elastic bands and Bohrok fangs. Everything else goes in a small tub for oddities. It's surprisingly empty. For the record: Toa Mata/Metru/Bohrok etc skeletal bits go in with the large liftarms, 'cause they rarely make good armour. I consider it more of a "structure" tub. Edit: Metru feet onwards, I consider armour. Bohrok headcases, Visorak shells, Visorak legtips etc. Stuff you'd put on over other stuff.
  12. Got Quarian Male Infiltrator, Ex-Cerb Vanguard and Vorcha Sentinel, Reegar Carbine II and Kyrseiauie sniper rifle.The Quarian's good, so long as you've got your team behind you. Also helpful when your allies ask "where?" Didn't pick the grenades... yet.Ex-Cerb's good for a laugh with Lash, but Smash is somewhat lacking in effectiveness... Like a nerfed Nova, tied into cooldown. Because someone will be on hand to remove your shields each and every time you use it.Haven't used the Vorcha or the... explosive sniper rifle yet. Doesn't seem like either suit my playstile.But the Reegar Carbine... no-one tell Bioware. Nerfing this gun would nerf my faith in shotguns as a whole.(On a side-note, on that spending spree I maxed my Widow, got two Paladin upgrades and a Scorpion, got grenade capacity up pack as well as shotgun damage and melee pack)Fun stuff, Bioware.
  13. Yeah, been saving up. ~800 credits. Wonder what I'll get...
  14. Looks good, very sturdy while not exactly bulky. Looks sort-of like Tali from Mass Effect, and the cape looks great. good integration of HF and bionicle on the shoulder, though I'm not so sure on the chest. Looks like it could be better, given the same sort of mechanical detail on the rest of it.
  15. Takal

    The Lost Hobby

    The last in the finished group seems... somewhat misfitting.
  16. Remember, Xin - as many side-missions as possible. Comes in handy in ME3.And I'm loving the look of the new multiplayer guys (not so fond of the Vorcha, but I don't like Batarians much either). Quaians... That Ex-cerberus (assumed) heavy melee...Also, your banner is kinda' creepy, Gothra. I swear, it zooms in as I scroll down.
  17. Garrus is better. So many innuendos. Not that there's much between them. It was a pity it takes so long in 3 to get the old team back together, but at least Garrus is there pretty much from the off. Well, she did have a lot on her mind at the time. So does Shep. A paragon spends half his time moping to everyone he meets. Wrex is about the only one who's not fazed by the whole "worlds ablaze" thing.
  18. ...I have so many shotguns I'll never use. Katana VII springs to mind.And I never play as biotics. Not sure why anymore. My bias towards dismissing their use as a cheap tactic has subsided recently. Should give it a shot. My infiltrator-inclination seems to be aggrievating things as I loath to go back to Bronze to practice when I could be playing silver or gold.
  19. I somehow managed to kill four Guardians with headshots with the same bullet. I'll admit that it was the widow, but still... Four guys lined up perfectly?
  20. Not arguing with either of those. But Xin's made it clear where he stands on DLC.
  21. First, switch difficulty to "Veteran" or "Insanity." Then recruit Tali. It's in the last room with her. I have one on two profiles, and they were a pain to get. You have to amass enough allied forces (given numerical values depending on their worth) to prevent terrible things from happening in the last mission. I have... nearly enough for a perfect playthrough. I hope. Gotta' do more multiplayer and turn my multiplayer characters into single player assets.
  22. Good luck. If you can get your hands on a Geth Pulse Rifle, I'll be very impressed. On the subject, started the final mission(s) on ME3. I hope I did enough to save my squad. I'll never forgive myself if Tali and Garrus die.
  23. Well, ME3 finally arrived, and someone at Bioware likes me.Two weeks into the game and already I've got a Kipshock (sp), Widow and Black Widow I, a Paladin I, and a Geth Plasma Shotgun I. As well as two Geth Engineers and a Geth Infiltrator, along with loads of other stuff that's supposedly good but I'll never use (namely shotguns, such as the disciple III). Gameplay's great, particularly in multiplayer.As campaign goes, it's good to see all the ME1 and ME2 references (like getting that dissertation from Conrad Verner), though it was a pity that there's no Krogan squadmates so far, and that Tali's come in so late. Aside from that, I'm enjoying running rings around the Reapers in the galaxy map, though I wish there were more places to actually land. I do miss defying gravity, physics and logic in the Mako.
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