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Everything posted by Takal

  1. Yeah, I'd seen them as tinted too. Again with the similarities...I have fans now?
  2. Liking the Tuma and the tamer, but the arms on the elite and the sorcerer are a little wierd and unfitting. Baterra-esque, even.On extended study of your brickshelf, are those banner images available where appropriate, or just conceptual?
  3. Takal

    Feast Of Music

    "Juicy Hampeth" sounds really suspect.
  4. Tali, Garrus and Legion are my clear favourites, though I love Wrex's lines. I prefer to let Kaiden die on Virmire, though that leaves me with Ashley to avoid for the rest of the playthrough. She might think I like her or something. I've never let Wrex die, and the only Squadmate who's ever died in the Collector Base was Legion. It was a hollow victory without him. So I'm replaying that file to save him for ME3, which I hope to get on April 12th.Romanced Ashley (by accident) on one profile, Tali (purposefully) on my second and have plans for Garrus on this current profile. I dislike Liara, Samara, Morinth (Actually, most Asari aside from that bartender on Illium), Jacob and Kaiden who're both so bland and clearly just there for the girls, Ashley and Miranda who're terrible people and just there for the guys, and Grunt. Grunt's trying to usurp the awesomeness of Wrex. Thane's sort-of meh, Jack's just... She can rot under the engineering deck for all I care, Mordin's got great lines, but he's not much good in a fight. Legion's cool - I like the insight into the Geth he gives, Wrex's got brilliant lines, but he gets in my way when I'm trying to snipe. I think Garrus' character is one of the best, and I love how he follows your example through the games. Tali's clearly the best, in my opinion. She's got uncanny luck in ME1, a really interesting insight into the Quarians' way of life, and one of the most engaging loyalty missions, one that's clearly very personal as opposed to, say, Thane's, where he shows very little emotion or Jacob's, where he just seems to have this one-dimensional bitter outlook.
  5. Technically, only iron rusts. Rust is the common title for iron oxide, though nearly all metals have oxides of some form.Anyway, a metal oxide is the product of a reaction with oxygen, generally over a long period of time (but some do it in seconds, and gold has to be forced to do so). This sounds like it would be some sort of catalyst, a material that speeds up the reaction by forming an easier path for the reaction, though at the end of said reaction it's left in the state in which it began. I suppose it could exist. We probably have an analogue of some sort in our own chemical industries.
  6. Takal

    Name Suggestions?

    These admins and their fears... But "A pleasant shade of Xinlo?" Really?
  7. Gali. First Bionicle I've ever got, and I've used the Kaukau on so many models...
  8. Got the same response from Xinlo when he first saw them. personally, I don't think they're all that bad, though I suppose I can see where you're coming from on that. I have, since then, padded out Cehra's ankles a little, but amana's largely the same on that front. Besides, I think Hordika legs work very well here. Thanks. I figured that if the slizers can pull off slizer-head feet, so can Toa. I'd never seen the feet as inexchangeable before (aside from Inika feet on Mata legs, though not vice-versa), and had always had a fondness for Mata feet. They always looked like boots, compared to the flippers Inika-torso'd Toa wore, a rahkshii's clown-shoes, and the - what do you call the shoes worn with a suit that taper at the end? - that the Toa Metru wore. Mantax-feet are awesome, but they're too limited. Aside from that, I'll see what I can do to cover the ankles a little for the Mata-boot Toa, though I have no ankle-guards (I'd their challenge their usefulness if I posessed them owing to the restricted range of colours). And my custom shins are always terrible, hence why I never post any here or anywhere else. Are we talking Vano/Amana's arm here, or just in general? In the former, that unfitting look is what I'm looking for, but in the latter... could you tell me where it shows up so I can attempt to rectify it? That's just me overcoming procrastination. I have a half-finished topic I'd meant to post when the forums came back, but I never finished it. I probbably would have wound up getting bored 'round about the second one and failing to finish.I know how to do this, and have no excuse for not doing so. "I'm sorry" is all I can say. Thanks. You've been very constructive. And criticizing. Not that it's a bad thing.
  9. Is that... an orange?Slight vegetable-based confusion aside, this MOC seems very fun, while being complex and detailed simultaniously. Well done.
  10. The chespiece here is particularly well-utilised, and seems to fit seamlessly over the torso. The silver bits on the upper arms and the grey bits on the chest throw me off a little. Is there any way to replace them with white (or gold, not sure what the range of liftarms out right now is) ones?
  11. He looks a little... malnourished? While aspects of his design work well alone, the compilation gives him a very frail and somewhat unsteady look, particularly the high shoulderplates and comparatively huge mask. Bulk him out a little and he'll be fine. I like the simplicity and... un-clustered-ness... of the weapons, while still being generally custom and unique.
  12. Thanks for commenting. Awkward? How so?Yeah, go ahead.
  13. *blank stare* Thanks. I'm surprised it works, actually. it holds on just as well as everything else.Yeah, I like the '01 Kanohi myself - wider range of colours so you're not stuck with using certain masks for certain colourschemes. Glad you like it.What kind of leg armour would you suggest?Yeah, besides the arms there's only a difference of two pieces (mirrored, so only really one) between Amana and Cehra. It's to hold the upper torso slightly differently.
  14. Uh... This is here? I didn't know that. Again, nice job, if the legs are a little too long. And she has ghost-feet. And her armour is considerably less than protective.That aside, she does look great. I still don't see why you prefer the older haliberd over the new one, but it came out well, so I'm not complaining. Thanks for the effort you put into it.Edit: Just read top paragraph, and while I would normally glare witheringly, I can't deny your accuracy.
  15. Yeah, about the height of a Toa Metru. His Toa form's bigger than an Inika by a long way - at least he's consistant, right? The left (his left) shoulder 's gonna' stay as-is, but I'm still tinkering with the right one. A year after I built it. Thanks, though you can thank Xinlo (The Xin that should not be?) for the solidness of the shoulders. They were pretty gappy at first. I would change the hands, but my Glatorian/Agori are somewhat limited... Two Kiina, a Vastus, a Tarix and a Stronius, so unfortunately that's not doable... for now; and my HF nonexistant but for Breakout Breez. The band should go, I know... Vano's Metru thighplate on his good arm is held on purely by elastication as well, for the record. Not happy with that either. Seems like cheating. Yeah, that Matoran was never actually supposed to be her. It was only once both were finished that I decided that. The Matoran is currently undergoing major adaptions (though the gun is not. I like that gun, too.) Thanks. I don't appreciate the stereotypical female design - Nuva shoulderpads, anyone? - but Nuara was criticized for not being "female" enough, so this was my response. The silver on the forearms was there to try and bulk them out a little... Still looking for those in black. The torso silver, however, has been replaced with black fron her Matoran form. My black Inika shoulders are all accounted for, but when it's time for one of those MOCs to go... Orange and black are awesome, and unfortunately this is my third (not counting broken-down models) MOC to use that scheme. The gap on the lower arms serves for mobility purposes. With her arms folded up, it's filled by her upper arm's elbow socket. There's actually very little black on him, mostly sockets. Guess I've set up a good illusion, then. Yeah, I had a mechanical arm sitting around my room for a while... It was good, but unfortunately it didn't fit anything. In retrospect, it would probably have suited Denza if it had survived that long. Not that I have (or had) any plans to disfigure the big guy. I'm not sure about that arm myself. half of me thinks it's hideous and has to go, and half of me thinks that's why it's still there. Well, some silver slizer feet recently became available... they're on there, now. This next point, however, would require a large amount of explaining to validate my reason for not using two solid ones. As you're the first one to notice in all the three places I've posted this, I think it blends in fairly well. Regardless, it gets on my nerves personally. Again, the gap's for mobility. It's a fairly common feature in my MOCs. Denza's got the same thing, only on his upper arm.Thanks for the comments, and it's reminded me that although I've posted them as "finished", they're not really done. This is just the criticism stage so the one I've got at home is as good as it can be, right?
  16. Right... I should probably actually post something...So how about the team that goes with Takal and Nuara, who I posted in what is now the archive? I can't seem to find a link to them, but they'll show up in a few team poses. Bear in mind the topic's not about them (I have no idea what the policy on reposting archived stuff is, regardless of how shortly before the site went down I posted them) so I'm going to play it safe and say "leave them alone".Anyway, obviously that's not the actual team name. That would be silly. Especially because Takal's not actually the leader, just the de facto one. They don't really have a team name, seeing as only two of them became Toa together (and left their old team), making them more... a group?Anyway, the team consists of Takal, (male) Toa of Thunder (lightning); Nuara, (female, and can we drop the subject?) Toa of Plasma; Denza, Toa of Gravity; Cehra, Toa of Psyonics; Kural, Toa of unfinishedness and will-post-in-his-own-topic-when-I-can-be-bothered (and iron); Vano, Toa of Sonics and Amana, Toa of Water.We'll start with Denza, 'cause I think he's the best.Old MOC version for comparisonMatoran (Front)Matoran (Back)Matoran (Left Side)On the window SillToa (Front?)Toa (side; revealing torso)Toa (Back)Fistbump with NuaraDenza's by far the oldest member of the team, but has spent the least time as a Toa. He was brought into existance on the island of Sona Nui, know for its large Matoran (though he was exceptionally tall, even by their standards), and spent many years leading the island's Guard in the field. As a Matoran, he used a light emitting weapon far weaker than, say, a Midak, though it became a much larger gravity pistol during his transformation (note: a red HF breakout cannon, which I didn't have when the pics were taken) and he wears a Kanohi Hau, rather unimaginatively.Next, CehraOld MOC for comparisonMatoran (only pic)Her gunFrontSide? Is it?Back.Awkward moment with Vano...Cehra's the next oldest and coincidentally the next shortest-serving Toa, though this is rarely commented upon. While Sona Nuian (hence her height as a Matoran), she moved to the neighbouring island of Waru Bazarin, which was overrun by Visorak. Fearing Vano and Amana to be Hordika and dangerous, she and the other Matoran of Waru Bazarin drove them out. She became a Toa when Nuara, Takal and the then-Matoran Denza arrived on the island and defeated the Visorak's leaders. Seeing little need to stay on Bazarin, she returned to Sona Nui with the others, and became close friends with Vano and Amana, Vano particularly. Suffering from a fear of weapons, Cehra uses no tool and, almost alone among the team, follows the Toa Code to the letter. This puts her at odds with the somewhat rebellious, renegade stance Nuara holds, who has no reservations about killing other beings. She wears a mask of heightened thought, which allows her to behave as if the world were in slow motion. However, as her own movements are the same speed as ever, only her reaction time changes to the observer, making it something of a "Kakama of the mind." She modelled her appearance on AmanaWell, I showed Vano earlier, so it makes sense to move on to him next.FrontLeft sideBack (not impressive, I know...)Right SideWith AmanaVano and Amana came into existance on Waru Bazarin, and both became Toa as part of a larger, 5-Toa team who were to replace the last team who had been killed by Visorak - or worse - after the island was overrun. Two members of the team were lured into a trap by the third, and as a result were brainwashed into believing they were sworn to protect the Visorak and that the Matoran were the real threat. Vano and Amana realised the trap for what it was, and were instead captured and mutated, then driven off of the island by the Matoran they tried to protect from the rest of their team. Vano is exceptionally strong for his size, but as a Toa of strong moral conviction, he rarely throws his weight around. He wears a Volitak, though he can't use it for prolonged periods, as his mutations are similar to the effects of Visorak venom, hampering his ability to concentrate.Well, Amana next.FrontRight SideLeft SideBacksidePosin'With NuaraAmana, as a result of the stress of her mutation, is mute, though despite this she tends to be the most cheerful member of the team. She has the unique ability to turn Nuara's normal attitude into one of mere mischeivousness, and gets along well with the whole team. She can control water to an amazing degree, but tires easily so usually limits herself to making a katana of flowing water with which to fight, disliking her near-effectless stun-pistol which used to be one of a pair, though with her mutated hand she can no longer hold the second. She never uses her mask (nor anyone else's), so I see no point in naming it.And finally: Team photo! (With added Takal)So, what do you think? Should I keep it shorter next time?
  17. This looks like a great, fun, little model. Simultaniously menacing and joy-bringing.I know it's not particularly complex, but I do like it a lot.
  18. Takal

    Thin Lizzy

    ...All four? You listed off seven.
  19. Takal

    This Week

    Why can you influence me so easily? And why are you always right when you do?
  20. ...2.2 You make me feel so unfulfilled.
  21. Simply amazing. Really looks more like a suit of armour than a collection of lego parts. I guess some of that's down to the lighting, which is worthy of praise in itself. Very well done.Also, the mask looks great. The two could do with a seafloor diorama (sp?) to finish it off.
  22. Takal


    Challenge accepted.
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