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Everything posted by Takal

  1. Whoah, that's amazing! Makes my MOCs look so insignificant...How much did the parts set you back? Doesn't look like it came cheap.
  2. Takal


    Keeping the status quo, I see...
  3. Takal

    Holy Jeez

    Wait, does that mean you've lost 5995 views? Edit: 5998. Looks like I can't count, either.
  4. Takal

    Hey Guys Hey Guys

    *hits back button repeatedly*
  5. He looks... More mature? Darker? Something like that. A distinct change of character. In MOC terms I think it's pretty much the same, though...
  6. Takal

    The Truth About Me

    Having a sick mind just means you get jokes that nobody actually intended to make. Conversations are more fun that way. And I have never tasted Mountain Dew, but I can't say my expectaions are high.
  7. Nice job, Xinlo. I love the colourscheme (and it's assured me that something I'll be building will work, as a result), thighs and torso. The only thing I can really complain about is the shoulderpads, which look a little limiting. The swords look great - what did they come from? Nice job. If you were looking to prove yourself, you've done it.
  8. Chols's known for his insights, though...
  9. Takal

    Yeah, Yeah...

    Yes, Master... Just can't do it on my PSP.
  10. Takal


    People respect you, and several think of you in a positive manner.
  11. Takal

    Yeah, Yeah...

    Never tried boiling oil before, but panini grills, ovens, toasters, hobs... Not that a guy as nice as Xinlo would ever do that. I hope.
  12. Takal

    Yeah, Yeah...

    I'd like to think he wouldn't. I'm perfectly capable of doing that myself.
  13. Some day, I'll reach ten posts...

  14. Some day, I'll reach ten posts...

  15. The hunter's legs are a little spindly, but over all, great job, particularly on the needler and plasma pistol. Now grace the world with the Pillar Of Autum's 'Hog run. To scale, of course.
  16. Takal

    Yeah, Yeah...

    So Xinlo's persuaded me to make a blog, now. He's got me wrapped around his finger... Oh, well. What's the worst that can happen?
  17. Wait, what's this?

  18. Yeah, just ignore this post, people...But me-jokes aside, I'll say again that although the colours are a little odd, and the bike looks fairly fragile, I like the originality of both. Nice job, Xin.
  19. Great MOCs, particularly the chaos dragon, which looks truly amazing. It's a pretty diverse range you've got. Nice to see that you can apply your imagination to such a wide variety of designs.
  20. I like the surgical tools and the drip (very inventive), but I'd like to see that undisclosed being on his/her own, so I can tell what kind of size an MOC has to be in order to fit.
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