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Vengent Spectre

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Everything posted by Vengent Spectre

  1. IC: Taralynn (Plane wreckage, Washington D.C)"Don't worry, its just my shoulder." Tara said pain clearly written across her face."You go help the others." Tara said."Zack are you okay?" she said telepathically.IC:Surge (DC)After seeing the Sentinel shoot at Shadow Kevin shot himself at the Sentinel's power core.OOC: Sorry Krayzikk, I thought you were talking about the one from comics.
  2. IC: Surge (DC)Kevin had just finished with the Sentinel when the plane crashed. Zooming over Kevin noticed the hole in the back of the plane, " Are you okay in there? Do you need any help?" He called out.IC: Taralynn (On board the crashed plane, Washington D.C)Taralynn was about to respond to Ashlynn when the plane crashed. Reacting as fast she could, Tara used her telekinesis to shield the others, forgetting to shield herself and getting impaled in the process. "Hey Ash, little help here?" Tara said telepathically.OOC: Krayzikk, aside from the ones on his wrists all of Daken's claws are bone
  3. OOC: Page 100 whooooooooooooooooooo :onfire: :pilot:
  4. IC: Surge (DC)Kevin had been fighting this one Sentinel for the longest time. Deciding enough was enough Kevin transformed. He shot through the Sentinel's power core,landing on the other side, made completely of electricity, his clothes gone," Okay... it's game time!" Kevin saidIC: Taralynn (On board the stolen plane,on the way to DC)Laughing, Tara said "Zack, I said I was sorry. And anyway in exchange I got you a house, two sisters and a cousin." Tara turned to Alaric " Yeah that's right. Right off. So, if you don't want the same to happen to you, you better stay healthy."
  5. IC: Taralynn (On board the stolen plane, On the way to DC)"Okay Zack if you say so"Tara said ashamedly.
  6. IC: Taralynn (On board the stolen plane, On the way to DC)Taralynn ignored Jared. "You better be or else I'll have to do to you what I did to Zack's car" Tara said with and equally cute grin.OOC: yo TD I'm gonna be PMing you some ideas later aight
  7. IC: Taralynn (On board the stolen plane, On the way to DC)"It doesn't matter what it was. Do it again and I will kill you." Tara said and after hearing what Shadow said about throwing Jared off the plane, she immediately took a liking to her. "You okay Noble?" Tara asked in concerned tone.OOC: Noble is Taralynn's nickname for Alaric
  8. IC: Taralynn (On board the stolen plane, On the way to DC)"Ash, why didn't you tell me you're my sister?" Taralynn said telepathically. A long time ago Beast had told Tara to meditate whenever she got angry or annoyed. This plane ride was one of those times and it had been working up until Jared shot the flash of light at Zack. Eyes flaring Tara looked at Jared and said" Touch Zack again and I'll kill you"
  9. IC:Taralynn (X-Mansion, Westchester county.)Tara got in on the passenger side."You're coming, right Zack?"
  10. IC:Taralynn (X-Mansion, Westchester county.)Still holding onto Zack Taralynn said. "I've kinda known for awhile but Zack pretty much cemented it for me" Finally, letting go of Zack she asked "Anyways, where are Dad and John?"
  11. IC:Taralynn (X-Mansion, Westchester county.)"I'm sorry to have worried you sis, but I had to find Zack." Taralynn said while hugging Zack.
  12. IC:Taralynn (X-Mansion, Westchester county.)Tara had just finished shopping,when she saw the sentinels overhead. She ran back to the X-Mansion as fast as possible.She got there just in time to see Zack's eye beams go over the walls. Taralynn walked through the gates,"Ash, what the **** is going on?"
  13. IC:Taralynn ( Westchester County, New York)"Its in walking distance if you'd rather not fly again."
  14. OOC: Zyke I'm not if you saw this but I'm waiting for you
  15. IC:Taralynn (Leaving the airport, New York.)As they were leaving the airport Taralynn asked "Zack would you rather fly, walk or take a cab?"
  16. IC:Taralynn (On the plane, Above New York.)"Everyone this is your pilot speaking we will be landing shortly."
  17. IC:Taralynn (At the airport, Los Angeles, California.)"Yeah but you owe me" Taralynn said in a joking tone. Taralynn walked up to the desk and said "Can I get two first class tickets to New York"
  18. IC:Taralynn (At the airport, Los Angeles, California.) "We're here" Taralynn said as they landed outside the airport."Come on Zack lets go get our tickets."
  19. IC:Taralynn (On the road, outside Los Angeles, California.)Taralynn laughed at Zack's unease at being lifted into the air."You get used to it"
  20. IC:Taralynn (On the road, outside Los Angeles, California.)"Don't worry about it, I'll fly us there." Lifting them up with telekinesis, Taralynn flew them to the airport.
  21. IC:Taralynn (On the road, outside Los Angeles, California.)"its in New york." Taralynn said while turning around. "But we need to hurry up if we're gonna catch the last flight back."
  22. IC:Taralynn (On the road, outside Los Angeles, California.)Taralynn smiled."You can stay with me at the X-Mansion."
  23. OOC: Just so you know ZK, I'm pretty sure Taralynn doesn't know who her parents are IC:Taralynn (On the road, outside Los Angeles, California.)"Yeah I think so"Taralynn shrugged"I'm just glad I found you"
  24. IC:Taralynn (On the road, outside Los Angeles, California.)Taralynn realized she wasn't going to get anything out of Zack by talking. So, she decided to meld their minds together giving them all information on each other they would need. She instantly knew he was the IT she had been searching for. "You." Taralynn said "After so long, I've finally found you." Now,knowing who he was,Taralynn landed in front of the car.
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