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Vengent Spectre

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Everything posted by Vengent Spectre

  1. IC: Tara and Alison (Outside the cafe with Alaric, 42nd street, New York.)"I'm so glad you're okay." Tara said grinning and breathing in his scent, laughing as she did so. " You said. we. Need too. Hurry." Alison said, slightly annoyed that Tara rushed her all this way and then just stopped for this...this smiling weirdo. " S***! She's right. Noble, we gotta get going, Ashlynn's in trouble I can feel it."IC: Tora"I'm sorry Lady Rosalina, I don't what you're talking about." Tora said smiling broadly. " Are you okay?" Tora said breathing heavily from the fall and the kick to the ribs.OOC: Ah, that's pretty cool Flex
  2. OOC: If you don't have a problem with it Flex, then I'll let it go . Also why did you change you're name to Capacitor?IC: Taralynn and Alison (Searching for Alaric, 42nd street, New York.)"Noble!" Tara shouted as saw Alaric crossing the street and ran to hug him, Alison followed close behind.
  3. OOC: I'm not going to continue this argument as it is heading off topic, but if you want to continue PM me and we will. What it come's down to is if you're doing any kind of torture aside from the psychological one your doing now, then you fade out and leave it implied.IC: Taralynn and Alison ( Outside Grand Central, New York.)" Put us down here!" Tara said as they came in sight of Grand Central Station."I. Can't. Go with. You." Alison said as she floated down to the ground and let go of Tara. " I don't have F******! time for this, you said you were going to help so form you're diamond A**! come the f*** on!" Tara shouted as she ran towards 42nd Street. "I....I....Fine." Alison said as reformed in her ice form and ran after Tara.
  4. OOC: I didn't say it was a horrific act, i just said leave it implied in case Scalpel decides to commit any. And one would assume (at least I would) a character like Scalpel would make someone's torture as painful and horrific as possible. I never disrespected you're RPG experience so don't get cranky. And just so you know I've been on BZ long enough to see a great amount of RPGs grow, flourish and die. Don't disrespect me.IC: ToraAlthough he got tripped Tora angled himself so that he would fall on her.IC: Taralynn and Alison( Flying to Grand Central, In the Sky, New York.)" S***! Noble I'm on my way to Grand Central. When I get there we'll head to 42 and meet up with Matt and Zack." Tara said. " Diamond, could you go faster!?" Tara asked.Alison's reply was to blast them through the sky moving faster then before.
  5. IC: ToraAccepting the roundhouse, Tora caught the foot after it slammed against his ribs and then attempted to bring his elbow down on her knee.OOC: Krayzikk, just imply that he was tortured horribly and then fade out, don't describe it.
  6. IC: Tora" I'm sorry if I offended you Lady Rosalina. I was just admiring your beauty." Tora said as he attempted a spinning elbow.
  7. OOC: Nah, I want Kevin to get captured and brain-wiped.IC: Taralynn and Alison ( Flying through the skies, New York.)" Alaric! I'm fine! Where are Zack, Ashlynn and Matt!? Are they okay!?!" Tara asked, worry obvious in her voice. " Alison, can you take me to Grand Central Station?" Tara asked, pleading with Alison. " I...I guess. So. Which way. Is it? And why. Are we going? " Alison asked. "That way. And to meet a friend." Tara shouted above the wind, as Alison shot in the direction she pointed.IC: KevinAs Kevin slammed into the ground, he used the last of his energy to release a large electro magnetic pulse in all directions attempting to make sure the others got away. When he released the last of his energy Kevin transformed back to normal, allowing the darts from Scorcher and Emily's guns to catch as was no longer moving at mach 5. Because of his increased metabolism the darts worked faster then normal making Kevin pass out almost instantly.IC: Tora" It is perfectly fine Lady Rosalina. Do not apologize I should have said something." Tora said ashamed. " Though I will miss the bounce......it was beautiful like you." Tora said smiling slightly as he resumed his fighting stance.
  8. IC: KevinKevin continued his mach 5 charge toward the ground not letting go" Did you really just try and burn electricity?" Kevin laughed at Scorcher's attempts to burn him in his electrical form.IC: Tora" I'm sorry my Lady, I just don't want to hurt you." Tora said as he attempted a jump kick.OOC: Flex, for a character that can move at mach 5 and above, grabbing your foot really isn't that bad. Don't be such a crybaby. Anyways,with the stuff people can do in this RP mach 5 isn't that OP, Dallas can stop time, Shawn can lift 10 tons, Adrian is darn near invulnerable, Abbas can control molecules, Tali can nullify anybody's power she wants,Alek can warp reality, Iron man can move at mach 8, Shadow can move just under super speed so if mach 5 is superspeed then she can move in between mach 5 and mach 4,Wild Card can copy anyone's power so long as he touch's them, Alex's mystery shield can withstand Sentinel blasts, Matt's plasma can destroy Sentinels like their dollar store robots.There's more but I won't continue down this path. There are all these broken powers and characters and you're attacking Kevin for fighting reasonably for a speedster.
  9. IC: KevinKevin turned and caught Scorcher's foot, and then shot towards the ground at mach 5, pulling Kane with him.IC: ToraTora blocked the uppercut in midair with his elbow and then attempted a spin kick.
  10. IC: ToraTora ducked under the back fist and countered with a spinning uppercut.
  11. IC: KevinKevin knew anybody with brains wouldn't just sit there as he charged at them, so the moment he had passed through the fire blast he released a wave of electricity that went around him in every direction.IC: ToraTora blocked Rosalina's punch at the wrist, then attmepted to trip her.
  12. IC: KevinKevin released a giant ball of electricity. straight at the wave of fire. He slowed behind the ball, planning on boosting through after it.IC: Tora" If you wish Lady Rosalina, I will try my best." Tora said as he turned toward Rosalina and assumed a fighting stance," The first move is on you."
  13. IC: Alison ( Thinking about things, Skies of New York.)" Why?.............What. Made me. Follow her?.....Why......It doesn't. Matter I'm. Gonna hurt. Her in the end.........Why.......Why be. Near. Somebody who you know you're going to hurt?...Stupid!....Why....... Why? Do I exist when all I do is bring pain?.....Useless! I shouldn't have gone with her.. cool dude!......Why?....Stupid!.....Why?.....Useless!.......Why?......cool dude!..........WHY?.......DO!........YOU!...........EXIST! I am a Worthless piece of trash. I shouldn't be alive.I hate myself."IC: ToraTora took a break. Moving over to the kitchen in his room, Tora sat and thought as he drank a glass water. Break over Tora resumed his training, taking his shirt off this time.IC: Kevin"This the best you got."Kevin growled he as shot down past the twin flames toward Scorcher, easily reaching mach five, nowhere near his top speed.
  14. IC: Tara and Alison ( Flying through the skies, Skies of New York, New York.)Tara attempted to grab her ringing phone, but dropped it when she heard a massive mental cry. " What the f*** was that!? Oh s***! My phone!" Tara said as her phone fell."Hold on" Alison said as she shot after the phone catching it, and then catching Tara as she fell down into her. " Here." Alison said as she handed the phone back."Thanks! Diamond." Tara said as she took the phone from Alison, quickly calling back." Alaric! It's Tara. are you okay?"IC: KevinKevin shot upwards, throwing four lightning bolts as he went. High in the sky Kevin now saw that the others had gotten into the garage." Good! I won't hurt them now." Kevin said as he started to transform, glowing as he began to turn into electricity. Electricity shooting forth from his body until there was nothing left aside from it," You! " Kevin said, looking at Scorcher, his transformation complete.IC: Tora"I will be back Lady Rosalina." Tora said as he went to his massive room. He decided to train as he entered his room.
  15. IC: KevinKevin shot two counter lightning bolts that would clash with two of the fire blasts, and then shot himself backward at Mimic while throwing one more in between the other two at Scorcher.IC: ToraTora looked at Rosalina and said. " Of course Lady Rosalina." Tora bowed and started toward the room. " I'm....glad that you are happy my Lady." Tora said smiling slightly as he walked away.
  16. IC: KevinBarely dodging the fire fist, the side of his shirt catching fire, Kevin shot three lightning bolts in return. Looking back at M'Kus he said. "Go! I can handle her."IC: ToraTora walked beside Rosalina, silent as usualIC: Taralynn ( Unknown warehouse, New York.)"Ash-Aghhh!!" Tara attempted to say as she woke, then gasped in pain halfway through. "Aghhhhgg!" Tara grunted as she tried to get off of the mat and failed, falling hard." D**n it! Whats wrong with me? And where am I?." she said as righted herself, ready to try again. Oh! That's right I lost control she. thought"Stop it. You're still injured." Said a cold voice from nowhere," And you're still hot. To answer your question, we're in a warehouse in New York." a crystalline body rapidly formed to match the voice."Who the *aghhh! are you?" Tara groaned as she tried to edge away and fell, eyes starting to light on fire." I told you to stop. You're still hurt." Said the crystalline figure, agitation clear in her voice. "Don't worry. I won't hurt you." said the figure, backing away slightly at her own words." I know already, I can feel it. What I want to know is why I'm here?" Tara asked, calmed enough by the girl's emotions, to take the time to breathe. " Ya know what, I don't care anymore! I gotta get back home. My family needs me!" Tara said, as she rushed to get up, no longer caring about her heath."Stupid! I told you to Stop! Moving!" said the figure as she rushed and caught Tara before she fell." **** That! I have to get out of here!" Tara said as she squirmed in the the figure's arms, struggling to get up." You can't go anywhere. Like that." Said the figure, still with a solid grip on Tara. " Now listen you big diamond. I am getting the **** out of here! And there's nothing you can ******* do about it! Now you can either come with me or you can get you're shiny *** the **** out of the way and let me go!" Tara nearly shouted at the crystalline figure holding her. "I guess. I'll come with you. Since you're still injured." The figure said, slightly dumfounded. " Good. Now help me up." Tara said, reaching for the figure's cold hand. Completely ignoring the hand, the figure let go of Tara and started to disperse. "Alison." The figure's voice said, as she started to wrap around Tara. " What?" Tara asked confusedly. " My. Name. Is. Alison." said the voice as she lifted them up toward the warehouse doors. "Oh! Mine's Tara."
  17. OOC: I'm going to have Kevin get captured. I'm just waiting for the right timeIC: Kevin"Don't worry about him, I got him! Just get everyone into the garage as fast as you can" Kevin said as he stopped pushing them. Turning around Kevin shot towards Scorcheras fast as he could in this form.IC: AlisonAlison saw many options for safety but the one she chose was a warehouse. She walked in and looked for something to lay the girl down on.Finding a sort of mat Alison laid the girl down and dispersed, planning on reforming later.IC: Taralynn (The Pit, Her mind, New York.)Tara had given up trying to get out of the pit and decided to rest. That was until she heard them, three different minds, Ashlynn, Matt and Zack, all in distress. Hearing them Tara knew she had get out of the pit so she started trying again with renewed vigor
  18. IC: KevinKevin shot into N'Dine blasting her and Nero out of the golems/fireballs path and toward the garage." You guys okay?" Kevin asked as he threw a bolt of lightning backward at Scorcher to assist M'Kus.IC: AlisonAlison slowed their fall enough that she could turn and take the brunt of the damage when they hit the ground. Her arm shattered as they bounced, then skid, across the groundAlison stood up and looked at the girl, who aside from some slowly retreating fire, was barely injured. "Good. She's not hurt." Alison said as she walked over, wary about touching the girl in this form but unable to do so in any other, Alison risked it. Much to her surprise the girl was still blazing hot so she picked her up headed in the direction of safety.IC: ToraTora stood on the other side of Quicksilver, opposite Rosalina, content just standing there, listening to them talk.IC: Taralynn (Wandering, Her mind, New York.)Once again her mind was wandering, but this time it was in an endless pit and she was falling but no matter how many time she tried to catch herself she just kept falling.
  19. IC: Kevin (X-Mansion)Kevin boosted after the others heading toward the garage.IC: Alison (Falling through the sky, New York.)Alison shot down after the girl as they fell, reforming into her ice form as quickly as possible. Catching the girl, Alison attempted to slow their fall.
  20. OOC: Okay, I saw her profile but it doesn't state her limit. How strong and fast is she exactly?
  21. IC: KevinSeeing Adrian in the stairwell Kevin slid to a stop in front of him. "Adrian can I borrow you? Things are getting kinda heated at the party and I'd like a little help keeping everybody calm."Kevin said as he grabbed Adrian's wrist and zoomed back to the party.OOC: Krayzikk where did the superspeed come from?
  22. IC: Kevin"Hold on a sec Nero, I'll be right back I have to go get the Peacemaker" Kevin said as he zoomed off to go find Adrian.
  23. IC: Kevin Kevin slid over to Nero and asked. "What's going on?"
  24. OOC: Sorry I haven't been able to post in the last few days I caught the fluIC: Taralynn (In the Sky, Above New York.)Tara knew if Ashlynn wouldn't let go she would get hurt too, and that was unacceptable. Using all her strength Tara thrust her elbow into Ashlynn's ribs.The moment she let go Tara used the last of her strength to telekinetically push herself away from Ashlynn. Tara tried to wait till Ashlynn was as far away as possible, but she could feel herself failing. As her eyes and back started to glow white the last thing Tara attempted to say was." Ashlynn I lo................................"IC: Alison (Freezing the Sky, Above New York.)Alison had been floating above the city when she saw something high in the sky glowing bright hot white "What the.... ". Before she could even finish wondering what it was, the thing erupted".............BOOOOOOOOOOOOOM". Bright blueish-white flames burst from the object covering the sky. Alison shot upwards through the molecules as the the thing started falling/spiraling toward New York.The further up she went the harder it became to travel through the molecules as heated mist so she reformed in her ice form, as she did so she saw that the thing was actually a burning girl. Seeing this Alison doubled her efforts and geysered upward. When she got close Alison realized that the flames were coming from the girl and that she was about to release another wave. Realizing this Alison attempted to douse the flames with water, " ****!! It didn't work.." Alison said she as began to disperse. Alison wrapped around the girland began freezing the liquid molecules around them preparing for the next wave. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" The girl screamed as the white flames exploded from within her, searing the air itself until the ice began to freeze them in place, creating a giant beautiful frozen-burning phoenix sculpture. This wave bigger and stronger than the last, seamed to last forever. Just as Alison was about to give out from the heat, the girl burned out causing the flames to stop and die out within the ice. This end result caused the beautiful ice-fire phoenix sculpture to melt and rain over New York. No longer able to holdonto them both, Alison let go causing them to freefall through the skies of New York.OOC: Zyke, Congrats on page 100.IC: ToraTora looked at Rosalina and said. " I can never do enough for you, Lady Rosalina." He then began to cook. A little while later Quicksilver burst in.Tora rushed to prepare a room for him. "Lady Rosalina, is Lord Quicksilver okay?" Tora asked as he came from preparing the room.IC: Kevin (Party)Kevin had just finished dogfighting the flyer and two others when the simulation shutdown. The moment the simulation ended he moved through the mansion helping other students get out. By the time he had gotten to the courtyard the Shawn-Beast situation was already over. Kevin had finished getting his suit and just got to the party.OOC: I can't believe you bunnyed me Flex
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