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Vengent Spectre

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Everything posted by Vengent Spectre

  1. IC: Taralynn (New York, Time Square Hotel, Tara's Room.)Tara stuck her tongue out, as she melted the ice cream off her nose. She was about to say something but then smiled broadly as Alaric pulled her into a half snuggle. She lay there absentmindedly, one hand gently twirling a strand of her hair in circles on Alaric's shoulder the other softly wrapped around his waist, slowly exploring his chest with her telekinetic sensitivity. It was times like this Tara was glad she an eidetic, Tara sighed, in content, knowing she'd be able to remember this feeling."Nobel, I've been meaning to ask who's that girl you've been with recently? You know the one with the purple eyes?" She looked at him through the bright orange curls covering her face, her voice light with apprehension.IC: ToraOne of the Crossfire soldier's dashed forward and slashed at Tora's chest. Tora barely dodged, the beam saber leaving a shallow cut in its wake. Tora was going to retaliate when he saw Rosalina fly away. Seeing this he propelled himself after her, ignoring the Crossfire soldiers behind him.IC: K??He slowly wandered back into an area he thought he'd been before- the area with all the other rooms in it- as he looked for the area that held the plane he was supposed to board. As he was walking he heard voices coming from one of the rooms, 'Since I obviously I have no idea where the plane is, I might as well ask somebody for directions.' Slowly he walked up to the door and knocked.
  2. Name: Nathanael Colg Deluge SkyesCodename: HeliosAge: 17 about to be 18Gender: MaleFaction: None yet might join one laterPower(S): Nathanel has a super human physiology that gives him supreme superhuman strength, stamina and durability. Nathanael has a solar healing factor which wil make him heal slowly in sunlight. Though he heals incredibly slowly, as long as he is exposed to sunlight he will heal eventually, this means if he is not in sunlight he will not heal. Nathanael he can use the sunlight stored in his body to force himself to heal outside the sunlight, though this also allows Nathanael to heal in the dark and faster than usual this also exhausts his solar energy far faster than anything else he does. Nathanael also absorbs solar energy constantly and can redirect it from his hands and body like a weapon. Nathanael can fly if he has absorbed enough solar energy and is constantly in sunlight or temporarily if he uses the solar energy stored within his body.Appearance: Nathanael has short dirty blonde hair, one bang barely covers his eyes the rest of his hair stops a little below his eyes.He has one sky blue eye and gold eye that both turn completely yellow when he uses his solar powers. Even though he is a pretty boy his time on the streets has left him looking a little rugged. Nathanael usually wears a tattered grey sleeveless hoodie with nothing underneath he always keeps the hoodie open, a silver belt, extremely baggy worn tan cargo pants and black combat boots.He also has a big blackish-gold faintly glowing scar that runs along his chest and back. He has four tattoos, a British flag on his leftshoulder blade, two small stars one on the lower right side of his back and the other on the inside of his right forearm, his last tattoo is a small red sun on the back of his left hand which you can see through the hole in his glove. He wears fingerless dark green gloves with holes through the middle of each glove. Since he isn't with a team yet he doesn't really have a costume.Weapons: Silver butterfly knives and brass knuckles.Skills: Nathanael is a great boxer and a magnificent street brawler. He has awesome eyesight and hearing and can copy most voices he hears first try he can also remember most people by their voices alone so long as he has heard them before. Nathanael is in spectacular shape even for a superhuman/mutant. Because of years on the streets he is a talented thief and a quick thinker.Personality: Nathanael is arrogant, selfish, really bratty and extremely headstrong. He has a habit rushing into things without thinking no matter what the situation. Nathanael, because of his upbringing has a nearly unmatched hate of humans, the world and many other things. Since he hasn't really interacted with any yet he's not too fond of mutants either. Areaction of him not being shown much kindness in his short life is his extreme selfish nature, as he believes no one cares about him. He thinks the only way to get back at every thing and every one is to steal, destroy and take as much as possible from them.Weakness: Thanks to his superhuman abilities Nathanael thinks he is unbeatable and will often rush headfirst into danger, no matter who/what it is or what they can do or have over him. Because he relies so heavily on his powers if he were to lose them he would become momentarily distraught. Someone skilled enough in hand to hand combat can out skill him. Though he doesn't know this cold makes it harder for Nathanael to use his solar based abilities.Bio: Born as the illegitimate son of the Prime Minister of Britain. Nathanael's father hated him and wanted to get rid of him when he was born but was convinced not to by Nathanael's mother. Though he kept the boy he barely gave him anything and abused him almost nonstop. Aside from the abuse from his father Nathanael suffered the hate, spite and abuse of his siblings aswell as his 'teacher'. When Nathanael's mother died, his father blaming him for his mother's death threw Nathanael out onto the streets to fend for himself. He tried begging but that got him nowhere, in fact it made people more hostileand they would attack him. Soon, Nathanael turned to crime to survive, fighting and stealing. Eventually he began to thrive on the streets and gained enough notoriety to join a local gang; a bunch of cutthroats, losers, etc. A little before his seventeenth birthday his powers manifested and he injured a few gang members. His gang proved to be just as bad as everyone else when they-full of fear and greed, decided to go the government so the government could take him and they could get a reward. The Prime Minister reward them by having a group of soliders follow them back to their hideout and slaughter them all. In the end everyone but Nathanael died. Full of rage Nathanael flew to the Prime Minister's house and killed everyone inside then fled the country as fast as possible.OOC: Pre approved By Flex
  3. IC: Taralynn ( New York, Time Square Hotel, Tara's Room.)Tara began taking spoonfuls." One, Yeah right. I doubt that pretty boy!" Tara laughed teasingly, then looked at the TV and thought for a moment. " Two, no Idea, been asleep remember? May I suggest we commence channel surfing?" Tara asked floating the ice cream off her spoon and onto Alaric's nose."And can we please not talk about Matt at the moment?"
  4. IC: Taralynn (New York, Time Square Hotel, Tara's room.)"Umm..Hi." Tara mumbled, her orange curls disheveled still from her fitful rest falling down in front of her face.'****! I really hope he didn't hear any of that!' Tara thought to herself, scrunching her face still puffy and fresh from sleep."I mean what were you thinking! Thinking all that in front of him!" she began shaking her scrunched up face left to right, something she did often when frustrated sending her curls flying, while Alaric looked on amusement obvious in his eyes.OOC: Oh, yeah I forgot to ask TD, what color are Alaric's eyes?
  5. OOC: Today is the first time I've been able to get online since the hurricane, and I would like to say, Holy Coconuts! I missed a lot.IC: Taralynn (New York, Time Square Hotel, Tara's Room.)Tara shot up in bed, her mental connection broken the moment Jace shattered the illusion. The first thing she saw was Alaric's beautiful dark ultramarine eyes watching over her. For a minute she just sat there admiring his beauty; his cheekbones and the way they complemented his face, his soft eyebrows and neat dark brown hair in complete contrast from his milky white skin. On anyone else these traits might seem weird but on Alaric they just seemed perfect and though she was loathe to admit it she was crazy jealous he and Ashlynn were together. She'd liked him longer than Ash, she knew it yet she'd been too scared he'd reject her if she said anything. Maybe if she'd have said something would be different. Tara shifted uncomfortably as she thought about this and other thoughts of insecurity, forgetting telepathic Alaric was sitting right next to her she made no move to guard her thoughts.IC: ToraTora had been fighting Crossfire enforcers on the ground making sure they didn't take flight and attack Rosalina.OOC: T_S_L, I have no idea whats been happening so let me know if I got anything wrong.IC: AlisonWhy? do...you think....you...can. Help her? You can't help....anybody.....You know this..................................................................................................................................................................................................IC: K??He was going to respond to the giant and the smaller man next to him when the gruff voice- commanding him to do something again-sounded from above him, he turned to look at where the voice was coming from but found nothing."What the____?" When he looked back down he noticed the other two had begun to move away, He quietly followed behind them.He slowly walked out of the office that belonged to the gruff voice... wait no...Col. Johnnson? Was it? Whatever. He was a Weapon? And he was supposed to go on some kind of assassination mission? He had no idea what that even meant but at least it was something. Since he had nothing else to do he began to wander around the facility.
  6. IC: Taralynn ( Ashlynn’s Illusion, Unknown, Weapon-X Facility.) "Ash!" Tara said as she stepped forward into Ashlynn's illusion. "What the **** is all this?" Tara asked, looking at the white bikini now on her body.IC: AlisonThe shimmers began to cool even further, slowly turning into a thin layer of ice and coating the ceiling, floor and walls.IC: K??" Yeah, I'm fine." He stood shakily and looked at the man in front of him. He had big legs and arms that reminded him of tree trunks, bulging muscles so big that they put even the most dedicated body builder to shame, his torso alone was as wide as three men and looked like it could crush boulders. All together a massive monstrosity of a man." Who are you?" he asked the big man warily.
  7. IC: Taralynn (Inside the Weapon-X Building, Weapon-X building, Unknown Hallway.)Tara had been testing out her new 'wallwalking' ability when she heard Blake's telepathic call, but just before she could reply Ashlynn did. "Ash!" Tara called out as she ran toward where the voice came from.IC: ToraTora came out from his room, freshly sharpened obsidian katana at his side and walked behind Rosalina.IC: K??He had just made it to the middle of the room when he heard multiple voices- a deep raucous one that made it's owner sound huge and powerful; a loud rowdy one that gave it's owner an air of extreme confidence; a light one with a sinistral twang that made it's owner sound smaller and more irritable than the others, and a weird muffled one that constantly dropped and raised in pitch with every word spoken - enter the room. He tried to run and take cover behind a near by box, but in his haste he tripped and fell making, a good amount of noise as it went down.
  8. IC: Tora"Of course my Lady" Tora turned around about to go his room to prepare for the upcoming battle but then he stopped outside the doorway." Do you need anything Lady Rosalina?"IC: Taralynn It took a few minutes but finally Tara managed to find what might be a door. Tara tried to open it but instead she fell through it."Holy ****! " Tara exclaimed as she caught herself quickly preventing herself from falling face first. " What the **** that?!" Tara asked herself as she began to wander down the hallway in search of Ashlynn.IC: AlisonAlison was far too deep in her thoughts to notice what Matt asked. The snow began to harden and stick to the surface of the walls and floors.IC: K??He stumbled along the hallway, slowly following the gruff voice to a cold metal door. He opened the door timidly and stepped into area with a bunch of other rooms inside that.He continued to walk slowly through the area.OOC: Flex, I'm impressed that Matt can see liquid molecules
  9. OOC: Astral projection/the shared summers family mental link, my staff type bromigosIC: Taralynn (In the sky above the Weapon-X base, Unknown Presumably Canada, Weapon-X Base)Tara slowly began her descent towards the building below. Tara slowed to a stop near the battlegrounds outside the building, not noticing the adamantium net that shot towards her and than through her continuing it's path to Scorcher. She started searching for a way inside.IC: Tora Quickly, realizing Rosalina was not there and he was talking to himself, Tora walked to her room to check if she was there. Seeing her inside Tora smiled slightly and leaned in the door frame"My Lady, I'm sorry to disturb you but I would like to know if you wish me to go with you or accompany the others into the sewers?"IC: Alison ( Chilling the hallway, Time Square Hotel.)As Alison grew more and more entrenched in her thoughts like a soldier from a war under heavy mortar fire, the hallway grew colder and the shimmers began to supercool and drop like snow falling from the soft clouds above blanketing those below.IC: K??He got up off the silver medical table and tripped, falling hard the wind leaving- almost running -from his lungs as he hit the ground. He turned over, barely on his back gasping in pain as he grabbed his pounding head. It hurt like- like- like-Like a.....He didn't know. Confusedly he tried to think what it hurt like but nothing would come. It was like he couldn't remember anything. Then he saw in his mind's eye something it looked like a K covered in some kind of crazy zigg-zagging line and then once again nothing, a blackness darker than night."Why? Why can't I remember anything? What the ____ is wrong with me?" His self reverie was interrupted when a voice - a gruff commanding one that sounded like it's owner had inhaled a lot of destructive chemicals - sounded from above him commanding him to do something. He didn't know why but he felt like listening. He attempted to get on his knees and then stand up. The strain, it was HEAVY, but he managed by using the medical table as a support, On his way out of the room he caught a glimpse of himself in a nearby mirror, there was something long and black with a few blue streaks -though more seemed to be coming- covering his face and his chest was bare except what looked like a black line going down his side. Ignoring, his reflection he stumbled out of the room as quickly as possible.
  10. OOC: Sorry, I've been busy with my family the past few days. Would somebody be kind enough to brief me on what's been happening?IC: AlisonAlison dispersed and absentmindedly passed backwards through the door behind her, the hinges and wood gaining a thin layer of frost as she did so. As she floated in place the air in the hallway began to grow slightly cold as the liquid molecules began to chill, slowly freezing, creating multiple small shimmer's not unlike ice crystals throughout the hall.IC: Tora "Do you me to want accompany you my Lady? or shall I go with the others?" Tora said as he came back from his room fully dressed.OOC: T_S_L remind me is Rosalina going with Quicksilver or not?IC: Taralynn (In the sky above the Weapon-X base, Unknown Presumably Canada, Weapon-X Base)"Ash wait!" Tara said as Ashlynn began to disappear in front of her. She tried to grab her, not ready to let go yet, but instead of keeping hold of her Tara got pulled along and then tossed into the sky high above the Weapon-X base."Ughhhh....Where the **** am I?!.....And what **** is going down there?" Tara asked in confusion, as she looked at something--a battle maybe--far down below her.
  11. IC: Taralynn" Ashlynn!" Tara shouted as she slammed into Ashlynn hugging her as hard she could." I'm so sorry. It's all my fault I wasn't there." Tara said as tears began to well in her eyes.
  12. OOC: Couple quick questions, Flex what's up with the green bird and flames? There is nothing green abut Tara in the slightest . TD, you know the birdman was Alaric right?IC: Taralynn Tara turned towards the crimson bird(Ashlynn), "A..Ashlynn?" Tara asked slightly confused, as her thoughts started to come back.IC: ToraTora walked over to Rosalina." Are you okay my Lady?" Tora asked.
  13. IC: Taralynn ( Searching For Something, The Unknown Abyss of Tara's Mind, Unknown.)Tara had been looking for something. She didn't know what or where it was but she knew it would help. Tara looked endlessly, in the sky, on the ground, but no matter what she managed avoid the Pit. Eventually she got lost and wandered out into the Abyss. While she was out there Tara realized the thing she was searching for was near. As she got close Tara finally saw the thing was a bird, a beautiful crimson bird covered in a warm green glow. But above all what Tara noticed most were it's eyes, dazzling emerald eyes that reminded her of a peaceful forestbut also left her with an uneasy feeling of comfort. Just as Tara reached out for the bird something-else pulled her away. This thing was like a bird but also like man, it felt regal, majestic, handsome, very much like a prince. "Who...What...are you?" Tara asked the bird prince, confusedly looking at his elegant wings, as she began to smile unknowingly.IC: ToraTora sat down at the table. "Is there anything you need my help with Lady Rosalina?" Tora asked as he pulled a piece of metal from his pocket covered his hands in armor and began to bend it
  14. IC: Taralynn and Alison ( Taking care of Tara, Tara's room, Time Square Hotel.)Tara stormed off to her room after Alaric spoke and cried herself to sleep. Alison followed to contain and comfort her and ended up watching her sleep.IC: Alison ( Thinking about herself again, Taralynn's room.)Why?......Why are you here in this room? You know being this close is dangerous. You cool dude. So why?.....Why?...Are you still here?......No you don't.....Worthless!....You want. To. Comfort. Her....Foolish...Help her...Like you helped everybody else...Stupid!.........I......I...I.............IC: ToraTora finished picking up the extra dishes and put them in the sink. " Please Lady Rosalina, rest. Let me take over." Tora said as he tried to move Rosalina out of the way.
  15. IC: Taralynn"Out of my mind?! This ******* cool dude want's to go to the Brotherhood!" Tara screamed at Zack, her tears turning into fire falling through air and then dissolving before they hit the ground. " I don't need control, I need you to stop being an ***!" Tara screamed.IC: Alison"What's. Going. on." Alison said as she stopped next to Zack.
  16. IC: TaralynnTara stood there for second shocked that Matt just slapped her, then she responded, "DON'T YOU F****** TOUCH ME!!!!!" Tara screamed as she telekinetically threw Matt against the wall as hard as she could(which since she was still injured wasn't very). "Ughh" Tara grunted and fell to one knee.IC: AlisonAlison ran after Zack.
  17. IC: Taralynn"Even if they are our only chance their still our ****** enemy, or did you forget they kidnapped the president's daughter and endangered us all?" Tara said moving forward."I wasn't there? DO YOU THINK I HAD A F****** CHOICE I lost F******* control of my F******! emotions If I had stayed it would have been just like the F****** Phoenix all over again!"she shouted as her tattoo started glowing." You think I give a **** that they have two Brotherhood members!?! You think I give a flying ******* that the leader of the Brotherhood of ******* Mutants wants them back!?! No I F******* Don't!! Tara shouted, as she pushed Matt."I know I wasn't there, because I wasn't my ******* sister, MY Sister not yours, got taken!!!!!!" Tara screamed, tears streaming down her cheeks. "No Matt they don't they're the ******* Brotherhood of ******* Mutants." The tears beginning to turn white and hot.
  18. IC: Taralynn ( Outside Her Room, Time Square Hotel, New York.)" That's dirty!" Tara said looking horrified. " I was Joking! you know that right?.....Though taking over the world has always been a dream of mine." Tara said giggling, her voice sweet like honey. Then Matt came up to them and said .“I’ve been thinking about what we should do after this.......I think we should go to the Brotherhood.” Tara looked at him for a moment and then spoke "Are You F***** Kidding me!!!" Tara shouted at Matt, her eyes beginning to glow again." Why in the**** would we do that!" IC: Alison ( Protecting Zack's door, Time Square Hotel.)"Hmm." Alison said, as she sat down in front of Zack's door.IC: Tora"Of course my Lady." Tora said as he walked over and took a sip."It is good." Tora said, smiling at the fact that she let him sip from her cup.
  19. OOC: Agreed, if a whole mansion full of mutants couldn't beat Weapon-X, then the beat down-tired prisoners should lose soon.IC: Taralynn Tara was going to say put me down but then decided not to, enjoying the feeling if Alaric carrying her." D*** straight! This world and everyone and everything in it are mine including you!!" Tara said, laughing as she put her hands on her hips.IC: AlisonAlison quickly caught herself getting angry and calmed her self down. " Let's. go." Alison said to to Zack as she stood behind him.
  20. IC: Taralynn ( Fourth Floor, Time Square Hotel, New York.)"Really? You think it's cute...Boooo!" Tara said sulking, obviously faking since there was a big smile across her face. "I wouldn't say Ruler of the World, that title belongs to me!" Tara said jokingly.IC: Alison ( Getting enraged, Time Square Hotel.)" No" Alison deadly serious, the air around beginning to grow cold.IC: ToraTora finished making the salad. " The salad is done Lady Rosalina." he said as put the salad on the table.
  21. EDIT I didn't know the argument was over sorry IC: Taralynn and Alison ( Walking with Alaric, Time Square Hotel, New York.)Cause that's the meaning of his name. Tara said to Matt telepathically. Alison, can you please go with Zack? Tara asked Alison telepathically as they got of the elavator."So...why do you call me Noble?" Tara heard Alaric say as they walked through the halls of the fourth floor. " You too huh?" Tara said as she laughed at Alaric's question. " Well I always thought you seemed kinda Noble, like a prince. Ya know." Tara said shyly as she looked at her feet."Also it's what your name means. Anyway, does that answer you're question?" Tara asked timidly, she rarely got a chance to be this close to Alaric by herself.Alison walked behind Zack, following because Tara asked her to.
  22. OOC: AuRon, would you mind telling me what timelines you're talking about? Flex, they are in no way (that I know of) related, I have no idea what you're about.IC: Tora Tora smiled as Rosalina poked his nose."I will make the salad my Lady" Tora said as he began making the salad.
  23. OOC: How, may I ask is X-23 related to Sabretooth? Flex, can you please mind- wipe Kevin already, I want to RP as him IC: ToraTora walked into the kitchen, shirt still off. " What is it that you are cooking Lady Rosalina, and how can I help?" Tora asked as he walked over to Rosalina.IC: Taralynn and Alison ( Wasting time, 42nd street, New York.)Tara was going to answer Matt's question when the blue minivan pulled up and Zack stepped out." Zack, I missed you so F****** much!" Tara said as rushed over and hugged Zack." You're okay right? You're not hurt anywhere are you?" Tara asked Zack,melodic voice full of worry, as she began to coddle him. Alison sighed as the group sat there wasting time while this 'Ashlynn' person was in danger. "****! I forgot to introduce you." Tara said as she remembered Matt's question and heard Alison's sigh "Zack, Matt, Nobel. This is Alison. She helped me when I lost control." Tara said smiling as she answered the question.
  24. OOC: Hey Snelly, how did Windrider get into Tora's room? Just wondering .IC: Tora"Okay, I'll be here if you need me Lady Rosalina." Tora said as he got up so Rosalina could go to the kitchen. Tora turned as he heard Windrider's voice " What are you doing?" he said his voice growing cold.
  25. IC: Tora"Do you want me get up?" Tora said as Rosalina shifted under him."No, I'm not hurt my Lady, thank you for asking." Said Tora, responding honestly to her sarcasm.
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