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Everything posted by Geckonater

  1. Here's my entry Version 1 and Version 2. I'm not expecting to win, but it was fun making my entry.
  2. Aha, Serpent! I beat you to it this time!So, happy birthday.Serpent is 23 today, epic.
  3. Well it depends, how much do you think you owe me? When I find that out, I'll find out what I want.
  4. You could do a shady looking Toa figure. On fire.
  5. It would also be superawesomesauceconvinient if you could list your Kraata for sale.
  6. Geckonater

    I Made Art

    I was gonna eat some cake, but as Chols said, this thing took the cake. And it won't give it back =/ I'm kinda surprised it isn't parts of dinosaurs mixed together =P
  7. Could you list each of them that you have (or don't have if that would be faster)?
  8. Don't forget, Raptor, you still owe me about $7 for those figures I sent =PAlso, what Bionicle Cards do you have?
  9. You should change your name to something way different, and see what people think, if they say you should always be Raptor, switch back when you can, when they say they like your new name, then keep it. And gazzadwaha?! They need that for Halo figures =P
  10. my BOI.

    Yay, another Christian ^_^

  11. Hey, someone else against the kissing banners! =D

  12. {Sees your signature} {High fives you}

  13. because of you (And Zatth) I just lost the game...

    Thanks >_>


  14. Geckonater

    Marvel Vs. Dc

    I don't really care, so I'll vote for the losing side.
  15. Might? I wouldn't get your hopes up too much.
  16. The colors look cool. Was it easy to put his weapon in his hand? How did you get him to stand without looking completely awkward?? It looks like his jaw is different from other, is it?
  17. I don't know the difference between any of them. I just thought final Sora's looked best.

  18. At least you didn't have that one dream where you fight against Potu in real life, HALO version. I hit her with a hammer and she fell over and laughed @_@
  19. Of course Black Six was in charge XD So you never even got to fight them??
  20. Geckonater

    I'm Alive!

    No Jordboy's dea- YAY Jordboy's alive!
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