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Status Updates posted by Geckonater

  1. ☻§♪3♦◘◙

  2. Yeah I know, I'm not well known on BZP. But I think that's a good thing.

  3. How long did they pull you around, and what did you do?

  4. ... you sure? lol you liked itdidn't you XD

  5. lol yes the you know what's page XD

  6. It's over nine thousand!!!!!

  7. lol counting just the people whp post there? I have a friend who likes stupid people but he never posted...

  8. Whaaat? lol that wads extremely random. I haven't left the house for a while I'm sick D=

  9. Stupid People needs more fans...

  10. I've always wanted to know what it's like to be like Zaktan... >=D er _

  11. My left leg is still recognizable as a human body part, can you fix that?

  12. Later? I need it now.

  13. What about my legs and arms, and body...? _

  14. In my defense.... uh... I never asked for it to mess my face up more, now the only emote I can make is _

  15. Alright cool, I just didn't get what you were saying exactly.

  16. _

    Hmm my face is even more messed up now...

  17. On your blog about the world ending in 2012, you said you didn't believe it would end, did you mean ever or just not on 2012?

  18. jk I wasn't really punched... That's silly, I was kicked.

  19. I was punched in the face really hard.

  20. You just said it, oops I said it, there i said it again, IT IT IT IT

  21. Every time you say that it gets closer to happening.

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