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Status Updates posted by Geckonater

  1. Hush it, maybe you won't ever get enough money for reach XD

  2. Where did you buy it? Do you have some examples of the masks you make?

  3. My xbox broke, rofl. just about every swear word went through my head when it broke the day the beta came out XD

  4. I can't remember why you called me Kangaroo XP Didn't know you still got on BZP...

  5. HOME friggan, dagga fraggah...

  6. It looks so pro. Did it cost a lot for the materials? I just use what i can at home so mine are all foil, and paper mache'.

  7. Dude, nice mask! What did you do to make it?

  8. xbox broke. E74 error. Never got around to fixing it because a good friend of mine just died.

  9. Oh... Hey Jord....

  10. Haha, well thanks. Uh, kinda' changing the subject, but do play Halo? With Xbox Live?

  11. Oh, well thanks a lot! Does terribly clever mean it was clever in a bad way? =P

  12. speakingof more comics I made a halo comic Imma' send to you...

  13. Why not? I like Jack.

  14. Baaaad kitty, bad, make me hat SAMMICH!

  15. Go into the kitchen and make me a Sammich.

  16. lol. "...IS ANGRY!"

  17. No really, I was watching some guy play Super Mario world, he got stuck in a puzzle and started yelling "Bill Cosby"

  18. lol my nose was full of blood, until I laughed too hard XD

  19. How bad of one? I've been sick for almost a week and I'm sooo lucky for not having a sore throat.

  20. ... They dragged you around for that long? lol What's been going on as far as xbox live goes? I haven't been on for a while =P

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