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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Adventurer

  1. rararararararararararararararararra

    I'm the stupidest person ever to have this display name. :P

  2. nomnomnomnomnomnonmnomnonnonmnonmnonmnononmn

  3. Adventurer


    Probably the Rahkshi or Takanuva... Maybe Nektann...
  4. Adventurer


    Only a few days left until I can get my first Star! In other news I can't decide whether to play Mass Effect first in lead up to Mass Effect 2 or to play BioShock in lead up to BioShock 2.... I'm leaning towards BioShock, but Mass Effect 2 comes first... Oh and I'm soon going to order a bunch of Bionicle literature of Amazon... I just realised that I'm probably going to have to sell my cat.
  5. ...Because it's scaring me. It's as if my thoughts are not my own.
  6. Yeah I got sunburn yesterday after going to Moreton island for the day. Went parasailing and snorkeling and just missed out on jet-skiing there... Anyway I got sunburn on my shoulders and sides of my legs now so that's fun. At least it's just the type which makes your skin have a dark red tinge to it, rather than the type where your skin starts coming off. In other news for some reason I have recently found myself Pridak obsessed... Please help!
  7. Adventurer

    New Spinny?

    Didn't realise I was up to another. BTW the prize is coming soon....
  8. My computer can't use numbers above 9.
  9. Sorry, I've been at the beach for a bit, you'll need to hold on a little longer.
  10. Tis one of the best reasons to go onto BZP. :P

  11. I wish we had snow in Brisbane/Australia...
  12. Not on Easter he doesn't.
  13. I hope the Easter Bunny brought you lots of fattening goods! The witches are getting hungry I believe.
  14. Hah! I have it, I've just never had the guts to watch it.
  15. Mum's side of the family opened Christmas presents a few hours early (flying to Sydney in a few hours) and here's the base of my haul: Wii + Wii FitDemon's Souls Deluxe (See Previous Entry)Simpsons Season TwelveYellow Jetrax! (Hasn't arrived yet, apparently provided by a a Canadian Ebayer, BZP member perhaps? )Grindhouse collectionTripod DVDPatapon 2Chaser's AnnualBunch of Chocolate An LolliesDilbert Daily Calander Expect more to come once Christmas lands in a few hours.
  16. Nope. I haven't had enough time in my life to experience all the entertainment I'd like to.
  17. My Deluxe Edition I imported from the US arrived today! Very cool game, though it hasn't been as hard as everyone says. I went into this one bit which had messages everywhere saying "DO NOT ATTEMPT UNTIL YOU'RE LEVEL 55+!" and I completed it at level 4. Still, it is challenging and feels vaguely like a combination of two of my favourite types of games (God of War + Diablo). I'd recommend it to anyone who has the opportunity to play it. I'm considering making a Knight as well as my Temple Knight just so that I can play with the Duck Mask from the trailers and boxes on. BTW, Avatar Avatar.
  18. Your prize will arrive shortly.
  19. I'm looked for the animated .gif of the unhappy guy in black and white clapping. I love it so much but whenever I see it used I forget to save it. Can you guys help me find it? First person to get it will be immortalised in the Awards Content Block!
  20. I still say bonesai (as in bonsai, but with an e :P)

  21. Adventurer

    It's Done

    Heh, I'd like to keep my enemies closer if you get what I mean.
  22. What?! You're out of coffee? This time of night in this country?! This is despicable! I demand to speak to your manager!
  23. Adventurer

    It's Done

    Entire inbox is down to two messages... Though I have a lot of stored ones... Now that is out of the way, I am slowly catching up on house-keeping stuff. I next plan to see if I can get back into helping out with FT topics and I'll also start maintaining my BS01 account (again ). I also need to catch up on missed serials etc... As well as the Bioshock 2 Viral (Something In The Sea)... I had been neglecting both... Once all that is done, things will start to get back to normal for me. Oh also, something I like about these current ranks I'm getting is how they foreshadow the next one (look at the shadow in the middle); kudos to whoever came up with the idea. 'Tis all for now I think...
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