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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Adventurer

  1. As I was finishing the new ending for Portal a few days ago, the CPU finally decided to die... I mean it didn't happen in Crysis, it happened in Portal. Well I probably won't have my own PC for three weeks or so now I'm guessing, though I should still have limited internet access...
  2. Maybe that's what the comic should have been called instead. Also the gap left at the back of Teridax's head, it looks like the zombie gore in Left 4 Dead 2....
  3. For some reason the phrase "Cosmic Bang" comes to mind.
  4. Computer is in a stable condition now, so that's good. Just read the last comic. *Insert lengths of opinion, criticism and praise here* I know many of you won't agree with the above points, but I truly think they're right.
  5. Yay, computer back!

  6. It wasn't the games... It was my Mum trying to do weird things to my computer without knowing what she was doing.
  7. "In fact, bonesiii's posts stir a little of everything into the pot, which boils down into seven sections divided by brief intervals of exposition among the three subject points. Three of the sections don't even involve subject matter, and are basically there to broaden the action and deepen the characters. But whether it's the adrenaline rush, a death wish, macho posturing or just "doin' a job" that drives bonesiii it is little clearer by the end than it is at the beginning. Maybe if a greater emotional connection had been created from the start, the dramatic meaning of the post may have been more impacting."
  8. My computer has asploded from CPU overmelting...
  9. Adventurer


    I'd be perfectly fine if Hurt Locker or Avatar won to be honest.
  10. Six, have you ever considered just making this entries automated? I mean just have it post automatically with some intro/outro dialogue and then just link to the news stories? You could get away with it.
  11. My next name will be "I Suck At Name Changing" or "I Never Learn".
  12. ...why does the name changer just cut off the last letter rather than telling you that it's too long?

  14. I'm still under your command remember.
  15. BioShock 2 is great and the Vinyl is worth it; took me ages to find something to play it on though.
  16. Lol @ my name. =P

  17. Have we considered having an avatar similar to Greg's, except instead of "GF", we have "GT"?
  18. I've made a Maj account and have started copying stuff over slowly... I need to figure out what goes where.
  19. I don't feel like copying all my stuff though.
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