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The Dark Chronicler

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Everything posted by The Dark Chronicler

  1. IC: Moros"Why do you ask me such? I have already spoken that I will not allow the world to end so long as I am able. I do believe you should ask yourself those questions, child. I have said where I stand, that I am not allowing anyone to destroy this world... but you seem to think I do. This is exactly what I have said, you see yourself only as the hero, the being of good... you can't look beyond your own blind determination to see how foolish you are. This world does not revolve around you, you can't play hero in a world in which good and evil are only concepts of the mind.""If you want to play hero, then try as you wish. But know this, whatever you do, no matter how brave and good you may see it, there will always be someone out there who sees you a evil. Your own view is hidden under a thin layer of ego and pride, as soon as you see beyond yourself, that is when good and evil cease to exist. There is only the beliefs of each person, their own ideas of good and evil."I suddenly stepped around Zoltar, firing off a burst of rapid fire right at Liam.
  2. IC: ChronnMy two sacrificial pawns were currently out of the building, and I was eating trail mix. Could it really get any more enjoyable? Yes, I suppose it could.... with Reichenbach tied up on the other end of the room with a few blades in his spine. That would certainly add to the enjoyment. But I supposed I should see what that person speaking to the two fools wanted. It wasn't that hard to notice, considering the lack of a door... and most of a wall. With a sigh, I rose to my feet and stepped out of the building.
  3. IC: Chronn"Did you have any... problems while acquiring it?" I asked, swiping my package away from the two. Soon, the sweet taste of Trail Mix would once again be mine.
  4. Man, what a crazy week.

    1. Cadias
    2. The Dark Chronicler

      The Dark Chronicler

      Been busy with games, and a large assortment of other things. Haven;t been on BZP for days.

    3. Cadias


      I noticed. =P

  5. OOC: Sorry about the wait. Forgot to check BZPower for a while XDIC: Moros"Yes, no good and no evil, only constructs of each individual's own mind." I remarked, Stopping my punch as to not hit Zoltar. "Stay out of this fight boy, there is no need for you to be harmed as well." Then I remarked to Liam. "Is it really? By keeping the world alive, do I help the lives, or only cause endless more suffering and pain to occur? By defying destiny, have I merely created more death and agony than would have happened had I merely let it happen? Where is the good, where is the evil? What is the line that divides them?""Maybe they see ending all life as the right thing to do... for the longest while, I thought the same. That cycle is a fragile thing, it was always meant to be broken eventually, when fate decides it is the end. If the end arrives, then at least it will be a charge of the cycle where there is no more suffering. The dead shall be gone, as will the living."I shook my head in disgust. "Do you not listen, or are you merely trying to ignore my words? The underworld is not the threat with this bomb, I would rather hand it over to the underworld than surrender it to you. You think the underworld would merely use it, but it goes against their own ways, it creates life, it lets the Forces of Nature, even scattered as they are now, thrive. It would merely be exchanging one enemy for another."Having stopped meant that I was no longer moving, and for a skilled sniper, it also would mean a easier target. With a sudden jolt, the attack struck out at my leg, sending it buckling to the ground. I started to rise back to my feet.
  6. Well, as Cadias Mentioned, We've been working on a Mars Mission RPG... and Here's what we have. For Survival Listen, younglings, to our history upon this world, and the dangers we face. It has been 73967 planetary rotations since we arrived upon this barren and desolate planet, the wreckage of our collision still exists in places too harsh to salvage. We came here in search of other life, but found only a landscape with hospitality that could be compared to that upon a star. There is nothing but rock and sand, stretching for miles until you reach liquid so acidic that it would burn through metal within moments, only the stone manages to contain it. The surface could not sustain us, and for our own survival, he headed into the ruins that exist upon the planet, heading down into the ground itself. Below, we began to thrive and grew from a small number of survivors into small colonies, scattering ourselves to keep from overtaxing the available resources.When we first arrived, we thought there as no life here. We were wrong. Creatures that burrow within the sand, they are far stronger than we are, and know the environment all too well. We were forced to create vehicles from our original craft's remains, armed with weapons crafted using these miraculous crystals we discovered. If we wish to travel to the surface, we do it at our own risk, and traveling on foot is nearly suicidal.Those crystals have become our only chance at survival. They power our machines, allowing us protection and the ability to traverse the surface in search of more of the gems. They power greenhouses made far beneath the ground, along with our buildings and lights. If our supply were to run out, there would be no chance of survival, we would be left without protection, and the creatures would surely not let us survive without it.Now these wretched white creatures with golden, featureless faces have arrived, stealing away our source of survival, and we know not why. They have been stockpiling the crystals, taking them to a large tower of white and orange, protected by destructive turrets. When we tried to reclaim our survival, they attacked us like savage animals, shooting our ships from the sky, even going so far as to capture some of our people for no doubt ghoulish intentions. None of those captured ever come back.We in return, captured some of their own, giving them a honorable end, consumption by those who had proven victorious. But they seemed enraged even farther, and began to not only steal our crystals, but hunt our people down and slaughter them. Now we fight these wretched gold-faced demons, if we manage another rotation of the planet relies on our actions now. We have no choice but to reclaim our stolen crystals, and take back our adopted home from these monsters.Welcome, children of the Queen, to the battle for our homes and very lives. These creatures stop at nothing, harming and killing anyone. They make no difference for the elders, the younglings, or the workers. As the warriors, it is our duty to fight to the end to protect them, and the hive. Good luck, and may the blessings of the Queen keep you strong. For Earth If you're listening to this recording, I'm either dead or too busy to talk to you myself. I sincerely hope that it's the latter, but I don't need to tell you that. I've made this recording in light of recent events, to be played if I'm unavailable. Forget everything you've been told about Mars. Forget about that peaceful, lifeless planet you've been looking forward to doing some mining on. Remember that combat training you got on the way here, just in case you'd need it? Prepare to get a lot more.We aren't alone up here.It all started about a week ago. A bunch of the crystals we'd mined started to disappear. At first, I thought that it was just the crewmen wanting a souvenir, but far, far too many were disappearing for that. Something was taking them. I posted guards at the site we were keeping them at, expecting the problem to be a few crewmen who wanted some extra cash. We never expected an attack.They came screaming out of the night, armed with advanced vehicles and weaponry. We had only assigned a few lightly armed guards... they never stood a chance. The aliens, the beasts took all of the crystals and dragged the guards away. For a few hours, we managed to keep in contact with them through the comm, but the lines went dead one by one. The last thing we heard from those men was screaming, terrible, terrible screaming.... The next day, we found their bones.... covered with bite marks.That was three days ago. All attempts to contact the aliens have failed. They're appearing more and more often, more and more aggressively. But I'm not about to head home because the locals aren't happy, and I've got a feeling that you aren't either. We came here to end the energy crisis on Earth, and I'm going to make sure that happens, even if I have to personally hunt down each and every alien on this planet. We're here with the finest technology Earth has to offer, and we're already started to work on a combat-only vehicle: The Astro-Fighter.We've discovered that the stasis tubes we designed to store crystals in also work fine on aliens. If you can, capture some. We need some more information on them.... and it seems like a fitting way to avenge the crew who have been killed and eaten by these things. We will make them pay.Welcome to Mars. Locations The locations are increased in size, for reasons of making them more open and usable. The Mothership Our headquarters upon the planet's surface, and the central hub for all crystal collection and defensive works. The mobile headquarters is rather large, taking up the majority of the remains from our original craft. Most defensive strike craft are stored here. The massive craft can easily hold a few hundred people and several dozen ship at a time. The Hive The home of our people, it is where those of us who are not warriors reside, though many warriors stand ready to protect it from inside. It is well hidden within the large volcano that we call Vetrevius, in honor of the Great Queen. Inside live thousands, possibly tens of thousands. If the Gold-Faces were to ever find it, it would mean grave danger for our people. MB-01 Eagle Command The MB-01 represents the peak of Human technology. It's the home base of all Astronauts on the surface, with living quarters that house all personnel. Its generators, powered by the crystals we were sent to mine, produce incredible amounts of energy, which keep all systems running and the formidable turrets charged and ready. It has an impressive laboratory and a Sickbay. MB-201 Ultra-Drill WalkerThe MB-201 is an impressive piece of engineering, a mobile base that can go it alone for months on end. It boasts labs, greenhouses, a Sickbay, crew quarters, and a rudimentary Factory where small vehicles and replacement parts can be manufactured. Its primary feature and line of defense is the huge Ultra-Drill, which has been modified by our talented Engineers to double as a massive weapon. Profiles Name: Human names for Humans, non-human names for Thymata.Gender: Male or Female.Species: Human or ThymataAppearance: The appearance of a character, Including special decals on a spacesuit for Humans or the patterns of green on a Thymata.Occupation: The job of your character.Weapons: The basic for Humans is a blaster, and for Thymata is a laser staff. Modified versions are available.Personality: What your character is like, how they act, and how they think.(Optional)Biography: The past of your character. Rank: The rank or title of your character. The first rank and title are available at start. Vehicle: The chosen transportation of your character, based upon rank. Ranks And Titles Each of the sides have their own system of ranks, and with each rank comes access to better vehicles. (Credit to the creators of the Dino Attack RPG for this brilliant idea.) Thymata Titles Youngling: Given to those still in training, learning the ways of our people. Practicer: One who has proven themselves efficiently able to preform their duty. Trainer: For those who are able to teach others, having great skills themselves. Commander: Those who have the skills to not only teach, but to guide others in their duties. General: Given to the one chosen to relay the orders of the Queen herself. Human Ranks Miner: One who has received basic training and is starting to harvest crystals. Chief: Given to those who know everything there is to know about mining and have had their fair share of fights. Gunner: Those who are experienced in both mining and combat. Veteran of the Red Planet (Veteran): For those who have mined a lot of crystals, fought a lot of fights, and who can command others well. Wear this title with pride. Commander: The leader of the expedition, making sure that things run smoothly and that we all aren't eaten by aliens. Vehicles Certain vehicles are unlocked at each rank, though you can use vehicles from lesser ranks if you wish. Thymata Viper (No set) -Youngling A fast jet glider allowing flight, armed with no weapons. Jet (Set 5617) - Youngling A small craft, armed with two weak energy cannons. Combat Craft (Set 7647) - Practicer A swift vehicle with four weak energy cannons Speed Fighter (Set 7697) - Practicer A very fast craft, with six weak energy cannons Levitation Strike Craft (Set 7692) - Trainer A powerful craft with four weak energy cannons and a rapid fire energy cannon Power Strike Ship (Set 7649) - Trainer A strong craft with four strong energy cannons Assault Craft (Set 7644) - Commander A very fast and tough craft with four strong energy cannons Hyper Carrier (No Set) - Commander A transport craft with six strong energy cannons Infiltrator (Set 7646) - General An incredibly deadly craft with eight strong energy cannons and four mini-rocket launchers Human Jetpack (No Set) -Miner A quick rocket pack, armed with no weapons. Crystal Hawk (Set 5619) - Miner A small vehicle, with two weak blaster cannons MX-11 Astro Fighter (Set 7695) - Miner A quick vehicle with a blaster cannon MT-31 Trike (Set 7694) - Chief A very quick vehicle with two blaster cannons MX-41 Switch Fighter (Set 7647) - Gunner A powerful vehicle with two blaster cannons and two mini-rocket launchers MT-61 Crystal Reaper (Set 7645) - Gunner An tough vehicle, with two mini-rocket launchers, and a strong double blaster cannon MT051 Claw Tank (Set 7697) - Veteran A powerful and tough vehicle with a rocket launcher, claw, laser disk blaster, and double blaster cannon MX-71 Recon Dropship (Set 7692) - Veteran A transport vehicle with heavy rocket launcher and four blaster cannons. MX-81 Hypersonic Operations Aircraft (Set 7644) - Commander An insanely powerful vehicle with sixteen blaster cannons, and a supercharged blaster beam cannon Rules Follow the RPG forum rules and guidelines while playing the game. Other players have feelings too, try to be respectful.IC: Means that you are posting what follows as a character.OOC: Means that you are not posting what follows as a character.When fighting, remember that you aren't invincible. Avoiding every attack is not fair fighting.Don't try to overpower your characters, you're not superheroes.Killing other players without their approval is not allowed. Please don't take blows that should be fatal and then ignore them as though they never happened. Cadias & Toxicity
  7. ... Has BZPower gotten a whole lot duller, or am I just seeing things?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Cadias


      They skinned it. Literally. XD


      If you read the news feed, you'll see that they just added a new skin for the site. You can change it back to the old version by using the Change Theme button at the bottom of the page, near the orange button.

    3. The Dark Chronicler

      The Dark Chronicler

      I know what a Emergency Generator is, I didn't know what it had to do with the dull colors.


      Ah, thanks Cadias.

    4. Trad


      The backup generator provides less energy. Therefore, the duller colours.

  8. IC: Drem"Apparently, I was dropping papers to people to close to his building, can you believe someone would even get angry about that?!"
  9. IC: Moros"There is no evil, nor is their good in this world... but like you, they seem blind to it. Have you ever tried looking through the world from the viewpoint of an enemy, to think why they do the things they do? Why do I not repel the end of life, you ask... yet even now I am doing such, foolish child."His words enraged me, he accused me of doing nothing to stop the end of life... accused me of not even trying the very thing I had given my entire life to, that I had lost my power for. He wished to prove himself, to out-moral me? He was the one who brought death, his actions would cause the very thing he accused me of trying to start. He was blind."I have done more to stop the end than you ever shall, than you could ever dream. These chains, they bind my powers to destroy, but also to save. They were placed upon me because I went against my duty, because I tried to prolong death. They seal me from reaching out and holding back death to all life..."Another burst fired at Liam, but I had started moving. Now the arm I carried was intent on colliding with his empty skull.
  10. IC: Moros"You can not see beyond yourself, human." I replied to Liam. "The world is not black and white, you are not good, and those who oppose you are not evil. Because I oppose your plans, does not mean that I want all to die... quite the contrary."To Zoltar, I added. "Very wise deduction, child. You seem the most knowledgeable of this group, perhaps-"There was a small spark of what looked like black lightning that sparked from the chain when it was struck, but it did no damage at all. They were almost as strong as the plate in my chest, unbreakable. I turned, sending scattered shots into the trees. "A wise choice, to stay back... but you must be careful of your cover.""I am indeed the god of Doom, meaning I have to power to bring about the end of all life... but I also can stand against it, repel the end and let life live on beyond its intended length."
  11. IC: Drem"Indeed it is... especially when they start it by attacking you with rocks..."
  12. If it was The End of the World as We Know It, how would you feel?
  13. IC: Moros"Then it is not I who underestimates this fight. It is not the underworld who pose a threat if they hold this bomb, Using it would give Viridi far more power, even if she is gone, using it would be detrimental and foolish for them. It is not the underworld who threatens with this bomb. I understand that you are blinded to what it is you think you are doing. I am afraid that you shall have to die."Another quick burst of rapid fire lanced out at Liam, in a sideways swinging pattern.
  14. Warning: Do not try using a barbecue as a flamethrower.

    1. Trad


      A lesson long learnt since I attempted to roast a creeper.

  15. Is the next sentence true or false? This sentence is a lie.
  16. IC: Drem"I'm sorry, what?" The mailman remarked. he had zoned out for a little while... thinking of ways to get revenge on the store owner. Just warning others to stay away wasn't enough... he needed to do more...
  17. IC: Moros"And that is exactly why it must never fall into the hands of one who would dare to use it, Human or Underworld. Your kind is just as destructive, as violent, as they are... there is no difference except in that which you claim to fight for... which when you dig past the exaggerations is very similar." I watched the Samurai blade carefully, keeping the weapon on watch. I had not yet noticed that there was another in the trees.If she looked, she would notice the armor I wore was light, more built for movement than for strong protection. And none of it looked as powerful as his chest, the large plate shone brighter than the rest. There were dull metal chains holding the armored plate in place."I wish not to kill you, humans... so I will tell you once more, turn back."
  18. Did I miss something somewhere? I didn't see any comments sent towards Drem...
  19. Will you ever stop calling me Zoms?
  20. OOC: Nah, only the introduction.IC: Moros"It appears that we have one who does not like introductions in such a form. I too do not like it, but it was not my choice." I pointed my arm towards the human who mentioned Zelda, and opened fire upon him, unleashing a barrage of rapid fire. At the current time, I was merely waiting, testing them. First you find out an enemy's weakness, then strike."You foolishly think this bomb will save you? Oh how I wish I could tell you what I see within the future..."
  21. IC: MorosThe beam was well aimed, but not against myself. It struck the metal plate of my chest, reflecting the full force of the attack back at Goal, and leaving me without even the slightest scratch. It appeared that it was time to fight... very well then.In glowing words, appeared a message to all who wanted the bomb. Boss Fight Moros: Chained God of Doom
  22. Warning: Do not try using a flamethrower as a barbecue.

    1. Cadias


      .... I'm scared to ask. XD

  23. IC: Moros"And even now you show foolishness. Have you ever tried freeing the souls fused into an underworld creature? I doubt it, you merely shoot away. It is not the underworld that kills them one final time, it is the ones who kill the underworld forces. And while the underworld wishes to kill you, you all seem perfectly happy to completely slaughter the troops of the underworld in return. You act no better than they, no less violent and destructive. All life thrives from the death of other beings... but it is not the underworld's, but your own actions that may put an end to everything.""And if this Pit were really so important in stopping the end of the world, I would have seen such an ending as a possibility. It never was even close to becoming the end of life, there was no threat of total extermination. You really know nothing of the balance of life, do you?"
  24. OOC: How much longer until BOSS FIGHT, Bio? XDIC: Moros"... another one seems blind to the destruction. You think the underworld is the most dangerous threat to life right now? How foolish you are, there are much more urgent threats to the life of all beings, including the survival of those already dead. You act like you all know such much, but truly understand so little. If I were to bring about the end of all life, even those who have already died would be no more, the underworld would be just as empty as everywhere else, a void of life.""Do I wish destruction and death? No, but I will not halt from bringing it upon a small group such as yours that can not see what their actions will cause." I replied, staring onward coldly. "But even if the underworld wins the war against you mortals, life in the form of those who have perished, shall live on."
  25. IC: Moros"It seems that you humans do not hold well on to the concept of obedience and respect for those who command you. I am surprised that she allows you to even be a part of her small squadron." I replied, shaking my head at the being before me. "Your words ring hollow, boy. I hold no self-hatred. And the damage that occurs is inconsequential to one who has the power to bring about the end of all life should he see fit, this war is merely another small scar upon the surface of life, nothing more.
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