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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Replies posted by Voxumo

  1. You ever have those moments when you're trying to build something, and you can't find a certain piece for the life of you, nor can you figure out which moc has it. For me that is lewa phantoka's feet

  2. Just ordered about $15 worth of parts from bricklink. First time I've ever ordered parts from bricklink, always ordered sets in the past... Finally the Poison-Dart Fikou will have a proper color scheme

  3. today is/was my birthday

  4. The gift that keeps on giving

  5. One word: Nashandra

  6. You ever have those moments when you're trying to build something, and you can't find a certain piece for the life of you, nor can you figure out which moc has it. For me that is lewa phantoka's feet

  7. You ever have those moments when you're trying to build something, and you can't find a certain piece for the life of you, nor can you figure out which moc has it. For me that is lewa phantoka's feet

  8. I'm terribly sorry; the only reason i haven't shot pics of my custom head designs is because i'm lazy. :( I'll try to get them up in this week.

  9. You ever have those moments when you're trying to build something, and you can't find a certain piece for the life of you, nor can you figure out which moc has it. For me that is lewa phantoka's feet

  10. Tell me, do you bleed?

  11. *Pokes with a rather pointy stick* You alive?

  12. Woo! Makutafest 2015 was quite fun... looking forward to next year already.

  13. Woo! Makutafest 2015 was quite fun... looking forward to next year already.

  14. Woo! Makutafest 2015 was quite fun... looking forward to next year already.

  15. ooh cool guy alert asking some Q's at macooti fest \(^o^)/

  16. ooh cool guy alert asking some Q's at macooti fest \(^o^)/

  17. *Pokes with a rather pointy stick* You alive?

  18. Google Chrome is reading the VNOLG download from BMP as a "malicious file". Is this normal?

  19. I will never post my MOCs to the TTV Boards ever again!

  20. Anyone remember my Renzari/Zaron post? Get ready!

  21. bfva2015 or nah

  22. I regret everything...

  23. I really want to revamp syvra. For those that don't know, he is like my main character in the bzprpg, based around an old, horribly done Bo-toa moc I made awhile ago... and for some reason I still have the disgrace of an moc built.

  24. I really want to revamp syvra. For those that don't know, he is like my main character in the bzprpg, based around an old, horribly done Bo-toa moc I made awhile ago... and for some reason I still have the disgrace of an moc built.

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