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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Replies posted by Voxumo

  1. Im doing a dangerous MOC. CCBS with Old Bionicle!

  2. I just got a 2006 nostalgia surge. Great, now I want to go rebuild everything from 2006. Somehow I've managed to keep the Inika and Piraka built since the last time I rebuilt them.

  3. According to this graph the results are: you didn't even try

  4. Just got me a Takua desktop monitor toy from Bio Sector! It's so CUTE!

  5. Just got me a Takua desktop monitor toy from Bio Sector! It's so CUTE!

  6. Okay, I think I'm done with the BZPRPG.

  7. Okay, I think I'm done with the BZPRPG.

  8. Do you wanna build a snowman?

  9. Do you wanna build a snowman?

  10. You'll never guess what i ate last night and strangley loved.

  11. Do you wanna build a snowman?

  12. Well... I liked it.

  13. Wow! I can't believe my BBC 69 entry was voted for five times. I didn't even expect one!

  14. i LOVE bzp SO much. its SO great and EVERYONE is SO friendly.

  15. I'm having spam, spam, spam, spam, potatoes and spam, spam, spam and spam

  16. Voting started for the BBC#69. Lost. I admit defeat. Time to vote the winner!

  17. Voting started for the BBC#69. Lost. I admit defeat. Time to vote the winner!

  18. Don't know how many people remember this, but I was in the works of doing a mark surge moc, before the BFTGM and the febuary BBC. Well I'm officially restarting it. Though I'm debating on color scheme. Mark has had 3 main colors, blue, limeish green and white. I have plenty of the last two, not so much blue. Should I do a combo of the three or focus on just two colors, blue and something else?

  19. It's almost like...nobody cares! Oh wait it is like that.

  20. Someone is a fan of Slightly ######.

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