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Blog Entries posted by Carakki

  1. Carakki
    For casual consumers, this could be the difference between buying a set and choosing another. This section scrutinizes the container and instruction manual you see before anything else.

    Covering over 200 square inches of space with its front, the Baranus V7’s was the largest Bionicle box on the shelf at my local Target (Thornatus and Skopio being unavailable at the time). If the box’s size doesn’t grab your attention, then its excellent box art will. Sahmad rides, weapons at the ready, in the Spikit-drawn Baranus across what appears to be a rock bridge spanning a chasm of some sort. On the side of the bridge from which the Baranus rides, a lush jungle covers elevated terrain, while the Scarabax/Skrall symbol present on all of the summer 2009 containers hangs in the background like the sun. (The white spot that may appear to be a sun to readers is actually the flash from the camera.) In the corner is a picture-in-picture-style photo showing the breakdown of the set into Sahmad, the Baranus, and the Spikit. Also available for your viewing pleasure is the usual information about the set and Bionicle.com.

    On the back of the box, the Spikit (still hooked up to the chariot) stands growling at you while Sahmad stands off to the side, weapons still raised. Arrayed around the box are photos of how to fire the Thornax launcher, Sahmad standing on the Spikit’s back, the Spikit standing on its hind legs, and the two larger sets, as well as the Bionicle Action Figure Game logo. It is also of note that the Twin Cutters on the Baranus are in a different position than on the front of the box. More on this later.
    About the ‘larger’ sets mentioned above, it appears that the back of each vehicle set displays only the two sets above it on the hierarchy. This means that the Cendox displays the Kaxium and Baranus, the Kaxium displays the Baranus and Thornatus, and so on.

    One side of the Baranus also shows an advertisement for The Legend Reborn, with three screenshots showing Mata Nui riding on the Thornatus, Mata Nui fleeing from the Skopio, and Mata Nui with Click on his shoulder.
    Bionicle is before anything a building toy. This section describes and discusses the building of the set.

    When you open up the box, you’ll find three bags (appropriately labeled 1, 2, and 3), four large wheels, half of a Jungle Shield, one of Kalmah’s tentacles in black, and the instruction manual. Though it’s obvious from the colors inside the bags, the instruction manual confirms that the first bag (plus the tentacle) is used to build Sahmad, the second bag (plus the four wheels) is for the Baranus itself, and that the third bag (plus the Jungle Shield half) makes up the Spikit.

    Sahmad comes together about as easily as any other Agori/Av-Matoran with only a few minor additions to the typical build. However, if you bought this set for the Agori, you either wasted your money or really wanted the few unique or rare parts Sahmad possesses.

    The chariot itself comes together quite easily, centering around a new piece that will be discussed later in the review. The build is simple but effective, beginning with the base and wheels shown in the first picture, then having you build the raised portion separately before attaching it to the base.

    The Spikit is very simple to build, beginning with the ‘meat stick’ portion (my little nickname for the beginning of a build that is composed of a Technic beam with pieces clustered around it) shown in the first picture and progressing quickly into completion as you add the armor and legs.

    The finished model.
    The build of the Baranus V7 as a whole isn’t really something to write home about. It’s very straightforward method lacking any unexpected twists or tricks.
    Set Design
    This section examines the set after it is built, as well as new, recolored, or otherwise interesting pieces.

    The Baranus V7 comes with very few molds new to Bionicle. Among them are the previously mentioned base piece of the chariot, the helmets/heads of Sahmad and the Spikit, the wheel piece, and the buzz-saw-style thing. The base piece looks as though it could be very useful to MOCists with its many openings for pins. The wheels will also be very useful to MOCist who only buy Bionicle sets, widening their options for vehicles with wheels (I believe that such people were previously limited to Umbra’s roller-skate wheels).

    The Spikit head can be reversed to become a helmet for the Glatorian/Agori of your choice. This can look a bit creepy when looking at the V7 from the back, as it appears the Spikit is staring backwards at its driver. The Spikit head also appears on Telluris, and Sahmad’s helmet on Perditus.

    I realized after taking the picture that the lime green electro-blade actually first appeared on Tuma.
    There are four recolored molds to be found on the Baranus. These include the Agori 90 degree limb in orange, three-hole Technic beam in yellow (not Keetorange), and the multi-resistant shield in gunmetal gray. For those of you worried about the yellow Technic beams ruining the Baranus’ color scheme, don’t. Though I’m really not sure why they are yellow, they’re almost completely invisible inside the wheels of the chariot (refer to the second picture depicting the construction of the chariot and you can spot two of them).

    Otherwise interesting pieces are the half of a Jungle Shield currently available only in Gresh and the Baranus V7 and one of Bitil’s longswords, available before 2009 only in Bitil himself. Also interesting (though not pictured here) are two of Mantax’s pincer pieces in black, which could prove handy for MOCists trying to avoid silver.

    The design of the set is very simple, doing a good job of conveying Sahmad’s brutal, dangerous nature with its many blades and coloring. However, it is not by any stretch of the imagination complex, and does not possess any functions of any kind. It is simply a chariot drawn by a two-headed beast.
    The set has been bought, built and visually examined. This section reviews the experience of playing with the set, including any functions or other outstanding features it may possess.

    The Baranus V7 is good fun to play with, possessing 27 points of articulation accounting for the Spikit, Sahmad, and the two swiveling Twin Cutters on the chariot. Though I don’t have pictures specifically for displaying it, the Cutters have two main positions: the lowered one shown in the pictures above and the raised one shown on the back of the box. The wheels of the chariot turn very smoothly, gliding easily over wood, tile, or carpet. It is somewhat of a damper on the kiddy joy of drawing the chariot by the Spikit that once you put down the beast, the chariot continues rolling until it bumps into the Spikit. There are three pins on the chariot for Sahmad to place his feet on, allowing you to slightly change his position on the chariot depending on which holes on Sahmad’s feet and pins on the chariot you use.

    As shown on the back of the box, the Spikit can rear up on its hind legs to claw at a foe. When it does so, the Spikit looks very bearlike.

    Go, horsey, go!
    Also shown on the back of the box is Sahmad somehow standing on the Spikit’s back. Though I have been unable to achieve this exact effect, I have been able to make Sahmad straddle the Spikit like a horse.
    Though I have not had the opportunity to try out the Baranus in the Bionicle Action Figure Game, it will be interesting to invent new rules and regulations for vehicles. Plus, how cool will it be to watch Sahmad shoot down opponents as he rides past them?
    This section chronicles the positive and negative characteristics of the set, its aspect scores, and any final thoughts on it as a whole.
    What's good about the set?
    It’s a chariot drawn by a green two-headed bear – how awesome is that? Excellent wheels – they work on any surface, plus will be great for MOCs. Bionicle Action Figure Game – this really can’t be a con. Cons What's not?
    Simple build – something a little more complex for the price would have been nice. Lack of any kind of unique function – it would have really improved the set. Aspect Scores What does this set excel at? These four categories rate how it looks, the building experience, its usefulness in terms of parts for MOCing, and how much fun the set is after it's built.
    Appearance: | | | | | | | 7/10 Building: | | | | | | 6/10 MOCing: | | | | | | | 7/10 Playability: | | | | | | | 7/10 Overall, the Baranus V7 is an average vehicle set, without any really outstanding aspects. If you really want it, go for it, but other sets seem to be a better value (Kaxium, I’m looking at you). This concludes my review of the Baranus V7.
  2. Carakki
    There's been a change of plans, everyone. I've decided not to renew my BZP Premier Membership. In recent times my interest has shifted toward other things. This is a regular occurrence, so fear not - I will likely return someday. Until then, however, goodbye...
  3. Carakki
    I think I'm going to go ahead and get another year of BZP Premier Membership. If nothing else, it's a way to show my appreciation for the services BZP has provided for the community over Bionicle's duration.
  4. Carakki
    After some encouragement and guidance, I have created these characters for the BZPRPG. Before I made them official, I wanted to post them here to see what people thought of them and possibly improve them. To that end, if you see a flaw in either profile, or a point that could be improved upon, or just like the characters, post it here.
    Name: Arel
    Gender: Male
    Alignment: Lawful-Neutral
    Appearance: Arel is a tall humanoid. He sports formfitting blue and Keetorange body armor, with black gloves and boots.
    Weapon(s): Arel wields no extra weapons.
    Power(s): Arel possesses two primary powers. The first is very offensive and very dangerous: explosive laser bolts. These take the form of thin red beams Arel is capable of emitting from his palms. They explode on contact with the first thing they hit. Arel can control the radius of the blast to a degree, an ability he can develop over time. Arel's second power is the ability to enter a ghostlike state similar to the late Makuta Krika's low-density form. While in this 'ghost form,' Arel appears to be semitransparent and can jump very high, though he is still affected by gravity. This is often mistaken for flying. He can also pass through solid objects. However, while in his ghost state, Arel cannot physically interact with his environment or launch laser bolts. Arel can switch between his ghost state and physical form at will, though repeated flipping between forms in a short period of time may tire him. In addition to these primary powers, Arel is a reasonably skilled martial artist and strategist.
    Biography: Arel's past runs similarly to Axonn's. After training on his home island, he became a wandering mercenary, honing his skills and taking on offered jobs for pay. In his past, Arel was not discriminatory about the types of jobs he took, and often committed crimes for pay. Arel's mercenary career ended when the Shadowed One, not one to share the market, offered Arel a place with the Dark Hunters. When Arel refused, the Shadowed One sent out Silence to eliminate him. Anticipating the Shadowed One's move, Arel spent time around a protodermis foundry until Silencer found him. After a short battle, Arel faked his own death by allowing himself to be tossed into a vat of molten protodermis, switching to ghost mode just before being incinerated. During the months he spent recuperating from the fierce battle and laying low so as not to alert the Shadowed One of his ploy, Arel rethought how he had spent his life. Discarding his past and his line of work, Arel became a wanderer.
    Name: Naria
    Gender: Female
    Species: Toa
    Alignment: Lawful-Good
    Appearance: Naria's build is not much different from other Toa's. Blue and gold armor mark her as a Toa of Psionics. Her most distinctive feature is a golden tube running from the back of her head to her back. Its function is unknown except to Naria.
    Weapon(s): A quartet of silver daggers.
    Power(s): Naria is most skilled in the use of her psionic powers in telekinesis. When deeply engaged in battle, she often wields two of her knives in hand and attacks with the other two under control of her mind, a four-pronged attack that requires speed and focus to match. Naria's psionic abilities are enhanced by her Kanohi Raleigh, or Mask of Intuition. Similar to the way most beings are able to use their muscles by reflex - for example, automatically catching a thrown object - Naria's Kanohi Raleigh allows her to reflexively use her psionic powers to redirect threats or move objects. Her mask sometimes makes it seem like Naria's powers have a mind of their own.
    Biography: Naria once belonged to a full team of six Toa. The island her team was assigned to was overrun by Visorak long ago. Her team fought valiantly to protect their island, but were unsuccessful. The majority of her team met its downfall at an ambush by the Visorak. Multiple Visorak injected each team member with their mutating venom. These multiple injections caused each Toa to mutate multiple times, ending unique, savage form. Naria, however, after undergoing several painful transformations, wound up in her original Toa form except for the odd tube connecting her head and back. The trauma of so many successive mutations took their toll on Naria's mind, causing two major effects. First, Naria's ability to use the full range of her psionic powers was limited, particularly illusions and mind blasts. (It did, however, seem to increase the potency of her telekinetic powers.) Second, it made her prone to freezing up at the sight of random objects that trigger the memory of her past.
  5. Carakki
    I'm thinking about joining the BZPRPG. However, I have no RPG experience and don't even really have any idea what to do. Can anyone help me out?
  6. Carakki
    Merry Christmas!
    As expected, my gift count was way down this year. However, in light of my laptop (half the reason the count was low), that's 100% okay. For those who are wondering, here's the actual list:
    Laptop bag $25 Barnes & Noble gift card Stocking candy (of course) Any 20 pieces from my brother's Bionicle collection $5 We had breakfast (bacon, pancakes, and eggs mixed with sausage) here, then went over to my grandmother's house around 11 for an early lunch. Since Ding and my grandmother live in the same neighborhood, I walked over to his house with a gingerbread house in tow, and we hung out for a bit at my grandmother's. Now I'm back at home, but only for a bit; we're heading over to my uncle's for a second lunch, where I may be able to add to the list above. Until then, enjoy the holiday!
  7. Carakki
    I am currently facing a dilemma. I became a one-year Premier Member on BZP in early January of this year. That means my membership is almost used up. The dilemma I face is whether to continue being a Premier Member and keep up with this blog. This is all tied into the greater question of what to do with myself in terms of Bionicle and Lego. You see, unlike many here, I was not a big Lego fan prior to my interest obsession with Bionicle. The end of the Bionicle line has presented me with the difficult question of whether to keep my collection, continue being a BZP member, and the like, or sever myself from the entire thing, sell my collection, leave this blog forever, and find a new hobby (or focus more on schoolwork).
    I think the answer to all of this lies in the as-yet unrevealed Lego line to be revealed this summer. If I like it, I will probably continue with it in place of Bionicle, as it is to be compatible piece-wise with Bionicle sets. If not, then I may wind up selling my collection in pieces or as a whole for cash and finding a new hobby or, as I said above, just saving it for future needs and focusing more on my schoolwork.
    Please post your thoughts, ideas, opinions on this matter in the comments section.
  8. Carakki
    I've officially finished my Christmas shopping! All that remains to be done is wrapping. Here's the completed list:
    Mother: | Item: pickup of hated furniture | Cost: freee! Father: | Item: oven glove | Cost: $1 Brother: | Item: wireless GameCube controller | Cost: $16 Sister: | Item: DSi camera flash | Cost: $26 Grandmother: | Item: image editing booklet | Cost: freee! Aunt (California): | Item: pitch-in toward a family gift | Cost: $4 A.J., U.J., and T.J.: | Item: gingerbread house | Cost:freee! Kay: | Item: touchable bubbles | Cost: $1 Queen (because she got me something): | Item: Contribution to family gift | Cost: freee! Zeus: | Item: treats | Cost: Unknown Stocking Stuffers: | Item: Various | Cost: $9 In the end, I wound up running $5 over, but my mom helped me out. Anyway, happy Christmas eve to all who read this!
  9. Carakki
    Tonight's Christmas-y event was gingerbread houses. I think mine came out pretty well, but I'll let you decide for yourself:

    In other news, as you can see by the recently updated list below, Christmas shopping is nearly complete. In order to stay with budget, I decided to give my gingerbread house to my aunt and uncle.
    That's about it for now, so until next time!
  10. Carakki
    I'm putting a temporary hold on the MOC depicted in the WIP photos below so I can cobble together an entry for Kylus' ORGANIZED Blog Contest #1, which entails building a Toa of Psionics. So far I haven't had any really brilliant ideas, but I have pulled out all of my pearl gold pieces (I know Kylus says we can use Keetorange, but I'll be darned if I'm taking the easy way out).
  11. Carakki
    Christmas is now in full swing at my house. The oven has been churning out sweets of all kinds, and the tree has been decorated. Gingerbread houses are almost ready for construction, and I desperately need to finish up Christmas shopping. Here's the list again...
    Mother: | Item: pickup of hated furniture | Cost: freee! Father: | Item: oven glove | Cost: $1 Brother: | Item: wireless GameCube controller | Cost: $16 Sister: | Item: DSi camera flash | Cost: $16 Grandmother: | Item: image editing booklet | Cost: freee! Aunt (California): | Item: pitch-in toward a family gift | Cost: $4 A.J., U.J., and T.J.: | Item: gingerbread house | Cost:freee! Kay: | Item: touchable bubbles | Cost: $1 Queen (because she got me something): | Item: flash drive | Cost: $13.50 Zeus: | Item: treats | Cost: Unknown Green lines are bought and taken care of. I'll keep a track of my remaining total below. 
    Original Total: $55
    New Total: $35
  12. Carakki
    This is an idea that's been floating around in my head for a while, and I'd like to actually implement it. The idea is to create a database of pieces with names for each piece and color. I know there's already something similar out there, but the names are usually long, cumbersome, and involve numbers.
    Of course, I can't do this alone, as I don't know many terms. I'll start here with a few pieces, then allow anyone to contribute by voting, adding a piece I forgot, or discussing organization of the database. So let's get this thing going!
    >>>Metru thigh armor
    >>>Bohrok foot
    >>>old short double-socket joint
    >>>new short double-socket joint
    >>>Noble Kanohi Mahiki
    >>>Great Kanohi Matatu
    >>>size 3 axle
    >>>small pin
    >>>long pin
    >>>fang blade
    Feel free to add anything in the comments section and remember, this is just a start!
  13. Carakki
    Recently I've been experimenting with my generously-gotten Photoshop software; just playing around with different effects. I thought I might post this one here:

  14. Carakki
    Something I didn't mention in my last entry: my blog got no comments during my absence. Maybe one day I'll get comments on something other than grammatical errors.
    Anyway, in celebration of the return of my Internet, I collected various images of the Hunters and made wallpapers for each one (excluding Samus):
    If anyone wants, I can resize any of them to your screen's resolution, or create new ones for any Metroid theme of your choosing.
  15. Carakki
    We got our Christmas tree earlier tonight. Somewhere between 7 and 8 feet tall, we found it on sale for just $45. I'll get photos up later if I can.
    EDIT: Photo:

  16. Carakki
    I just finalized my budget for Christmas gifts this year, and my total came to $55. From this amount of cash I must provide gifts for each of the 11 people listed below. Basic math will tell you that this restricts each person's individual gift budget to $5, IF I distribute evenly. Here I will keep a record of gifts planned for each person, as well as the cost of their gift. Suggestions are welcome.
    Mother: | Item: 2010 calendar + pickup of hated furniture | Cost: Unknown x .7 + free Father: | Item: oven glove(?) | Cost: $1 Brother: | Item: wireless GameCube controller | Cost: $16 Sister: | Item: Unknown | Cost: N/A Grandmother: | Item: image editing booklet | Cost: freee! Aunt (California): | Item: pitch-in toward a family gift | Cost: $4 A.J.: | Item: Unknown | Cost: N/A U.J.: | Item: Unknown | Cost: N/A Kay: | Item: touchable bubbles | Cost: $1 T.J.: | Item: Unknown | Cost: N/A Queen (because she got me something): | Item: flash drive | Cost: $13.50 I'll edit this entry as I fill in the list. 
    EDIT: I've officially started buying things. Green lines are bought and taken care of. I'll keep a track of my remaining total below.
    Original Total: $55
    New Total: $35
  17. Carakki
    I haven't made an entry in a few days because we haven't had Internet. You see, my mom bought Christmas presents a little early this year. That coupled with a leak that jumped our water bill up to $600 meant we couldn't pay the bill on time. Hence, no Internet for three days.
    But now I'm back, so I'll give a general update.
    First, winter break! It'll be nice. I'm looking forward to spending time with family and relaxing with my laptop.
    School, over though it may be for now, has been pretty good of late. Today was nice. Movies in three classes, an essay in one, a test in another, and free time in the remaining two.
    When I logged into my e-mail a few minutes ago, I discovered that I had received 58 e-mail messages. How many were from people? None.
    Anyway, I'll keep updating. For now, I'm going to go wade through the morass that is my inbox...
  18. Carakki
    ...and it needs to come RIGHT NOW.
    So, I was working on a school project (due tomorrow) earlier today. It's a book jacket, required to be at least 12x20, give or take. It had to include an illlustration for the front cover, so because I can barely draw a straight line, I decided to do mine digitally and print it at our local Kinkos. My jacket is 12x27.5, so it would have cost around $16 to print full-size (it's $7.25 per square foot).
    Unfortunately, my family is experiencing some financial difficulty, and will be until Friday when my mom's paycheck comes through (hence the title). So the $20 I had set aside for printing went into our gas tank, making sure we could make it home tonight.
    For the curious, here's the jacket. Personal info is edited out, and some text is misaligned, misspelled, etc. due to incompletion and transfer errors.
  19. Carakki
    It is uncommon that I use or talk about emoticons, but I felt it was worth saying that whoever invented the following image was genius:

    It can be attached to any most emoticons. Observe:




  20. Carakki
    Today was the Math Bowl for my area. For those who don't know, a Math Bowl is a mathematics competition. For my area, there are four divisions: geometry, algebra II, pre-calculus, and calculus. Each school sends out a team of four students (each of who are in the class for their division) for each division. These members compete in individual exams (a difficult 20-question test) and as a group in a timed competition in which speed equals points. As individuals and as a group, my team didn't do very well (relatively speaking).
    Anyway, after the Math Bowl, everyone (sixteen students and three teacher chaperons) went to our local mall to eat lunch and "hang out." We got back to the school about five minutes before the final bell, so they let those of us who could (either by walking or early pick-up) go home. Of course, the sky chose that exact moment to send a deluge of scattered liquid hurtling toward the earth.
    Thus, I came home [soaked], cleaned up, and posted this entry.
    Wait, not yet. I forgot to mention that today my birthday gift to my mom (her birthday was the first of the month) finally came through. A charity came by while I was at school and picked up some old furniture my mom absolutely despised.
    Now I'm done.
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