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Everything posted by Toarobot18

  1. Alright. I've made some edits to my last post with more stuff. Proposal 63 has passed.
  2. Lhik is that a new rule, or an amendment of Rule 48? Likewise, it is only a matter of time before someone starts a mafia game in the Nomic game. Or a full Nomic game in the Nomic game. EDIT: Ehks, is that a second? Will edit again for mining results if no new posts. EDIT2: Actually, I think from now on, if it is in caps like that, I'll just assume SUPPORT = SECOND in all cases. You mined 6 widgets ores. EDIT3: Correction above.
  3. That's true. But, uh, we rule counsel the matoran! I guess the rule could always be amended later to make it the Metru-Nui Council or something like that.
  4. Updating the first post momentarily. Proposal 63, to create a new mutable rule. I think this rule is thematic. Section 2: Chief Turaga On the first of every month, players may begin nominating themselves or others to be the Chief Turaga. In addition, players may second nominations that other players have made. After twenty-four hours have passed since the first player was nominated, the player whose nomination received the most seconds becomes the Chief Turaga. Ties are randomly decided by a host. The duty of the Chief Turaga is to lead the development of the game into a fun and competitive form and promote order by ensuring the laws and judges are fair. As soon as the Chief Turaga has been chosen, he should choose two other players to be the judges. Additionally, every time a law has been passed by the Matoran Council, the Chief Turaga may remove the law within twenty-four hours of its passage if he would like to do so. Section 3: Judges The two judges chosen by the Chief Turaga decide whether a player is guilty of breaking a law or not, and choose which of the penalties specified in the law that was broken should be applied. Whenever a player thinks another player has broken a law, he may say so in the topic. Then the host must randomly decide which of the two judges will decide whether the player has broken the law. Then that judge must make the decision and, if the player did break the law, announce which of the available penalties that player will receive. As soon as the penalty has been announced, it is immediately enforced under the authority of this rule.
  5. Careful now. We don't yet know who Voxumo chose (right?), and hypothetically, both of his two choices might have been included in Lesovikk, Onewa, and Vakama.
  6. Portal mined 2 ores. Dapper-San mined 9 ores. ShadowVezon mined 8 ores.
  7. Hm. Free drinks just doesn't seem to work with this crowd. I should try opening a free drive-in movie theater, or maybe giving away free weapons, or maybe going around helping people cross the street.
  8. I pick Nuju.
  9. You mined 8 ores. EDIT: You had no widgets to pay for mining ores. Would you like to mint a widget and then mine?
  10. I think if we did that, we could each compile an order of preference (Possibly including all remaining characters? If everyone is up to it?) and then submit it privately to Fighty, who would go list-by-list, choosing the top unclaimed character on each list? I think if we post our rosters publicly, then people who post their rosters later will have an advantage.
  11. I mine for ores. I mined three ores.
  12. I pick Kopaka.
  13. I can assume you mean to mint enough ores into widgets to purchase that Scari Rahi?
  14. Proposal 60 is now a rule. EDIT: The above proposal is actually 62, as Mairanui's is 61.
  15. As it is unstated in your post, I assume this is proposing a new rule. Or is it an amendment of 55?
  16. I SECOND PROPOSAL 60. Just so this is out there, I would advise people to read the existing rules carefully before depositing things into the Vaults.
  17. ShadowVezon mined 2 ores. The Lorax mined 4 ores. Pupwa mined 9 ores. I mine for ores. I mined 5 ores. The Lorax, there is no means by which to put things into the Vaults (save having seconded the rule-change and having had one's stuff transferred with its passage).
  18. I mine for ores. I mined 5 ores. EDIT: I request my widgets and property be returned to me from the Vaults. Then I mint 4 ores into widgets, and purchase a Scari Rahi (Kardas Dragon) for 7 widgets.
  19. Well, there are storms in Bionicle too, so you would be set either way.
  20. I'm still unsure how it would work in conjunction with the existing system for repeals (immutable rules 13, 14, and 15), which is why I didn't second it to avoid creating any possible rule conflicts. What do you think would be the correct way to interpret how your rule would work with/against/instead of those existing rules?
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