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Everything posted by Toarobot18

  1. In order for 59 to be recognized as thematic, Mairanui would have to edit his proposal post (but not the proposal text, of course) and say that he thinks it is thematic. Then Ehks's "agreement" could apply. Speaking of which, there have been quite a few proposals that might have qualified as thematic, but the proposers did not assert that they were thematic, and therefore missed or may miss out on some extra widgets.
  2. You're talking about the "Next Proposal Should Be" indicator in the first post, right? If so, yeah, I might just remove that. I keep forgetting to update it and it is always safer just to check the last page of the topic, especially since even the list of proposals, which I don't usually forget to modify, might not be up to date depending on when I last stopped by.
  3. Pupwa, you may. I will go update the first post. . . Ah. EDIT: You may already be aware of this, but rules can already be repealed per rules 13 and 15.
  4. Wait. What are we talking about? Dapper-San, your widgets are minted.
  5. I agree that Proposal 57 (above) is thematic.
  6. News live from Robotia . . . The Robotic Toa Announce Their New Logo Toarobot18 released before the public and press today what he calls an example of the "exemplar" professionalism that will characterize his newly formed team, The Robotic Toa, in the Bionicle Combat League. During the announcement the audience seemed less than impressed by the logo, but Toarobot18 assured the crowd that while a better logo would come soon enough, he believed it was his responsibility to produce a simple, but workable logo for the team to use during the draft and perhaps even its first season.
  7. If "What Could Go Wrong" is a question and not a wry observation , someone could kill you and you would lose all those ores. Not that they are doing you much good in the Vaults.
  8. Owner Name: Toarobot18 Team Name: The Robotic Toa Team Colors: White, Gray, Blue Team Logo: Here Team Roster: 1. Matoro 2. Kopaka 3. Dume 4. Kualas 5. Nuju 6. Tahnok 7. Kohrak
  9. Your ores were moved to the Vaults. Would you like to request that they be returned?
  10. The rule seemed abigious to me on whether Armor protected against theft, but if it did, that would have just meant anyone with Armor would have lost it and then still lost their widgets. It seems as if three players agree something worthy of Teridax was done on at least one of the two alleged occasions, so The Lorax loses one widget. Additionally, Proposal 55 passed with the seconds of Lhik, Amakusa, and Portal. Whether or not one can second a Proposal that has already passed (in order to send their property to the Vaults in this case) is not clear. I will assume yes in this case, but if anyone disagrees then the Voice of Mata Nui may have to be invoked. Only Pupwa, Lhik, and I had any property to be moved, and only Pupwa had property moved despite not being one of the original three seconders. EDIT: I also intepreted 55 as distributing the 12 widgets fined from The Lorax to the other players after those players who had property had that property moved to the Vaults.
  11. Quite right. Proposal 55, which I think is thematic, correcting the above proposal.
  12. I think that by making the above statement, The Lorax has done something worthy of Teridax. Rule-change Proposal 54: to create a new mutable rule to protect the characters and property of the players. I think that this rule is thematic.
  13. Toa Kopaka, Toa Ignika, Toa Iruini, Spiriah, and Eliminator were all attacked by a vicious Tahtorak, which skipped away with all their widgets. I think that by sending his Tahtorak to steal our widgets away, The Lorax has done something worthy of Teridax. EDIT: Rule-change Proposal 53: to create a new mutable rule. I think this new rule is thematic.
  14. The Lorax mined 9 ores. Lhikevikk mined 9 ores. Pupwa mined 5 ores. Mairanui mined 4 ores. I mine for ores. Toarobot18 mined 1 ore.
  15. Portal has been added to the game! Hopefully, though Teridax, you won't be worthy of Teridax, because that could hurt in this game, financially speaking. Mairanui, it has not been 24 hours since you last mined.
  16. While Eliminator was walking around minding his own business, just like Eliminators usually don't, suddenly, a giant Tahtorak came out of nowhere! Eliminator cowered in fear at the sight of the giant lizard, expecting to die, but the lizard said, "Give me all five of your widgets!" Eliminator quickly complied, and the Tahtorak skipped away, widgets in claw.
  17. Amakusa, you kave no widgets (you need one widget to mine). Proposal 51 (Ehks's above is 50) to amend Rule 48:
  18. 49 has passed. I'm updating the first post now.
  19. I am assuming Lhik didn't see my edit and counting his second for 49 as for 48. EDIT: This means Proposal 48 has passed. Rule 18 is now renumbered 48 and is mutable. Proposal 49 may be re-proposed (as an amendment to 48) if it was intended as an amendment, which I assume was the case since otherwise it would have just been an almost-duplicate of 18. Acting on that assumption, I will also assume for now that there is no Proposal 49, since Proposal 49 as an amendment was invalid.
  20. If Proposal 50 is intended to amend Rule 18, it is invalid, because as of the proposal time Rule 18 was immutable and proposals could not be made to amend it. EDIT: Pupwa's proposals are actually 48 and 49. If 49 is an amendment and not a new rule, it is invalid. I am counting seconds above for 49 as actually for 48, below I will count them as toward 49.
  21. The Lorax mined 7 ores. Pupwa mined 9 ores.
  22. Just so you all know, the rule provides no way to retract seconds, for a proposal passes when it "has been seconded" by three players. Whenever I have seen a second to a particular rule, I have recorded it, but I have not been removing seconds with retractions. The Lorax received one widget for two players thinking he was worthy of the Great Beings due to his not-an-R.P.G. speech. One player also thinks he is worthy of the Great Beings due to his proposal of Rule 25.
  23. My inbox is a little cleared now, though if anyone messaging me has an old conversation with me that I am still a party to, please use that.
  24. Mairanui, that is true. On the other hand, it doesn't say I can't list them in the first post, so there is nothing stopping me. People can always just read back in the topic to find out who made a purchase, and I do have to keep track of it somewhere. Nevertheless, since it seems in my favor to be the only player with a list, I might go ahead and remove them. . . Dapper-San, you mined 5 ores. The Lorax, 44 was not yet instated. EDIT: I believe 46 would contradict 24, and since 24 has a lower number, it would win out. Best propose another one that amends 24 instead. Clearing my inbox. . .
  25. First post updated. EDIT: I am converting 5 ores into a suit of Armor. EDIT2: Saw Mairanui's edit and updating the post.
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