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Everything posted by Toarobot18

  1. Glad to see it wasn't forgotten! Now if only people would remember my other comedies... Ah well, Mission Space was always the star anyway. (Heh heh. Space, star. Anyway...) Thanks for visiting!Since I've got readers, here's another rather short chapter: CHAPTER EIGHT In the last chapter of Bionicle: Mission Space, the crew of the grounded Flying Madu were getting a bit too hot...Kopaka: (Who's finally gotten his bandage, by the way.): Did you smell something?Jaller: It wasn't me!Kopaka: No, I mean smoke.Hakann: It does seem to be getting a bit hot in here...Gaaki: Do you hear a fire crackling? I do.Kopaka: I have a bad feeling about this...Gaaki: Jaller, you're the toa of fire. Where's the fire coming from?Jaller: I think it's outside the spaceship. Around it.Gaaki: Well I think we should abandon the ship, or put the fire out, as it's getting very hot in here. Either way, someone has to go outside. Hahli, you're the toa of water so--Hahli: So are you.Gaaki: But I'm the boss. Now, Hahli, go out the airlock and put the fire out.(Hahli heads out of the control room, down the hallway, and to the airlock. But although she was expecting the former “airlock” to be just be a hole on the side of the spaceship leading to the arena, as the skrall had destroyed the real airlock, she found the hole blocked up with a giant stone block, covered with iron reinforcements, and welded in place.)Gali: They've trapped us in! I've got to warn the others! They could use the skrall's shields to cut a new-- Oh! I, I, I feel so weak-- (She passes out from the heat.)--Back inside the control room--Hakann: (Singing.) It's getting hotter in here, it's getting hotter in here...Gaaki: It's been a while, she should have put the fire out by now. And it's just getting hotter and hott-ter... (She passes out.)Jaller: Girls. It's not hot at all. Why, it feels like a summer breeze--Kopaka: For you. (He makes an ice room around him.)Hakann: You're right, Jaller. It's not that hot.Jaller: I could just draw out the heat and make it colder. (He prepares to do this.) Why didn't I think of that be--(He gets hit by a thornax.)Hakann: What? (He turns towards the way the thornax came and... gets hit by a thornax.)Kopaka: (Turning and seeing a couple of fire glatorian.) You have to be kidding me. (He breaks out of the ice room and starts to fire an ice blast... and passes out from the heat.)--And now, let's check how our unconscious Toa Nuva friends on the dusty path to an unknown village are doing:--Rock Steed: Raahhhr! (Seeing no movement, and its master dead, it starts to walk away, when a dart hits it, and it falls over. Again.)Fire Agori: Well, well, well, what do we have here. A dead criminal, two dead or unconscious strakk, some broken strakk armor, and a weird looking water glatorian. I say, this will be interesting to report! Hey! Officer Korkstron! (Another fire agorian walks up.) Do you think this could be related to those weirdos that fell out of the sky?(Author's note: The “strakk” and “weird looking water glatorian” are really Pohatu, Lewa, and Gali.)Officer Korkstron: Well, it doesn't matter anyway, I just got some news. The fire plan worked, and they've moved all the “wierdos” to Daankstren prison. As for these guys, we will have to put them on trial.Fire Agori: Officer Bladdoom! Haul these bodies onto the cart, we will take them over to the prison 'till their trial.In the next chapter of Bionicle: Mission Space:The trial of Lewa, Gali, and Pohatu!The fate of the rest of the crew!And Daankstren prison...Word count: 529
  2. CHAPTER SEVEN Last time in the amazing adventures of Bionicle: Mission Space, you saw three Toa Nuva about to be attacked by a terrible beastie!Gali: It's getting very close, and he's still riding it very fast! He won't be able to stop in time! It'll crash into us!Lewa: I think that's his thought-intention.(The dragon-thing comes riding at them at a tremendous speed and smashes into the three, trampling Gali, and knocking out Pohatu.)Bone hunter (The guy riding the dragon-thing): Ha! Fools! Traveling at this time of day! Serves them right that I will be ridding them of their weapons and armor! ... And now to deal with that weird green glatorian...Lewa: Gali! You okay?Gali: (Standing up in broken, cracked, and crumbled armor.) I'm fine! I couldn't be better! An excuse to take of this ugly and black and slimy and gross and-Lewa: Not this aga--(The bone hunter throws his sword at Lewa, impaling him.)Gali: What! Now I have to give meds to two toa! You're going to get it now!Bone hunter: Does that nonsense-talking skrall with broken armor think he can fight me? And boy, does he have a high pitched voice!Gali: Hi Ugly, meet elemental powers. Elemental powers, meet Ugly. (She shoots a blast of water down the red-thing's (rock steed's) mouth, which causes it to choke, which causes it to fall over, which causes “Ugly” to hit his head quite hard.)Well Lewa, this is what you get for interrupting me...Lewa: Ju-- Ju-- Ju-- Just pull.... Just pull... Just pull the swo-- rd ou...t.(Gali pulls the sword out.)Gali: And now for the fun bit!(Gali uses the sword to cut the skrall's armor off her body, and then she chops it to bits.)Gali: Oops.Pohatu: (Waking up from unconsciousness.) No! Please stop Gahlok-Kal! I hate Mahi! Noooo! Tahu!!!!!Gali: Ummm... Pohatu?Pohatu: Kopaka save me! Use the Hau! No! I'm buried! It's hard to breath under all this rumble!Lewa: Whaa-- whaaa-- what? I... ughh.... (Lewa passes out.)Pohatu: Onua! Let's reflect Tahnok-Kals lighting bolts and--Gali: Great! Now I'm stuck with a unconscious Lewa and a crazy Poha--(The T-rex-dragon-rock-steed-thing, having recovered from almost choking to death, stands up and steps on the armor-less Gali, heavily wounding her, then kicks Pohatu out again.)--And now, let's go check on our friends back inside the spaceship “Flying Madu” inside the Glatorian arena.--Gaaki: There's not much hope left for poor Hewkii I'm afraid.Hakann: (Sob.) He was such a good friend. He never punched me, never kicked me. He never, not even once stole something from me. And after all the things I took from hi-- Never mind.Hahli: I know. If I didn't have Jaller, he'd be my next choice...Jaller: Choice? What are you talking about?Hahli: (Blushing.) Uh... nothing. Never mind.Kopaka: (Who's finally gotten his bandage, by the way.): Did you smell something?Jaller: It wasn't me!Kopaka: No, I mean smoke.Hakann: It does seem to be getting a bit hot in here...In the next chapter of Bionicle: Mission Space:What will happen to the three unconscious Toa Nuva, left in the middle of a street with an angry rock steed?And what of the smoke?Word count: 452
  3. Onarax, waiting on confirmation of the sale from Brightpaw.Anyone may sell anything.
  4. Purchase and product creation processed.
  5. Welcome to the Senate, Portalfig! You get to keep your business, you just can't make another one now.The First Evo, you may rejoin the game in a week. Sorry for your loss.
  6. By the way, President Burnmad must appoint a replacement for Senator The First Evo from one of the three businessmatoran.
  7. Thanks for stopping by! The other Toa Nuva aren't planned to make an appearance in the next couple chapters, but it's possible we'll end up bumping into them.
  8. Tosha bread purchase and JiMing bread creation processed.Anybody may be arrested by a policematoran but they must be charged with a crime.
  9. From the BZ Nui Live Report:"SHOCKING NEWS JUST OUT! Senator The First Evo Murdered!Just minutes ago, Senator The First Evo was found shot dead in his home. It seems he had been killed earlier today. Near his body was his BroadcasterX, broken, and two squished Baclo Berries. We have yet to hear from the authorities on this horrific murder of a government official, but rumor has it there are witnesses. Matoran Baripse, who was walking down the street where the senator lived, claims to have heard gun shots. He also claims to have seen Policematoran Tosha96 at the scene soon after. The story is developing now..."We have our first death in BZRepublic.
  10. General update: reviewing the rules for theft, I realized that it would be far to easy to track down the perpetrator of a crime by simply looking at who gained the stolen widgets/items. Therefore, should anything be stolen, it will be kept in a "secret inventory" of the thief, kept track of through PM.
  11. *At the checkout at Matamart.*Clerk: How many boxes of this stuff are you going to buy? You're holding the whole line up!Hakann: *Rolling up a sixth cart to the register.* Hey, it's only eight carts full! I was going to purchase fifty carts full, but I decided I could do the rest later.Clerk: What in the world do you need eight carts of sugar cereal for?Hakann: None of your business!Clerk: It is my business that this is an extremely busy day, and you're hogging a register!Hakann: When I make my nonillians, you'll get some too, okay? Now will you stop complaining?Clerk: What's a nonillian?Hakann: Look it up. 1030.Clerk: It's not one of my cash register buttons. If it's not there, you're not gunna make it. I'm calling the manager.Hakann: Look, I might not give you a nonnillian, but I'll at least give you one million or more. You don't understand how important this is! This is the future of my business!Clerk: You have a business holding up check-out lines?Hakann: No, silly, a cereal business, of course!Clerk: Then why are you buying competitor's cereal?Hakann: Um... to do product testing on it, of course!Clerk: Whatever. But if I get fired because of you, you'll be getting a phone call... or two.*A day later, inside Hakann's hut.*Kopaka: Okay, why are you painting a bunch of cereal boxes silver?Hakann: Remember, to sell?Kopaka: Yeah... but... this is not a commercialized property, it's residential. You can't work on your business here. It doesn't comply with the zoning.Hakann: Oh yeah? Who said so?*Ding-dong.*Kopaka: Someone's at the door.Hakann: I noticed. *He opens the door.*Vahki: IN-SPEC-TION!Hakann: Um... why?Vahki: IN-SPEC-TION!Hakann: You already said that.Vahki: PLEASE AL-LOW EN-TRANCE!Hakann: Not until you say why.Vahki: IN-SPEC-TION!Hakann: Why?Vahki: MOVE A-SIDE OR BE A-NNIH-I-LA-TED!Hakann: Why didn't you say that in the first place? *He moves aside.*Vahki: *Entering hut.* PLEASE STATE PUR-POSE OF PAINT AND BREAK-FEST FOOD!Hakann: For my business.Kopaka: *Smacks forehead.*Vahki: THIS PROP-ER-TY IS NOT COM-MER-CIAL-LIZED!Hakann: So?Vahki: PLEASE SHOW ME YOUR BUS-I-NESS LI-CENSE!Hakann: What license?Kopaka: *Smacks forehead.* Why did I invest?Vahki: YOUR BUS-I-NESS LICENSE?Hakann: Whatever it is, I don't have it.Vahki: NO BUS-I-NESS LICENSE? PRO-CUR-ING WAR-RENT FOR AR-REST!Kopaka: Wait! He does have a license!Hakann: What? I-Kopaka: Shhh! He gave it to me to hold onto. Here it is. *He pulls out a business license from his armor.*Vahki: *He takes the license.* *Reading card.* "KO-PAK-A IN-VES-TING IN-DUS-TRIES AND PRO-DUCTS"? IS THIS YOUR BUS-I-NESS?Hakann: No it-Kopaka: Don't be silly, Hakann, remember how you named your new business after me because of my help, and decided to call it "Kopaka Investing Industries & Products Co."?Hakann: Isn't that your busine-Kopaka: Of course it's none of my business, but the Vahki wanted to know.Vahki: IS THAT YOUR BUS-I-NESS OR NOT?Hakann: Um.. whatever.Vahki: YES OR NO?Hakann: Sure.Vahki: YES OR NO?Hakann: I guess.Vahki: YES OR NO?Kopaka: Does one plus one equal two?Hakann: Yes. Duh!Vahki: AN-SWER AC-CEPT-TED! YOUR BUS-I-NESS LI-CENSE WILL NOW BE RE-VOKED DUE TO FAIL-URE TO COM-PLY WITH ZON-NING REGU-LA-TIONS! I WILL NOW LEAVE!Kopaka: NOOOOOOOOOOO!Hakann: Few, that was a close one. He was going to arrest me. Hey, thanks Kopaka, I appreciate the sacrifice.Kopaka: All my years of work building my family business! Ruined!Vahki: GOOD-BYE, AND HAVE A NICE DAY! *He hands the now-stamped-with-"INVALID" license to Hakann.* *He leaves the hut.*Kopaka: Give me back my license, now!*Hakann hands Kopaka the license.*Kopaka: RUINED! RUINED! RUINED!Hakann: Don't worry, my business will be better anyway.Kopaka: Better? You're reselling Sugar Madu, from a non-commercialized property, without a license!Hakann: So?...Yes, all has gone wrong for the investor Kopaka, but soon Hakann will be tested too... when he tries to get a store to carry his product. Find out more in the next chapter of... The Bionicle Entrepreneur!
  12. Did it strike anyone else as odd that the real life building is being "immortalized in Lego bricks"?Perhaps they think the real building will collapse due to an earthquake, while its memory lives on in Lego sets in living rooms across the world? (Although considering how my sets usually end up, it won't be immortal for long.)
  13. Nocturne: NOOOOOOOOOO!Ken: Nocturne, your reign is over. Barbies, take him to the dressing room.Lieutenant Pohatu Phantoka: Why have you done this? We were no threat to you!Ken: 'Cause my girls wanted a nice, new fortress. And this fits just right. Hannah, that flag isn't strait. Becky, make the words “Barbie” more visible please. Oh, and Samantha, please change your shirt. That one looks like a G.I. Joe's shirt! Wear something more Barbiesh!Samantha: It looks like a G.I. Joe shirt because it is. I stole it from one of them when we took over their base last summer.Lieutenant Pohatu Phantoka: You took over their base too? How many bases have you taken?Ken: Oh, I don't know. Fifty? One hundred?Lieutenant Pohatu Phantoka: What do you do with all of them?Ken: Oh, well, we only have one at a time. We get a new one every season when the girls want to try out a new style.Lieutenant Pohatu Phantoka: What did you do with your last one?Ken: Oh, just a little toilet cleaner there and a little bug killer here, and we eroded the whole thing.Lieutenant Pohatu Phantoka: Unfortunate, 'cause when our troops come back from the battle, your going to need that one back again.Ken: They won't. Your puny pieces of plastic will be destroyed. Your troops are no match for the Playmo--Bionicle Troops: VICTORY! (About half of the troops sent into the battle come marching in, some slightly melted, holding the Playmobil flag.)Bionicle Troops: ALL HAIL NOCTURNE! ALL HAIL NOCTURNE!Bionicle Soldier: Hey, why are all those Barbie flags all over the place?Ken: (Stepping to the edge of the couch, in view of the Bionicle Troops.) Alright, so do you want the good news, or the bad news?Bionicle Troops: Bad news.Ken: OK. We took over your fortress, we're not giving it back, your leader is captured, and you'll all be destroyed.Bionicle Troops: ATTACK! For victory, for glory, for our fortress back!Ken: Don't you want the good news?(He gets hit by a zamor sphere, is knocked off the couch, and falls into the angry Bionicle troops.)Ken: Um... hi! Vorox 1: Destroy him!Ken: Barbies! We're under attack!(Ken is knocked unconscious by the swarms of Bionicles.)Barbie: They, like, shot our Ken.Barbies: ATTAAACK!Rahkshi Kurahk 1: Ah! They don't come apart! They're all stuck together! I can't tear their pieces off! And their Nuva armor won't-(Kurahk 1 is knocked out by an angry Barbie.)MOC Of Dragon: Ha! I was built by Nocturne to destroy, and destroy I will!(The MOC raises up a gigantic claw made up of several unfortunate Bionicles.)Hannah: Oh? Hey Samantha! There's a guy over there who says he's gonna crush me!Samantha: L.O.L.! He's soo cute!MOC Of Dragon: AHHHHRGH! (He steps on both of them.) Ha! So much for them!Hannah: Oooo, nice massage. Just a little weight feels, like, so good on, like, my back!MOC Of Dragon: Nooo! Dead toys can't speak!Samantha: Well, I guess you'll have to use sign language. Or like, write or something. Let's count his parts, one by one girls!(A bunch of Barbies begin to take him apart!)MOC Of Dragon: Could you at least do the head first?!(The Barbies begin to take apart the head of the struggling MOC.)Scrap that! Start with the feet!(The Barbies begin on the feet.)No, never mind! Start with the tail! Or hands! Or--Jenna: Let's keep with head first plan! That way he can, like, stop the babbling!In another part of the battle...Kopaka Mata 1: We're losing!Kohrak-Kal 1: Barbies are flammable! We could go back to the Playmobil fort we captured, and if they attack, use the flame-spurter!Kopaka Mata 2: I'll tell as many people as I can! (Kopaka Mata 2 goes off to tell others.)Kopaka Mata 2: Hey you there! Retrea-*Plunk.* (Kopaka Mata 2 gets his head pulled off by a Barbie.)Nui-Jaga: Got it. Everybody! Retunk! Retunk!Random Barbie: Weirdos.Nui-Rama: OK, everybody! We have to Retank!(More Barbies run forward.)Takanuva '08: I'll spread the word! Re-rank! Re-rank!Rahkshi Lehrahk 1: (In loud, booming voice.) ATTENTION! Everybody, form ranks!(All Bionicle sets stop fighting and line up.)Random Mctoran: OK... I'm kinda in the middle of a fight right now, and can't spare time to--*Snap.*Rahkshi Lehrahk 1: Why are we doing this?Ken: (Standing up.) I see you've all lined up for surrender. Good. Drop your weapons:Rahkshi Lehrahk 1: We were lined up for surrender?Takanuva '08: I don't know, a Nui-Rama told me.Rahkshi Lehrahk 1: OK... We surrender, I guess. Ken: Correct guess! Drop your weapons!(The Bionicle sets drop their weapons.)Don't worry, we take good care of the furniture, don't we, gals?Barbies: Yeah!Takanuva '08: Furniture?…Elsewhere in the house, a race of strange toys called “U. B. Funkeys”* marches up the stairs from the basement into the kitchen.(*If you haven't heard of these, neither had I. They're Gladoxia's guest stars, and if you want to see how funky they look you'll have to do what I did, which was Google them.)Sprokle: (A robotic-looking funkey.) Attention Funkeys! We must stop here. I seem to detect loud noises!Glub: I hear (slurp) it tooooo! (He makes a bubbling sound.) It's louwoood! I smell battle!Sprokle: Exactly. The status of these sounds seem to detect that the fighting is over. However, I must send a scout. Snitch! I mean, Stitch! Go spy on them!Stitch: … (He nods.)…(Stitch approaches the Bionicle Barbie fortress, and walks slowly into the crowd!)Clara: Oh my god! What is that thing! Leah: Ugh! That's, like, creepy! Ken, could you, like, get rid of that thing?Stitch: … (Glaring.)Ken: Hey, that thing's funky! It'd make a great room decoration! Does it have batteries? I could take them out and...Becky: Ken, uh, I think we'd prefer if you, like, got it away. Now.Ken: Hey, whatever you say gals! (Ken goes over to attack Stitch.)(Ken kicks at Stitch.)Ow. It's plastic. I was hoping for something... more flexible... to absorb impact. Not that it hurt at all, it just, um... never mind.Samantha: Ken!Ken: What?Samantha: Remember your side of the deal? The part where you are really normal for a day, and don't try to impress us, if I let you--Ken: Oh, sorry.Samantha: Then get rid of that cree-- hey! Where'd it go?...
  14. Burnmad is correct. Only businessmatoran can create them, anyone can own them. Theoretically, a senator could have one if he was previously a businessmatoran, he purchased one from a businessmatoran, or had one transferred directly to him by an act of the senate (confiscating it to the National Bank would cause the business to be shut down and be turned into the closing widgets).
  15. ~~~The "Random guy" leads the toa into a back room. This room contains a poster on the wall, a pull-up bar, and a large, still, matoran.~~~Random guy: All right, who's first?Lewa: Me! Me! Me!Random guy: All right, since you're so eager... we'll start with the push-ups. Get down on the ground!Lewa: Uh... you know, it's okay, Tahu can go first.Random guy: Every second you delay I'm adding another twenty push-ups. You can start with one hundred. Now, Tahu?Tahu: Oh yeah! I can do one hundred push-ups in ten seconds flat!Random guy: Great, we have five minutes so you can do three thousand.Tahu: ...Random guy: Kopaka, how 'bout you?Kopaka: My head hurts... I thought I was... Wasn't I over in that room before? You drugged me!Random guy: I what? Here, try a breath mint. It helps the senses.Kopaka: *Throws breath mint out the window* I'm giving you five seconds to show me the door or I flash-freeze you.Random guy: SECURITY!!~~~Two matoran with zamor-sphere launchers march in.~~~Random guy: This new recruit is threatening an officer. He needs retraining before he can be assigned to a ship. Could you escort this young man to the Military Re-Education Center?Kopaka: The what? Look, I'm a Toa Nuva, and I'm a toa of ice. Therefore I'm the most powerful toa in all of the matoran uni-- *thunk*Security Guard: Do you have a stretcher, sir?Random guy: Yep. It's in the closet. It's mostly white, but somewhat red. Try to make sure he gets trained fast, I need to assign ten more recruits to ships to get my Best Recruiter Bonus.Security Guard: Yes sir!~~~The two matoran haul Kopaka away on a blood-stained stretcher.~~~Lewa: I'MMMMMMM Done!Random guy: How many did you do?Lewa: One hundred.Random guy: But that's how many I told you to do.Lewa: Random guy: Everybody is expected to go the extra mile in the Navy! Now back to push-ups!Tahu: I did one hundred and fifty! Can I stop now?Random guy: Yeah, sure, but I'll have to take you to the Military Re-Education Center to get in shape then.Tahu: A TOA OF FIRE IS ALWAYS IN SHAPE!!Random guy: Good, then you won't mind me changing it to four thousand, now will you? Lewa, you may stop now.Lewa: Tahu: http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/mad.gifRandom guy: Alright Lewa, see the big matoran standing by the wall? I want you to press the red button on the back of his head.Lewa: *Presses*Matoran: Physical Training Robotic Matoran Model No. 543 welcomes you to your training session. Please state your level of physical fitness.Lewa: Super awesome!Random guy: Uh-oh...Matoran: Thank you. Your level of physical fitness has been processed. Please state your level of mental fitness.Lewa: Super cool!Matoran: Thank you. Your level of mental fitness has been processed. Your training will now begin. You have five seconds to reach safety. You have four seconds to reach safety. You have...Lewa: Um... uh... safety. Right. *looks around.*Matoran: You have two seconds to reach safety. You have...Lewa: Uh-oh. *ducks behind Tahu.*Matoran: Time expired. *cocks blaster* Scanning! You have been detected by radar. Your choice of shelter will now be tested.Tahu: *Obliviously doing push-ups* Three hundred and one, three hundred and two, three hundred and three, three--Matoran: *Fires blaster*~~~Tahu is knocked flat by three massive bolts of electricity, Lewa comes smiling out from behind him.~~~Lewa: It worked! Did I pass!Matoran: Test No. 001 has been passed. Congratulations.Tahu: You... You.... Just wait 'till my test Lewa, just you wait. Random guy: Get back to push-ups, slacker!
  16. CHAPTER SIX In the last chapter of Bionicle: Mission Space, a terrible battle was fought because of a couple of translating devices. Now, Hewkii lays hurt or dead. What will our brave crew do?Lewa and Gaaki: Are you okay Hewkii?(No response.)Gaaki: Where does it hurt?(No response.)Gaaki: If you tell me what's wrong I can try to fix it!(No response.)Gaaki: Do you need a band aid?(No response.)Gaaki: HEWKII!Lewa: Is he breathing?Kopaka: No need to shift all the attention to the one who's going to die anyway... I'm hurt too!Gaaki: (Ignoring Kopaka.) He's breathing, but not very well.Hewkii: (Mumbling.) Macku... No I didn't... It wasn't me, I promise! Please Macku, believe me!Gali: Huh?Kopaka: Yep, he's done for. Now can someone get me a bandage?Gali: I think Hewkii needs treatment right away.Gaaki: How? Our robot's broken, and the first-aid kit was in the storage closet, which was destroyed during the meteorite storm.Kopaka: Yep! It's hopeless.Gali: Yep! He's heartless.Kopaka: Watch what you say, or I'll tell them about the time when you--Gali: OK, I get it.Gaaki: Well we can't just sit here and let Hewkii die! We have to go get some help!Kopaka: Yeah, right. "Hi Mr. Weirdo. We're sorry about that little incident at the space ship. Um... Could you just give us some meds? And we won't bother you again!"Lewa: I've got it! We take the creepy guys' armor off and...Gali: What?Lewa: Put it on! We can pretend to be one of them!Kopaka: I'm not wearing their armor...Gaaki: Pohatu! Gali! Lewa! Take off your armor and put on theirs.Gali: I'm not wearing boys armor.Gaaki: Oh yes you are!(Pohatu, Lewa, and Gali take off their adaptive armor and put on the skrall's armor.)Gali: Eeeeew! This is all ugly and black and slimy and gross and weird and disgusting and masculine and smelly and--Kopaka: GALI!Pohatu: Wow, these creepies are very squishy and organic. What should we do with their bodies?Kopaka: Well, the garbage disposal might still work...Hakann: They might wake up soon. ... Let's lock them in Tahu's bedroom.Gaaki: All right, I want you to go to the nearest village and look for medica--Skrall 5: (From inside the broken airlock.) I wonder what happened. They've been in there for ages...Translator: I wander through happens, they feel good in their four age.Gaaki: More uglies! Everybody but Lewa, Pohatu, and Gali, hide! And turn off that translator!(Everbody but those three hide, the translator is turned off.)Skrall 6: (From outside The Flying Madu spaceship) Let's go in and check it out!(Skrall 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 walk into the control room.)Skrall 7: Krocachers, Skrackal, Fenrook, and Blustsuk report! What took you so long?Pohatu: (Wispering.) I think he's trying to talk to us! What should we do?Gali: (Wispering.) I have an idea.(Gali points her finger toward the engine room and then puts a finger over her lips.)Skrall 5: I think he wants us to be quiet. There is still someone in that room.Skall 8: (Wispering.) Let's ambush them!(Skrall 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 walk into engine room.)Gali: Now! While their backs are turned!(Using their enhanced Toa Nuva powers and masks, Gali, Pohatu, and Lewa easily defeat the powerless and unsuspecting skrall.)Hakkan: And five more guests for Tahu's room!Gaaki: Quickly! Before more come, go and search around for something that could help Hewkii!(Gali, Pohatu, and Lewa, dressed in skrall armor, exit the Flying Madu and walk into the arena, where the find a group of cheering agori.)Agori: Oh yeah, oh yeah, you did it, you did it! Yooou are aaaaawesooome! Go, go, skrall! Go, go, skrall!Lewa: Let's leave before someone search-finds that we're not really creepy-uglies.(Lewa, Gali, and Pohatu leave the arena with the spaceship in it, and head down a dusty, sandy, road.)Lewa: I'm singing in the dust, just singing in the dust! What a glorious feeling, I'm bo-red again! I'm laughing at sand, so gray, sort of! The sun's in my face, I'm-- Gali, don't shove! Let the sandy storms chase, everyone from the place! And poor Hewkii's slain, I've a frown on my face! I walk down the lane, with a bad-lame refrain, Just singin', singin', in the dust! Dancin' in the dust--Gali: OK...... Well, the “bo-red again” part makes sense. Let's move on.Pohatu: Didn't we leave Kardas floating in space?Lewa: Yes. Why-ask?Pohatu: Cause if I'm not mistaken, there he is!(Something large and t-rex/dragonish approaches from farther down the road.)Gali: You are mistaken. There's someone riding it, and he's not Vezok. Therefore, it mustn't be Kardas, as he would never let-Lewa: Oh, don't get logical with me. The main reason it's not Kardas is that it's completely red, and it's smaller.Pohatu: Not much smaller...Gali: It's getting very close, and he's still riding it very fast! He won't be able to stop in time! It'll crash into us!Lewa: I think that's his thought-intention.(The dragon-thing comes riding at them at a tremendous speed and--In the next chapter of Bionicle: Mission Space:What will happen to Lewa, Pohatu, and Gali?And what of the rest of the crew?And Hewkii?Word Count: 803
  17. Home Gadget purchase processed (Portalfig has automated sales).
  18. Toy Wars Fan: What?! What's this? Toarobot's writing another comedy and he hasn't even posted my guest star chapter in T.W.? Toy Wars Fan2: Yeah! I've been waiting for months! Bionicle: Mission Space Fan: What about B.M.S.? You haven't posted a chapter in like, years! Toy Wars Fan: And you said you'd devote all your spare time to our comedies! You lied to us!Toy Wars Fan2: Yeah, did you hear that my precious? He lies to us!Bionicle: Mission Space Fan: I'm not going to post in any of your comedies ever again until you finish the chapter!Toarobot18: Well, come on, I mean, I've been busy, and when I finally got time I felt like something new!Toy Wars Fan2: No excuses!Toarobot18: Come on, give me a break!Toy Wars Fan: We have given you a break! Two months worth!Toarobot18: Well, if you can't deal with this, then go write your own comedies!Toy Wars Fan: Fine then, maybe I will. And I'm never reading any of your comedies again!Toarobot18: Well then I guess you'll miss the new chapters of B.M.S. and Toy Wars...Bionicle: Mission Space Fan: There's new chapters!?*All the fans run off to read them.*Toarobot18: No, there isn't. But now that they're gone... THE ENTREPRENEUR BIONICLE Toarobot18: Wait. Reverse that. THE BIONICLE ENTREPRENEUR Toarobot18: And this time... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...rewritten in Technicolor! Hakann: *Looking around.* Boy, is it a gloomy day... No explosions, meteorites, hurricanes, invasions, or death... terrible.Street Peddler: I know just your problem. You need a Wiibox3. With the latest in gaming technology, you can have all matter of violence any day!Hakann: REALLY? CAN I HAVE ONE?Street Peddler: Sure, that'll only be 3,333,333,333.33 widgets.Hakann: WHAT?Street Peddler: *Thinking.* Wow, he's stupid. There's no such thing as a Wiibox3. But, I'd like to see how dumb he is...*Speaking.* Yeah, sorry about the high price, it's just the way the gaming system crumbles... Hey, if you can make the money by next January, I'll discount the price to 2,222,222,222.22 widgets. Deal?Hakann: I don't know... do you really think I could make that much?Street Peddler: Oh, yeah, sure. We entrepreneurial people make an easy eight billion in six months! Let alone that petty amount.Hakann: Really? A street peddler?Street Peddler: Oh yeah. Just think, if you ran something bigger, like a restaurant or something, you could get the money to buy hundreds of Wiibox3s in days! And if you melt all those Wiibox3s together in a furnace, the result would be the best gaming system in the world!Hakann: WOW!Street Peddler: Here. Here's 1000 widgets to get you started. Make sure to pay it back within a few milliseconds or I'll start charging interest.Hakann: Don't worry, your money's safe with me! I'll have it payed back before you can even think about interest!Street Peddler: Right, because everybody knows a millisecond is 10 billion seconds, and a few milliseconds gives you over 900 years to pay back! Now run along, and be a good boy!Hakann: Thanks man!Street Peddler: Oh, wait, before you go, could you sign here, here, here, here, here, here, and here?Hakann: What for?Street Peddler: Oh, just to make sure you'll pay me back, and with interest if you owe it. But don't worry, it's really an unnecessary precaution, as you have over 900 years.Hakann: Oh. *He signs the papers.*Well, thanks! When I'm making my quadrillions, I'll remember you!Street Peddler: I'm sure you will my friend, I'm sure you'll remember me for a long time. That's for sure...Hakann: Thanks again! *He walks away down the street.*Hmm, I need a business idea. *He looks around.*Aha!*He reads a nearby sign.*"SUGAR BULA! THE GREAT NEW CEREAL THAT TASTES GOOD, AND IS GOOD FOR YOU! NOW 100% ARTIFICIAL PROTODERMIS FREE! WITH ONE TASTE, THAT SOUR PASTE WILL BE REPLACED! WITH THE SUGARY GOODNESS OF SUGAR BULA!"Wow, that's perfect! I can sell Sugar Bula too, but mine will be better! Because mine will be 100% sugar free!*Ten days later, in a small hut.*Kopaka: So I'm sitting here in your shabby old shack, listening to you explain how you're going to market "sugarless" Sugar Bula cereal, and you're telling me you're going to make quadrillions and I should invest?Hakann: Exactly! Look, it's so obvious. All the worried mommy and daddy toa go down the aisle and see the "Sugar Bula," and they think "Boy, is that terrible for my little matoran. Poor little Galella's teeth would rot out!" And then they see my new product, "Sugar Bula," and they think, "Why there's more of that awful stuff, just in prettier packaging!" But then they look closer, and see the fancy blue label on the box, "Now with no sugar!," and they say, "Wow, that's ingenious!" and buy ten boxes! Isn't it coming to you now?Kopaka: Not really. "Sugar Bula, now with no sugar!" Doesn't that sound a bit strange to you?Hakann: But that's the beauty of it! The mom-toa can just peel off the blue label, and then the matoran will never know the difference!Kopaka: Really? I can tell the difference between sugared and non-sugared cereal, and I'm sure anybody who isn't idiotic like you can too.Hakann: But that's the other beauty of it! There won't be a difference! It'll have sugar, but the moms will never know and the matoran will like it!Kopaka: But what if the moms try it?Hakann: Uh... ...Never mind that! Think how low the production prices would be! Just buy Sugar Bula, paint the box shiny, and stick on the blue label! Then charge a higher price because we say it's "organic." Kopaka: But that's piracy!Hakann: Oh come on, everybody knows Sugar Bula copied the now-defunct Honey Bula company! How could they sue us? We can make millions! Trillions! Quadrillions! Quintillions! Sextillions! Septillions! Octillions! Nonillions! Dec--Kopaka: Good luck with that. When you make a nonillion, call me and my investors up, I'm sure we could invest a bit. Now I'll be going-Hakann: But wait! Think of the money you could make! And you have nothing to loose, I'll back you with my college savings account of one million if we fail!Kopaka: Fine. But if I lose my reputation because of you, you're going to the top of my "next to sue" list.Hakann: Hurray! What about your investing partners?Kopaka: They'd invest too, if you had the money to back them up in your account.Hakann: What account?Kopaka: Your college savings account.Hakann: I have a- oh yeah, right. Yes, I actually have six million in my account, not one. I was being... um... modest.Kopaka: Okay. Me and five of my friends will each invest one million in to your business.Hakann: YES! I'M RICH! I'M A MILLIONAIRE! YAY!Kopaka: Okay... see you next week, I guess.Yes, it seems like all is going well for Hakann's future business. But many problems lay ahead. Find out more in the next chapter of... The Bionicle Entrepreneur!
  19. Tosha, the senate cannot add additional military roles to the game, nor remove you from your position.JiMing, processed.EDIT:JiMing, Portalfig, and Brightpaw ate if possible, they now join the normal cycle. Also, I will be using post number nine in the topic for import items for sale and for prices for those businessmatoran who have automated their sales.Foreign Nations' Relations Update IIINORTHRAXXSTATUS: NeutralOFFICIAL NEWS: NonePRESS REPORTS: "Digiclon Device Inc., maker of the Quality Couch, reported bankruptcy to the Northraxx Investor today."EASTLANDSTATUS: FriendlyOFFICIAL NEWS: "We condemn the irresponsible actions of Westarhk which violate the sovereignty of the nation of Soso Nui. We demand that Westarhk withdraw their forces as soon as possible."PRESS REPORT: "Eastlandish citizens with relatives in Telanui gathered today at the Eastlandish Capital to petition for assistance to Soso Nui. While the administration sympathizes with the Soson cause, they are wary to provide assistance for fear of angering Westarhk, or acting without the agreement of their allies in BZ Nui, the Eastland Daily News reports."WESTARHKSTATUS: HostileOFFICIAL NEWS: "Every day, hundreds of innocent matoran die at the hands of criminals in Soso Nui. Despite international assistance, crime remains rampant. The government is corrupt and largely ineffective. Earlier today, after one particularly brazen murder in Telanui, our Great Leader, Atalin, decided to do what needed to be done and restore order to Soso Nui."PRESS REPORT: "Thousands of matoran celebrated in the streets today after the great victory of the Westarhk Matoran Army against the corrupt 'fighters' who 'defended' Telanui on behalf of gang interests. Supreme General Melisku was awarded the Westarhk Defense Medal along with his victorious soldiers."SOSO NUISTATUS: FriendlyOFFICIAL NEWS: "The people of Soso Nui are appalled by the merciless, unprovoked, and vile aggression of Westarhk. Earlier today without warning the Westarhk forces marched across our border and towards the nearby city of Telanui. Soson forces met them at the edge of the city. The battle was very close. Military analysts tell us that about equivalent losses and damage were done to both sides. We were not able to force them back over the border into their own country, but neither were they able to take the great city of Telanui from the Soson people. This proves our military's braveness as our army was outnumbered two to one. The battle over, fighting has temporarily subsided, but Westarhk fighters remain encamped and preparing for battle on our side of the border. We will be ready if they strike again."PRESS REPORT: "Newspapers across the country are delivering the latest data on the stalemate at Telanui. Delkafei, a matoran reporter from near Telanui, brings us the news: 'Apparently, the majority of the Westarhk army was brought to bear. Our fighters were outnumbered, but through superior equipment and a bit of luck we held the city. Both armies are tired but we can expect more fighting soon.'"
  20. Toarobot18

    Toy Wars

    Toy Wars Rewritten in Technicolor! Welcome again to Toy Wars! According to the original topic, this was my 383 posts special!This Comedy follows the adventures and battles between many toys in an abandoned mansion, though it primarily focuses on the experiences of the Bionicle sets. There will be an emphasis on reader interactability through guest stars, although you may have to wait a bit while I republish the old chapters.Guest star form: I will choose the kinds of toys your army consists of, based on the above and the comedy's current needs. The number of toys will be determined by how powerful the toys I choose for you are. You may last though out the entire comedy, or you just might be killed by teddy bears in your first chapter. If you die, you may start a new group, but it must be different then your previous one.In the beginning...Commander Nocturne stood over his troops. Far across the main living room, the Bionicle sets had gathered. This was the moment they had been planning for days. Their tactics, enemies, new allies, and future plans were to be announced. Banners made out of the front images from Bionicle instruction booklets were mounted on toothpicks, which had been stuck into the couch around Nocturne. The word BIONICLE stood proudly on each one. Around the troops, large wooden building blocks served as walls, protecting the room from the hallway, dining room, and stairs. Nocturne stood up and began his speech:Nocturne: BIONICLE sets, large and small: we gather here as the Living Room Bionicle Nation, the greatest of all the Bionicle and Lego organizations in this house. We have the most troops, the largest fortress, and the best-Tahu Mata 1: Yeah, yeah, get on with it. What's the point?Nocturne: Have him disassembled!Tahu Mata 1: NOOOOOOOO...(Authors note: disassembling a set “kills” it, when reconstructed it has a new mind and personality. You could also use the pieces to make MOCs...)(Three Rashki take the Tahu Mata underneath the couch.)Nocturne: Now where was I? Oh yes, we have the best leader, and the best location. The time is ripe. However, the upstairs Playmobil encampment is well located as well. At the top of the stairs. That alone makes it easy to defend. However, there is something that makes it far worse. Only my top secret spy, whose name you will never know, can tell you the details! Kopaka Phantoka!Kopaka Phantoka: Yes?Nocturne: Tell us what you learned.Kopaka Phantoka: They have a large defense system which consists of one of those weird things where you pump the handle and it squirts water. Only it doesn't squirt water, it squirts some strange liquid that they took from the kitchen. And... (now here's the dangerous part) when you pump it, and place a candle in front of it, flames come out! I've seen them testing it. It's terrible! It melts plastic!(The Bionicle sets shriek in horror.)Kopaka Phantoka: They've put down some metal foil on the stairs so that it won't set the universe on fire, but it'll still burn us!All troops: OH NO!Nocturne: But don't be alarmed, I'll let those with larger amounts of armor go first.Axonn: I think those with less armor should go first, since they're less useful, and it doesn't really matter if they get killed.Kopaka Mata 1: The ones without armor are the braver ones.Axonn: Yes, your the bravest of us all... Nocturne: Yes, I am. Now, here is the reason we must attack this base. The Northern Playmobil Federation is getting too powerful. New Playmobil figures join every day, and they're increasing their training by the minute. If our Bionicle organization wants to succeed in our quest, then we must strike now, before it's too late! Volunteers?……All troops: Nocturne: OK, I choose Axonn and Kopaka Mata 1, and both of them will choose ten people to come with them, and each of those people will choose ten more people to come as well.Axonn: But that's all our troops!Nocturne: Off topic! Kopaka, Axonn, take your picks. After everybody has chosen, the chosen people will gather here again.(People choose.)(Everybody "gathers.")Nocturne: Now wasn't that fair? I'm such a good leader. I let the people choose. Now, prepare for battle! We leave in one hour.…(In the corner, hiding behind a lamp.)Melissa: (In a girly voice.) Hey Anna, we're gunna get those boys, aren't we?Anna: Yep. (She giggles.) They'll leave the base unguarded, and we'll sneak in, and the barbies will, like, rule! This fortress will be, like, ours!Melissa: (Whilst giggling.) Wow, those dumb boys will never see us coming! And wait 'till Ken here's the plan! It's like, so cool!Anna: I can't wait to see those Bionicle banners replaced with our Barbie flags!Melissa: Victory will, like, totally be ours!...One hour, six minutes later, Colonel Kardas stood at the bottom of the stairs:Colonel Kardas: This is it, Bionicles, it is time! We march up the stairs!Gali Mistika 1: Why are you leading us, not Commander Nocturne? Where is he?Colonel Kardas: He's still back at the base. He said he was too busy to come, and that I could lead the troops.Gali Mistika 1: Uh huh. Colonel Kardas: Forward, MARCH! Err, I mean, forward, CLIMB!(The Bionicle sets begin climbing the stairs, standing on top of each other to help each other up.)…At the top of the stairs:Playmobil General: The monsters are attacking! Prepare the great cannon!Playmobil Pirate: Yes, sir!Playmobil Construction Worker: Sir, they're in range!Playmobil General: Pump!Playmobil Police Officers and Construction Worker: Ready!Playmobil General: Light the flame!Playmobil Police Officer: Lit!Playmobil General: Aim for the big dragon!Playmobil Pirate: Check!Playmobil General: Fire!…(Half-way up the foil-covered stairs, flames shoot out at the Bionicle sets.)Colonel Kardas: AH! The heat! I'm melting! Melting! I'm meltinnnnnnngg...Lieutenant Pohatu Phantoka: Charge you idiotic sets! It's just flames! (He runs as fast as he can down the stairs.)Second Lieutenant Carapar: I guess that leaves me in charge! Attack! You know if you retreat now, Nocturne will have you taken apart anyway! Victory or death!(Dramatic Star Wars music plays.)…At the Living Room Bionicle Nation base:Nocturne: (Sitting alone on the couch, on his paper plate “throne.”) Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-day. My, oh my, what a wonderful day...(Lieutenant Pohatu Phantoka walks in.)Lieutenant Pohatu Phantoka: Hi.Nocturne: Hi. I was just, ah, entertaining myself.Lieutenant Pohatu Phantoka: I see.Nocturne: What are you doing here? You're supposed to be at the battle!Lieutenant Pohatu Phantoka: I fled.Nocturne: FLED!?Lieutenant Pohatu Phantoka: Well, I really didn't want to die, and they were aiming for the leaders!Nocturne: Good leaders would die for their country!Lieutenant Pohatu Phantoka: I guess you're not a good leader either then. I didn't see you on the field!Nocturne: Rahkshi! Have this fool disassembled!…Nocturne: WHAT DID I SAY!?Lieutenant Pohatu Phantoka: The pity. Looks like you sent them away to fight too.Nocturne: What?! No gaurds!Lieutenant Pohatu Phantoka: What a concept. I think you've been leader long enough! How many people did you take apart to build that private suite of yours? You're cruel, stupid, and a bunch of other things that Toarobot18 can't say on BZP. And you know what, I think I found a perfect replacement!(Pohatu raises up a plastic “drill.”)Nocturne: No, no, no, spare me! I never took you apart, did I?Lieutenant Pohatu Phantoka: Yeah, 'cause your Rahkshi weren't here! You'd make a nice addition to the back wall of my-Ken: My suite. Girls, let's take those flags down!(200 barbies march up.)Ken: This fortress is ours!Barbies: Barbie! Barbie! Barbie! Barbie! Barbie!Nocturne: NOOOOOOOOOO!Word count: 1174
  21. Purchases processed. Depending on whether or not someone else posts first, I may edit this post with a Foreign Relations update eventually.
  22. Purchase and product creation processed. JiMing, I didn't subtract JL1223's bread from your inventory earlier, so I want to make sure you got paid. I'm busy at the moment so I can't go back and check right now how many widgets you should have, but if it's wrong currently, I'll fix it.
  23. 75 widgets transferred from Burnmad to Soso Nui.
  24. They would be less likely to know. Private transfers are easier to do under the table, you see. But then again, Soso Nui could always spill the beans, so there is risk in everything.
  25. Kohrak's purchase processed.Can know. Considering fund transfers from the National Bank require legislative action, it is a rather public process and it is quite possible Westarhk would hear of it.
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