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Everything posted by Toarobot18

  1. Tahu- 11Karzahni Plant- 11Gahdok- 11Kardas Dragon- 5Makuta- 9Makuta Nui- 10-------------Toarobot18- 11Moc1- 11Kohu - The Living Element- 11The Emperor Penguin- 11Zakaro- 12Rocka's Bane- 12Shyyrn- 12Count Bleck- 13Teezy- 12Toa Onarax- 12Burnmad: Toa of Emoticons- 12Please try to avoid using fancy fonts and colors if possible. If you've got some sort of default set and it takes awhile to put things back to normal I won't press the issue, but otherwise don't add extra stuff that the next poster might have to remove. Also, I propose an alliance with someone who seeks victory. Any takers?
  2. LET THE GAMES BEGIN!Tahu- 11Karzahni Plant- 11Gahdok- 11Kardas Dragon- 11Makuta- 11Makuta Nui- 11-------------Toarobot18- 11Moc1- 11Kohu - The Living Element- 11The Emperor Penguin- 11Zakaro- 11Rocka's Bane- 11Shyyrn- 11Count Bleck- 11Teezy- 11Toa Onarax- 11Burnmad: Toa of Emoticons- 11
  3. The Honorable Captain Onepu (Champion of Ussal Racing and Special Aide to Whenua) rejoices in his victory, and would like to take this occasion to thank his fellow members of the Ussalry for providing him with every opportunity to train: "Of course, I spend every moment of the day training with my crabs, which would not be possible without my hard working fellow ussaliers. Especially Damek, with his fine crab-shining assistance. While I expected to defeat this manas (I work with crabs all day, after all!), I still consider it a fine fighter. Good job, manas. "Now for Kapura... Now let it be known, when I win, I will spare his life. So, in the very extremely unlikely, implausible, and inconceivable case that one of my weapons broke and I was unable to win, about that 'mortal combat' thing-- you aren't writing this part down, are you?"Captain Onepu is undergoing a physical assessment and will shortly announce his improved capabilities.
  4. Wait, do you mean Manas v. Onepu currently battling? My client is very concerned.
  5. On behalf of the Honorable Captain Onepu, Captain of the Mata Nui Ussalry and Right-Hand of Whenua, I wish to challenge Kapura to combat. Also on behalf of the same heroic fighter, I send this message to the challenging rahi crab: "Bring it on!"
  6. Officially read. That Mesoquack seems like a handful. I need to brush up on my iron/electricity skills for the next battle...
  7. I'm working on the stats. By the way, if you're online and you want something a bit more convenient than making pieces of paper, you can use random.org's integer generator or a similar online service.
  8. Added. We'll start in a couple days regardless of whether the list is full or not.
  9. BMS = Bionicle: Mission SpaceTW = Toy WarsNJN = Nuva Join the NavyTBE = The Bionicle Entrepreneur BMS Gaaki: Come on. When's he going to show up already?NJN Kopaka: Toarobot's usually pretty quick about getting started.BMS Gaaki: Well, he'd usually have the title up at least by now.BMS Lewa: It isn't going too speedy-fast this time, is it? NJN Kopaka: He was just here exactly ninety-eight seconds ago!BMS Gaaki: Hey, look way above us up there on the wall! Those abbreviations!NJN Kopaka: He must have put those there, but I wonder why, and why he left after that. Looks like we have name tags too...TW Nocturne: Have him disassembled!BMS Tahu: He could have at least have given us the scripts so we could study.TBE Hakann: Not that you'd need it for long. He'd probably kill you off right away again.BMS Tahu: I can tell you this: I'm not sweeping any floors this time!NJN Tahu: Nor am I! Ship Cleaning Department indeed...BMS Gaaki: Well, all we can do is wait for him to show up.BMS Hakann: I waited.BMS Gaaki: Shhhhh! You're spamming the post! At this rate, the comedy title will be halfway down the page!BMS Lewa: You're spamming the post too, you know, by shushing him.BMS Gaaki: Well, now you are also.BMS Lewa: Well at least I'm not pretending to be responsible.BMS Gaaki: Hey, I'm a senior toa, and obviously I'm in charge in Bionicle: Mission Space for a reason!BMS Lewa: Well, we'll see about that. Just don't let me blow you away.NJN Lewa: Yeah! Go Lewas! We'll blow you away!TW Lewa Mata 7: Yeah Lewas! Wind power!NJN Lewa: You don't have any wind power! You're a bunch of plastic Lego pieces!TW Lewa Mata 7: Oh yeah?!NJN Lewa: Yeah.TW Lewa Mata 7: Oh. Yeah. TW Lewa Mata 7: But sets came before story! I'm the original!NJN Lewa: What?! That's ridiculous! What do you think they based the sets off of?NJN Kopaka: Lewa's right.TW Lewa Mata 7: Yess!NJN Kopaka: No, the other Lewa. Besides, in the extremely unlikely hypothetical scenario that the sets came first, some prototype would be the first, and you would still be a copy.BMS Lewa: If you put it that way, I'm the original Lewa, since Bionicle: Mission Space came first.NJN Kopaka: Now wait a second...BMS Gaaki: Guys! Shut up! Wait 'till Toarobot18 gets here...BMS Hakann: Dumm dee dumm. This is fun.TBE Hakann: I know, right?NJN Kopaka: I've got an idea! Let's play the quiet game!BMS Kopaka: Good idea, Kopaka. Let me find my iBrick...NJN Kopaka: All right. We staaaaart... now.BMS Hakann: Come on, Toarobot!BMS Gaaki: HAKANN!NJN Kopaka: You spoke. That means you lose.TBE Hakann: Yes, Gaaki?NJN Tahu: Uh, Kopaka...NJN Kopaka: Now you lose too, Tahu.NJN Random guy: You all lose. Now we're going to do quiet time, M.N. Navy Style! ARE YOU READY?NJN Random guy: The correct answer is "SIR, YES SIR!"Almost everybody: "SIR, YES SIR!"NJN Random guy: Alright, we begin now. Wow, there's a lot of you recruits here. Did Toarobot call everybody?BMS Hakann: Pretty much. Even the--NJN Random guy: WHAT'S THIS YOU SAY, MR. FIERY PIRAKA? DID I HEAR A WORD OUT OF YOU? FIVE HUNDRED PUSH-UPS, ON THE GROUND, NOW!BMS Hakann: But sir--NJN Random guy: DON'T YOU SPEAK AGAIN, RECRUIT! THAT'S FIVE HUNDRED MORE RIGHT THERE! DOES ANYBODY ELSE CARE TO SPEAK?NJN Random guy: THAT'S WHAT I THOUGHT!NJN Admiral Arktinen: Thank you, recruiter. I think we should move on. Frankly, I'm not sure Toarobot is going to show up anytime soon, so while you're all being quiet, I'd like to give my speech from Nuva Join the Navy, since many of you didn't get a chance to hear it. I had to have the entire thing memorized for the last chapter, and I'm very proud of my work, so I hope you enjoy it. "I will now begin the traditional Navy Welcoming Speech: Welcome, welcome, welcome! A most wonderful welcome to--NJN Kopaka: I swear to Mata Nui, if you say one more word of that speech, I will freeze you in the largest block of ice you've ever seen.NJN Admiral Arktinen: Oh please don't do that. You know, that would probably be that iceburg I bumped into once on one of my battleship cruises. Now mind you, it wasn't my fault, I wasn't on the bridge at the time, but Toa Ga--TW Lieutenant Pohatu Phantoka: Guys, look what I found! It's one of Toarobot18's item summoning devices!BMS Gaaki: He must have left it here by mistake. We shouldn't touch it, those are only for writers--TW Lieutenant Pohatu Phantoka: Summon, machine gun! Summon, fort! Summon, time bomb! Summon, cannon! Summon, ten thousand loyal soldiers! Summon, a million widgets! Summon--BMS Gaaki: POHATU! TBE Hakann: Hey, let me have a look at that--
  10. Inside a plastic doll house:Sergeant Onepu: Uhgh! Pink overload!Rahkshi Lehrahk 1: A Nui-Rama told you?! A Nui-Rama told you?! Now look what mess we're in!Takanuva '08: I... Lieutenant Pohatu Phantoka: You should have waited until you got the order to surrender!Nocturne: You don't give orders, Lieutenant!Lieutenant Pohatu Phantoka: Well it's not like you're in charge anymore!Becky: Shut up in there, will you! I'm trying to listen to some music here!Nocturne: Let us out of this prison and we'll give you some peace and quiet!Becky: I'm warning you!Lieutenant Pohatu Phantoka: (Wispering.) We really should keep it down. We've got to work on an escape plan.Nocturne: There's a latch on the side of this thing. If someone could just get out and open it up...Rahkshi Lehrahk 1: How about Takanuva? He looks like he could use something to--Takanuva '08: There's no way I could fit out of here!Sergeant Onepu: I could probably get out one of the windows, if I bent my arms in far enough.Rahkshi Lehrahk 1: I don't think it's a good idea to put a McDonalds toy in charge of this mission.Sergeant Onepu: You just wait! You think I can't do this? Watch what a "McToran" can do! And I am not a McDonalds Toy! Now if someone could just lift me up to the window, I'm not really good at jumping.Rahkshi Lehrahk 1: I can see why... (Nocturne lifts Onepu up to one of the doll house windows and pushes him out.)Nocturne: Good luck!...(Outside the doll house.)Sergeant Onepu: (Thinking.) Good thing she's listening to music. She probably won't even see me, that iPod is in the way. Wait. What was that?(Speaking.) Oh! Uh, hi, um, male barbie? I'm just taking a stroll--Ken: What did you just call me? Sergeant Onepu: I'm sorry, I really don't know your name. Well, anyways, got to go to the other side of this house and check the electricity meter. See ya--Ken: I don't think so. (Picking up Onepu.) No, I think you should come with me.Sergeant Onepu: No, really, I... HEEEEELLLP!!...(Inside the doll house.)Nocturne: Did you hear that?Takanuva '08: A moment of silence please....Rahkshi Lehrahk 1: Has it been a moment yet?Takanuva '08: No....Takanuva '08: Alright, that's good. Now, who else can fit through that window?Nocturne: Umm...Lieutenant Pohatu Phantoka: Now look what you've you've done! There's no one else small enough in this whole jail!Rahkshi Lehrahk 1: Well, perhaps the rest of the Bionicle sets will come rescue us.Lieutenant Pohatu Phantoka: I doubt it. This is probably the only jail they have. They probably executed the rest!...(On top of the couch.)Ken: So, "Oneepoo," I suppose you're wondering why I brought you here.Sergeant Onepu: No, no, I was just curious about your decoration choices. You see the purple up there kind of clashes with the blue, and--Ken: Well, wonder no more. I'm not familiar with this area of the mansion, but you are. You're going to be my new helper!Sergeant Onepu: New helper?Ken: That's right. My last one used up very quickly, so--Sergeant Onepu: Used up? Ken: Ahh. I almost forgot to tell you. Almost. You see, every time you make a mistake or give me poor advice, Samantha here will pull a piece off of you. When they are all gone... well, then they're all gone.Sergeant Onepu: I see.Ken: You will see, unless you don't let me down. So don't let me down.Sergeant Onepu: Yes sir.Ken: You really may expand on your sentences, it's perfectly OK. I prefer my helpers to keep me company.Samantha: Ken! Leah has a report for you. Fresh sighting from the front.Ken: Bring her in.Leah: Ken, we were patrolling Lower Sector Seven when--Sophie: Oh my gosh, let me tell him!Leah: You won't believe this Ken--Sophie: The G.I.--Ken: Don't finish it! I can't stand to hear that word, "Joe."Sophie: But you just said it! Please let me finish! Pretty please?Ken: No, why I swore--Sophie: With sugary sugar all over the, like, top?Ken: Alright, fine, but be quick about it.Sophie: The G.I. Joes are in the basement! Hundreds of them!Ken: Ughh... Onepu, you have ten minutes to produce me the optimal defense arrangement for this fortress of yours. Samantha, get me the War Barbie.Sergeant Onepu: War Barbie?Samantha: On it. NOW ACCEPTING... GUEST STARS! See the first post for information. If you haven't ever received a PM from me to which you can reply to, you won't be able to PM me since my inbox is full at the moment. You can just post the form in this topic in that case, or if you want to keep things secret, post your intention to guest star and I'll contact you.
  11. Don't worry, Mesonak, I'll save you! For someone who is still catching up with his back story, is this Mesoquack thing dangerous? (Of course, if it is, possibly it can be lured away with duck food.)
  12. The mafia game, in its original state, did not require players to have some sort of scene appearance prior to being hung.
  13. Also, what happens in the case of a tie? I claim Onepu.
  14. Does the set you choose effect game play at all in any way?
  15. Purchases and food eating processed.EDIT: Regarding iBrow's "bills," as I mentioned previously, it seems to me his post was simply suggesting bills rather then actually placing a final version to a vote, and they were not written up properly. But should they both be passed this is how they will read:"There is a 10% sales tax, rounded up to the nearest widget, and the money earned from the sales tax goes into the national bank.""Divide half of the money in the national bank amonst the government, military and policematoran every two weeks, starting on the day this bill was passed."Since the first "bill" doesn't exactly specify how the sales tax is imposed or what it involves, my assumptions under the current text would mean every time an item is transferred in exchange for widgets, the senate would automatically take an amount of widgets (equal to ten percent of the original widget transfer) from the person transferring the widgets to the National Bank.
  16. Also added you, sorry for the delay. We're more than halfway full.
  17. Processed. A ruki is a fish-like rahi.
  18. Purchases processed, although technically products should have been creation prior to requests to purchase them.JiMing: After careful experimentation, you have produced plans to make Canned Ruki, a new type of food. Production of each will cost you 5 widgets. Unlike bread, which is known to go stale after sitting in the inventory a little too long, your Canned Ruki is specially packed to last almost indefinitely.
  19. Transferring 20 widgets from Zakaro to JiMing. Food eating to take place in 24 hours (it's overdue, but I was also inactive last weekend).
  20. CHAPTER NINE PART THREE of THREE Several days later, in an arena similar to the one the Flying Madu crashed into, the entire crew is gathered (including Lewa and Hewkii, who've been healed by the agori) and hundreds of agori and glatorian are gathered to watch the spectacle: Fraakask: Remember, it's not my fault if they made this whole power-thing up...Ice agori: Yeah, yeah, how many times are you going to tell us that?Fire agori: Yes! Get to the point! We want to see what the weirdos can do!Fraakask: Might do.Jungle glatorian: We get it, we're not going to behead you just 'cause you brought a couple hundred agori to watch and nothing happens! Well, we probably won't...Fire tribe leader: Activate the translator! Alright “toa”--Hakann: I'm not a toa! I'm a piraka!Fire tribe leader: Alright “piraka”--Hahli: I am not a piraka!Fire tribe leader: Alright “toa” and “piraka,” show us your demonstration! Oh, and by the way, the next person to interrupt me gets to have their head put on display.Pohatu: I didn't do it! Makuta framed us! We were just innocent toa minding our own business and then the Vahki brought us here! Dume is a fake! You are a fake!Fire tribe leader: And have that one put back in his cell!(Two fire glatorian drag Pohatu away.)Gaaki: Sorry about that... Now Hewkii, show them what you can do!Hewkii: Well, I can absorb energy from fruits and fish, and I can poke people with my spear, and I can make stuff out of rock--Gaaki: Show us.(Hewkii makes a large rock hut surrounded by walls out of stone.)Hewkii: Tah-dah! I can make other things too, like giant fists of stone, weapons, I can take rock out of the ground to make caves, and a whole bunch of other things. Of course, I can't control water like Hahli or ice like Kopa--Fire tribe leader: Who cares about them! They don't matter! All we need is you, Hufkey or whatever you said your name--Hahli: Excuse me, but I matter!Jaller: (Whispering.) Shut up, Hahli! We just want them to let us go, remember?(Hahli hides behind Jaller and starts crying.)Fire tribe leader: What an insolent creature!Hahli: Did you hear that Jaller? He called you an insolent creature! That's for ignoring me!Jaller: He was talking about you!Hahli: Oh. (Commence crying again.)Fire tribe leader: I have made my decision. We don't care about any of the rest of you. Hufkey will build us some buildings. In the meantime, you folks will wait in your cells. When he has finished, we will repair your flying ship and let you all go, including Hufkey. Glatorian Meta will go with you.(Hewkii is escorted away, the rest of the crew is taken back to their cells.)In a large, highly decorated, and elegantly carved cave, Fraakask talks to the Fire tribe leader.Fraakask: So it's a deal. I get promoted to the rank of fifth in command.Fire tribe leader: Yep, it's a deal.Fraakask: Are you serious about letting the creatures go?Fire tribe leader: No, of course not. We'll employ Hufkey for the general benefit of all the tribes, then we'll tell the other tribes we've let him go. But we'll really use him as a secret weapon, to make us weapons, walls, and equipment. With him working for us, we'll be the most powerful of the tribes!Fraakask: But what about the others?Fire tribe leader: The water ones may be useful, to feed our agori, but we will kill the rest. Fraakask: And their flying ship?Fire tribe leader: No problem. We'll dissemble it, pretend they flew away in it, and take the pieces back to our tribe. It's full of high tech equipment which could be useful for us.Fraakask: Sounds like a plan. But what about that disloyal lawyer, Glatorian Meta?Fire tribe leader: He can be... disposed of.Fraakask: What if one of the other tribes finds out about this? Fire tribe leader: It doesn't matter. We'll be so powerful that they won't be able to do a thing about it.Fraakask: Should I have the non-water creatures executed right now?Fire tribe leader: No. Not yet. Not 'till we pretend they've flown away. What if another tribe member wants to see one of them? But don't worry, we can get rid of them soon.Fraakask: Good. Their powers are making me a bit nervous...In the next chapter of Bionicle: Mission Space:What of Hewkii's work?Will the other toa be executed?Word count for part one of Chapter 9: 669Word count for part two: 724Word count for part three: 755Word count for the entire chapter: 2148
  21. JiMing: You did restock (and I did miss that post), but you restocked after they made their purchases, so the same thing would have happened had I been a bit more active. Processing creation of 4 loaves, Impulse and Zakaro's purchases, and Thelonewander's price set-up.
  22. Well, it looks like I have arrived. Now to show Toa Phill around, I guess.
  23. Purchases processed in so far as Portalfig getting one loaf and Tosha96 another. After which JiMing ran out of loaves.
  24. Brightpaw: Baclo Berry purchase processed. I have nothing to do with your contract; I simply need to see a post saying "I transfer 40 widgets to Brightpaw."
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