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Everything posted by WhispersAngels

  1. You can see it...


    Creatures crawl in thrist of blood.


    I can't understand English!


    *catches you*


    Yummy! =3


    Not Emkay's body though Emkay herself.


    He turn into a helicopter.

  2. Kepp it PG-13 xD Adipose tissue, think Emkay!


    Darkness falls across the land.


    What's is this school you keep talking about?


    My dinner! *starts chasing you*


    Same here. =3 Have you tried squid?


    It's all part of my plan to get rid of Emkay.


    He says what?

  3. *slams head on desk* Ok emkay, what makes girl and boys so different?


    Girl this is Thriller, thriller night.


    xD So you went to a regular school?


    It will look good on ya and it will stop you from poking.


    I get shrimp or any other seafood.


    And make sure Emkay doesn't come back, ok?


    *house transform into a

  4. Lot of it.


    cause this is thriller, thriller night.


    Did you drop out?


    It looks good on ya.


    I never had sushi in my life.


    Anways, don't tell Emkay. Though, you are the better ego.


    Bring him to me!

  5. Did I sent you a PM?

  6. Wait that's a Zant quote....

  7. Well, my motehr is making a big deal about it. She is freaking out. xD

  8. de Rav? You learning Spanish or something? Nice mask btw.
  9. It's been a while since I played it. Anything else?

  10. I hope so...I have to worry about college.

  11. Never heard of that one. Give me one that I might know.

  12. Fat tissue...


    cause I can thrill you more than any ghost would dare to try Thriller, thriller, night.


    Military Preschool. =P


    Do you have rubberbands in your hands?


    Me either. Maybe in Chicago.


    Emkay can do that too...


    Find me the Fallen!

  13. But a 4th of July quote is even better!

  14. Adipose tissue...


    Now is the time for you and I to cuddle close together.


    It's was a rule you learned back in preschool.


    It might burn though you will get use to it.


    I could go in to a Japanese resturant.


    Naedai! I miss you so much. Tell me, what makes you different than Emkay?


    What did you say?

  15. quietly into the night!" We will not vanish without a fight! We're going to live on! We're going to survive! Today we celebrate our Independence Day

  16. . Perhaps it's fate that today is the Fourth of July, and you will once again be fighting for our freedom... Not from tyranny, oppression, or persecution... but from annihilation. We are fighting for our right to live. To exist. And should we win the day, the Fourth of July will no longer be known as an American holiday, but as the day the world declared in one voice: "We will not go quiet

  17. Happy late late Birthday!

  18. Nice, I have yet to hear one.

  19. Linebeck, an amazing captain.

  20. You fail me again, STARSCREAM!

  21. Wow, you are bad at this... think harder!


    They're out to get you, theres demons closing in on every side


    You should never poke a guy's nose, ya know!


    Get in! I want to eat to you!


    I want Japanese food!


    Are you one of Emkay's ego? Metrukuta? Naedai? Emkay McAwesomesause?


    You f

  22. Close...


    Night creatures call And the death start to walk in their masquerade




    You are taking a bath, you don't need to be good!


    Now I want to go to Japan.


    Don't tell Emkay


    Yea, you should have. Give me the girl!

  23. No, another place.


    Cause this is thriller, thriller night. There ain't no second chance aganist the thing with fourty eyes. Girl


    My skin is dissovling!


    These carrots are good for your skin.


    Why? xD


    Ssssshhh. Nobodys knows....


    *catches you guys*

  24. Are you kidding me? I would still get her.

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