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Everything posted by WhispersAngels

  1. Hey, you were behind me and looking over my shoulder the whole time.


    I whistled for a cab and when it came near

    The license plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror

    If anything I can say this cab is rare

    But I thought 'Now forget it' Yo homes to Bel Air'


    Look, it's a butterfly!


    I dunno. I don't do drugs.

  2. No you just cheated off me. I saw you starting at my scantron!


    When a couple of guys they up to no good, they started trouble in my neighborhood


    Though, I always win. ^^


    Stop doing those crazy herbs!


    Youy have pale skin?

  3. sound. xD

    Like you? =P

  4. I somehow pass that test in like 10 mins.


    *bumps into you again*


    In West Philadephila, bored and raised, on the playground I spend most of my days


    Same here though when people are gone. xD A guy gets lonely, ya know?


    Sci-fi movie? I just saw Snakes on a Plane.


    Oh, it funny how I say brother cause I cannot produce the th sou

  5. Well, you live in Mass. That is why. It's also funny how we said other words.

  6. We don't take tests, we just need credits and take the ACT to pass high school.

    Though, the plant section was hardest for me.


    Oh, thanks. *bumps into you*


    *Plays Weight of the World*


    xD It's very entaining to talk to yourself! I do it sometime. xD


    Lol, my friend is right, I need to see more movies. xD



  7. clean your inbox!

  8. Biology wasn't that bad right?


    Great, I can't see nor hear some sounds. Now I only got touch and smell. DX


    *Plays Daylight*


    Do you do it like a one man play?


    Is that even a movie?


    xD I so want to hear a Bostonian. It's funny how we say Chicago.

  9. I wish we had Astronomy. I'm taking Psychology AP, Biology AP, Government (have to), and others.


    I can't see!


    *Plays Metroid Prime File theme song*


    You should watch those crazy telenovelas!


    xD What is the lastest movie you saw?



  10. Nice, you will most likely to get the job cause of your knowledge of Lego.
  11. I'm glad Ridley is back. I love how you can see his ribs, which makes him more deadly!
  12. Nice, I hope you get the job. What are you applying for?
  13. What are they?


    That flash blinded my eyes. DX


    *Plays Castle Theme from Mario Bros*


    I don't watch daytime televison much. =P


    Yea, I heard it was funny.


    You mean singals?

  14. You could take Spanish! ^^




    *Plays Gary's Theme*




    Never heard of him...


    Never saw it. xD


    My state is so defensive about driving. It is hard to get your DI.

  15. But you are from Mass. which has some sweet schools...


    But coming back alive is not fun.


    *Plays Terminator 2 Theme*


    Me too! ^^




    Never heard of that one.


    When are you going to try?

  16. I learned that 3 years ago in Biology. xD


    Wait, I said Tried? I meant killed!


    xD *Plays Ninja Turtles Theme*


    I'm insane abou Pumpkin Pie. xD


    Does John Conner know that Kyle is his father?


    I trying to rememeber another quote.


    I thought you did.

  17. Let's talk about DNA. =P


    You tried killing me several times. Don't lie! =P


    *Plays Thriller* xD


    I want some pumpkin pie. DX


    A Phased-plasma rifle in the forty watt range.


    I love him. He my favorite.


    Don't worry you will get the hang of it.

  18. kaboom!


    MY drivers license! ^^

  19. Why are we even talking about school?


    And I hope you feel the same thing about me...even though you want to kill me. xD


    *Plays Donde Los Ninos Jugaron*


    Alright! I'm going to have a snack!


    True. What did T-600 tried to order at the pawn shop?


    Where is the kaboom? There was supposed to be an earth-shattering kabo

  20. Another month? I would die if my school was like that.


    Yea. xD Though, I glad to have a friend like you.


    Eveyone has diff. tastes.

    *Plays Vamos a la Playa*


    You win the Internet!


    There has to be something that I can beat you.


    Eh, What's up, Doc?


    Emkay, I got something so amazing!

  21. Last day of school! Yay!


    So yea, you proved my point. YOU caused your own friendship.


    *Plays Livin on a Prayer*


    *gives you the gun*


    xD I don't even own Prime Hunters.

  22. Oh hey you are back. Nothing happen much...but you own me for reviving you.


    You are smart indeed. good memory. Though, if you never clicked my profile. None of this would happen. You caused you own friendship! =P


    *Plays a Bon Jovi song*


    Great Emkay you killed BZP.


    And Prime Hunters multiplayer.

  23. *grabs gun and shoots you*


    You should go up to them and saying something like " Hello, I'm Emkay, do like..." I think you were the first one to say hello to me and cause our "friendship" xD


    *wants to play MP3 but doesn't have it* DX


    *destorys BZP*


    You cheated. xD

    Oh yea? I can beat you on MP2 multiplayer Moderator

  24. Stop questioning me! I'm Emkay. Now excuse me, I'm going to play some Metroid Prime and watch Cloverfield.


    No, I did not. Server ate it!

  25. *plays Halo with you*


    It would be more amazing if I had one as a friend! Hard to tell? Yes, I think there's no trans in my town. Why don't you befriend them?


    *Plays The Times They Are A-Changin'*


    xD *starts posting random posts on BZP under your profile*


    Can't you do anything else?


    Stop questioning me!

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