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Everything posted by WhispersAngels

  1. Yes, I can understand.


    I will travel across the land

    Searching far and wide


    =P But then I will have to explain all the scifi themes to her. Like in Terminator, I had to tell her about time traveling, the dangers of it, and paradoxes.


    Yup, Jonny was a pirate.


    Why thank you, I hope you like that angel I drew for you.


    I woul

  2. No, I can't read Emkaylish.


    Da da da.. I want to be the very best thatn no one ever was...


    And I bet seh doesn't want to see a scifif movie on her birthday. xD


    Yup, though his hair didn't match what I though the future Conner will be like.


    I'm very creative like that Clovie I drew for you.


    Any last words?

  3. It's ok. I think so, well, I don't know, all I know is that he has blue hair. Also, congrations! You are a freshman in college.

  4. Clean your inbox or you are going to be the next redshirt who is going to die!

  5. Still, it will take time...lots of it.


    Ahhh? From Blue Version?


    That's is mother's birthday werid...


    But Bale is Batman!


    Nah, the quote is win. Good thing I came up with it.


    Emaky is dead...


    You should see the new one, its amazing.

  6. Chances are like 1 to a million.


    Hmmm, you got anything?


    When is the movie coming out?


    Aww... =(


    Nah, this guy thought it was so funny.


    But I will hug you to death! *hugs* xD


    I found out after the movie. I saw parts of the old one though it looks werid.

  7. huging me or you are going to kill me.


    I never knew there was an old one. I just saw the new one with my cousin.

  8. Imposible que!





    Oh for spying like Markus Wright in Terminator Salvation.


    True, but Tom Hanks is a preety cool nice guy,


    Alright, but you got to agreed that I came up with this quote: Fire hydrants find me smexh or so I like to believe.


    Alright, stop hug

  9. Wait, which season are we singing and did you get my Pms?

  10. Impossible!




    Well, he half-bio. They want him for research.


    But actors have alot of money...


    Hey, you stole my ideas before...


    No hug back? =P


    The new one?

  11. Yea....


    Powers rangers theme song?


    I didn't know about the guy getting infected.


    In the batman movies... =P


    *steals your ideas*


    *gives you a hug*


    Have you seen the The Taking of Pelham One Two Three? I saw it friday.

  12. Then we got a problem. If you don't know who is Washington, you probaly shouldn't been in the class. (inside joke). xD


    New theme song?


    I need more info before I see it.


    Who needs power? When you have money!


    What do you mean? I though of this really late at night!


    *sniffs* Why are you crying?



  13. It's been 3 months and you haven't finish yet?


    I get lost during this part.


    Guess what? I saw the District 9 trailer at threathes and I saw the aliens!


    I recieve more money!


    Two days ago, I got a idea for a story. It involes AI and a guy.





  14. Metroid: Other M yay!

  15. I haven't recieve my test score back yet...


    Who ya gonna call? GHOSTBUSTERS! If you've had a dose of a freaky ghost baby. Ya better call GHOSTBUSTER!


    You did?!


    At least I got supporters like Tom Hanks and Shatner.


    He also tells me not to share my ideas with you.


    *starts crying again*


    How abou

  16. I put Mr. Potato Head.


    GHOSTBUSTERS!If ya all alone pick up the phone and call GHOSTBUSTERS! ---

    Yea, you did.


    Thanks, I need to support my campian, SEED, Stop Emkay's Expensive Drugs.


    He is telling me that the crook is you though I think he is crazy.





  17. It's your name, Emkay...

    ---GHOSTBUSTERS I ain't afraid of no ghosts I ain't afraid of no ghosts Who ya gonna call?



    You threw in bear traps?


    Can I have $100?


    That why I hire a decetive to find that person!


    *starts crying*


    You should.

  18. Do you really need help in the 1st question?


    Who can ya call? GHOSTBUSTERS!


    *throws in some bear traps*


    How much do you make?


    SOME people are stealing my ideas!


    So many bad memories =(


    At least it aint infinty!

  19. Good for humanity? Don't you want humanity to be gone?




    *sets traps around the area*


    xD And then you go to jail?


    I know right? Me and my dumb ideas...


    Why do you have to metion that day?



  20. Really? xD Yea...


    If it's something werid and it don't look good Who ya gonna call? GHOSTBUSTERS!


    In the mean time, I'm going to get an Emkay.


    I bet you make friends with the cops, right?


    I told you long extension cord.


    Want to know how I got these scars?


    So, far I got 256!

  21. I still got to list all 457 reasons.

  22. I really hope you don't admire this: http://www.majhost.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?i=2114691


    I don't know that theme song. Ghostbusters?


    *gives you a butterfly net* You will need it.


    What kind of drugs? Over the counter drugs?


    What if you fall off? xD


    Why so serious?



  23. statement in my profile?

  24. I wasn't attacking you!


    What theme song should we play next?


    I know right!


    Unlike you who tries to sell them to me!


    Why do you have to stay close to your house? Get a really long extension cord!


    Hmm, werid. I meant you are amazing, shouldn't people talk to you?


    Have you notice my state

  25. xD You can go outside and play Metroid.


    Why I am the only guy to post in your profile?

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