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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by Kraahlix

  1. I see what you mean Dorek. It's just that I don't think Greg was planning on reading them anyway... to the best of my knowledge, his involvement with the contest ended after approving the parameters. I could be wrong, but it's likely that he would have been too busy to read them anyway.

    The problem is that they are technically canon, but not being treated as such from the fanbase. And that's fine, I'm not saying it's wrong to do that, I just want it to be the other way around.


    Dorek, while you're here, does that mean you are of the opinion that Memoirs of the Dead would be a waste of time too, since there can't be final confirmation? I hadn't thought of that before. It might be hard to say when we know nothing about it.

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