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Status Updates posted by Lhilertoro

  1. Oh,well.That's sad.

  2. 5001 post,good job.

  3. Congratulation for MoB 2!

  4. You need energized protodermis.

  5. No,the proto drop is a glitch.

  6. Black six said it's a glitch.

  7. Welcome to Bzpower!

  8. That's what I do in the holiday but not for this Christmas because of an exam.

  9. Bob the builder?

  10. He's offline now but he wasn't a moment ago.

  11. I am Lhilertoro or myself. Hear me ..... Lhilertoro?

  12. I like it,it's cool.

  13. I gave you five star,thanks for the Matoro game level six walkthrough,nice banner also.

  14. For what purpose?I don't need him to add me on his friend list.

  15. Thank you,I'll check everyday.

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