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Blog Comments posted by Makaru

  1. You've made many a Festivus reference, but The Holy Grail? Tsk.


    Well. You're tainted cultured now. And that's always a good thing. And you can never fully spoil The Holy Grail, The Meaning of Life and The Life of Brian, because they're so chock full of absurdity, you can't possibly reference it all in one lifetime without re-enacting it from start to finish. And I've tried. It's not easy.


    Oh, that reminds me. See Life of Brian. Do it. You'll be a better person for it. And Jabberwocky. And And Now For Something Completely Different. And so forth.

  2. People are square. That's why they aren't replying. All right, that's not the answer you're probably looking for. And the only thing different that I see with your edits and others [except Biomech. He's a robot] is that among the better ones, they're more colourful. Yours are more dark, and I like that. Because not eveything in Bionicle -or life- is all happy-cheer.


    But if you could squeeze out some more lime green and purple edits, I think you'll be able to please most of the masses. But what do I know? I just know what I like.

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