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Freddy Mallins

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Status Updates posted by Freddy Mallins

  1. im in ur profile feed, postin a message

    1. Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

      Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

      Why would you do that!? >=O

  2. Ever noticed that, in the pic like your ban, those rocks/bushes/obscure obligatory landscape objects look kinda like giant snails? ...is that just me?

    1. iPenguin


      That cannot be unseen.



  3. Hey LO, I'm need some help - do you have any custom-made Toa bodies that I could perhaps get instructions for? I want to MOC a Toa or something similar again, except my only resources are Inika builds and I'm tired of using those, but I can't do anything custom on my own, yet...halp?

    1. BrickPharaoh


      I don't mean to intrude, but I think I have some interesting torso designs that I can show you, that is only if neither you or LO minds :)

  4. 'Oi, need somethin' in particular, or just stoppin' by?

  5. Yeah...I've got nothin'. =P

  6. ♫ When I became the sun, I shone light into the man's heart, When I became the sun, I shone light into the man's HEY! ♫

  7. I'm all for it; it's simple and easy to recolor and use.

  8. I might have someone make a banner for me similar to yours out of some of my stop motion stuff.


  9. Yeah, we're going to, bt we're not sure. Sometimes he limps, sometimes he's fine. I think he has the same problem as I do; our knees/legs pop out of place.

  10. You said you can speak Irish - does that mean Gaelic, or is that just the English dialect of Irish?

  11. Yep. Hey btw, check this out - http://www.mocpages.com/moc.php/176740 Might recognize the spear! =P

  12. How many were in 3 word story or Spam topic? =P

  13. True that. It's a nomal server, right? I don't like PvP or RPing...oh, and I'll have to ask my bro first 'cuz I play on his account and he can't transfer me to my own. It doesn't cost anything extra monthly to have a char on a different server, right?

  14. It's a fun game - the whole object is to keep it as far away from you as possible, then it's actually fun. :P

  15. Thanks for voting #6 in Prelim Poll Hexadecimal. I really wasn't expecting anyone to vote for me, as it was just an observation if Inika-body skeletal designs with a moderate amount of well-looking armor on them would get any attention.

  16. Well, buy-outs on 10. Everybody else's were like...15g on a buyout. It's pretty tight right now. That and my bro's gonna start jacking gold from me for Cold Weather Flying, so I gots to make lots.

  17. Hey, if you're a Colts fan, do you live in Indiana, too? (I hope I'm not the only one =P)

  18. Heya, the Taga Interveiw comic is almost up.....I just need =RD= Kal's sprite upgraded from RayG v1.

  19. What good would that do? Napalm filled ones are used to blow up GMan! Jello....they just attract fat people who lurk around buffet tables...

  20. Lol, I'll have to get some of my guildies to help me with that. Hey btw I added you on Windows Live Messenger; do you use that, any?

  21. 'Tis. Armor and sword collecting aren't the same story, though. Can't even find a good Great Barrel Helm for naught less than 80 dollars, let alone a good blade. That one in my picture is shamefully a display sword. v_v At least it can still bludgeon, though. =P

  22. Cool, that'll save comment space and make it easier to talk. =P

  23. Hey, Ballom. Anything new on your epic MOCs? I can't find the topic anymore...=(

  24. My awesomeness compelled you to go to my profile.

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